At Yumnan High School.

They arrive at the school before its start.Shi Yan quickly goes down from the super cool luxurious Li Shuxian's motorcyle.

'Pant..Pant..I feels like I gonna die earlier!Thank god I alive!Yeah!Alive!...That was so fast!' She glance at Li Shuxian who was take out his helmet from his head.

Li Shuxian look at her.

"How is that?Fun?That's one of my quickest ways if I was late to school."

Shi Yan glare at he with upset face. "..Fun?Did you think it's fun?No!Not fun at all!You are making me exhausted because I can't breath properly!That was very fast!I feels like you are trying to kill me with your riding!"

He looked at Shi Yan and talk with bareface.

"Whoa!Relax,I just joking!Don't be so mad,girl.Actually,I could ride it faster than before.So,it's just normal for me to ride that speed."


Shi Yan just scream in her heart and look at Li Shuxian silently, with her jaw open widely beside him. 'What?! must be crazy!That speed earlier could give me heart attack!How could you can ride it faster than that?If it happens, maybe I'm in hospital now..'

"Hmm?Not believe? can try it now if you like." Li Shuxian suggest to her with his eyebrows up plus cheeky smile.

'Or not..Ah!Forget it..think about it..How could he know this school?!I didn't tell him!!!..Unless..'

Therefore,Shi Yan just realized about something and turn her to shock face with her forefinger point at Li Shuxian suddenly.


Li Shuxian look at her confounded. "Huh?Me?Why?"

Shi Yan answer with her eyes close. " is your name?"

'Please..don't be that guy..if my assumption was true..then I'm truly the idiot person that doesn't realize it at all!If it was wrong,then I'm just thank him and go away!'

"Hmm?My name is..."


The sounds of bell's ringing loudly mix with his talking.

"Guess that I have to go now!Cya girl!See you later!"

After said that,he turn his body back and wave his right hand repeatedly to her.

Shi Yan petrifiy for awhile,then look at he with blink.

"Wait!I didn't hear it!Could you say it again?"

Li Shuxian who was start walking,stopped when he listen to the Shi Yan's shouted.

"It's Li..."


The bell's ringing for twice,be a sign of the school was about to start.


Shi Yan look at the bell and bite her lips. 'Damn you bell!You were intrude me!I didn't heard what does he said!'

When she look at Li Shuxian again,he's walking away from her.

'Well..he thought that I heard it..but I didn't at all..Looks like I need to make him speak again..Uhh...'

She askance at him while thinking. 'Talk or not?Hmm..Would I talk to him?Or..forget it?Talk or not?Ahh!!!Just talk!'

"Ahem..excuse me..could you speak your name again,please?"

Li Shuxian walk straight to the corridor behind them.It looks like he didn't heard it..

'Ahh!..shame me!He didn't heard it!Just forget it!' Shi Yan gave up and turn her body to walk away..

When she start to turn her body,she saw something at Li Shuxian's clothes. 'Oh?What is that?I think that I have saw his cloth,but where?When?Hmm..better I ask!'

Shi Yan goes to Li Shuxian before he disappear from her sight.

"Hey!Hey you!Please wait!Stop!"

Li Shuxian who was heard it, askance at where was the voice came from. "Huh?What's the matter?"

Shi Yan gaze at Li Shuxian's calm face like there was no problems in his life.That made she feels indecisive about her thoughts to him.. 'Ahh!That face!My eyes!My eyes hould not see them!Too pure!But..But my instinct told me that I've saw his clothes and how he walked!Even his hair style looked familar!Would my instinct was false?But how come it was false?'

After that, Li Shuxian realize that Shi Yan's gazed at him too long without blink her eyes.He even saw the expression on her face seems so puzzle like there was something wrong about him.

"Hey?Are you alright?You didn't looked well right now.Your face looks like seeing a ghost, you know?Come on, just say it."

At last,Shi Yan aware from her thinking after Li Shuxian spoke. "I..Uhh..nothing..."

"No need to hesitate.Just talk to me.I'm okay with you start to like me b..."  Li Shuxian just want to said it,but Shi Yan rapidly cut his line when she listened the word 'liking me'.

"Huh?!What nonsense did you pick about?No way I like you!I just thinking what is your name!" With upset face, Shi Yan said that with uneasy feeling.

"Woah!Wait a minute, I didn't finish my talking yet.I just want to say that do you start to liking me been as your a new friend or not.That's all.Though,I already said my name to you, is it?"

After Li Shuxian said that,he stare at Shi Yan's face.He just smirk to her but actually in his heart,he felt so relieved. 'Pfftt!I'm about to said to her as your bodyguard!Lucky me that she doesn't realize it!Haha!I like teasing her like this!Just look at her red face like an apple.She looks very interesting!'

Meanwhile,Shi Yan's side.


Shi Yan just silent and shout from her conscience. 'Ahhh!!!Where do I've to put my face?!This is so embarrassing!I felt so ashamed!I should watch my mouth next time!By the way, what did he meant as a new friends?I didn't accept you as a friend yet!Nah,nevermind about that.Thankfully he send me to school today..Ah!That question!That attitude!I want to ask he about how he know this school and what is his name!I'm very curious about that!'

"Well..sorry,if I hurt you.I didn't meant to hurt you.Then,better I should go.I'm late now."

"Wait!'s okay.That is my fault too, though.I'm sorry for my mistake.I'll not do that again.I promise.Also,for your name, I didn't heard it.If you don't feel heavy-hearted,could you speak your name..again?" Shi Yan asked him quickly before he go again.

Li Shuxian just reply to her shortly. "Alright,as you wish."

Thereafter,he continue his speech with serious face. "This time I'll say it beside your ears so I don't need to speak it again."

Even though it sounds like he don't want to repeat it,actually its has a deep meaning.What does Li Shuxian meant is,'I knew that you couldn't heard my name earlier because of the bell was rang,so this time I'll say it beside your ears so you can hear it.'


He walk to Shi Yan slowly,his mouth goes to Shi Yan's ears and speak softly.



The bell's ringing at the same time when he speak his name.

After he said that,Li Shuxian smile broadly to her when he saw the face of 'shocking Shi Yan'.He flick Shi Yan's forehead with his finger and start to talk.

"Heard it?Well, as your promise to me a while ago,meet me at the school's rooftop when lunch!Ah!Your hairpin looked very nice.See you later, silly girl!"

Shi Yan stunned for awhile with her jaw drops and her eyes open widely.After Li Shuxian go,she shriek and touch her face with her hands.She feels that her face turned hot as burning fire.



Happy Chinese New Year to Shi Yan and Li Shuxian!Oh!to their beloved family and friends too!By the way,I'm looking forward to their love-story!When will Shi Yan know about Li Shuxian?Who is this Fang Xuedao?Oh!Looks like Shi Yan's past gotta be reveal!What had happened in the Middle School?What makes Shi Yan change her personality?Did Shi Yan have met him in the past?Oh!The Lantern Festival gonna be coming!Can't wait to see!Oof!Too many things to be reveal!Catch up and stay tune!