The next day morning.

"Ahhh…It so refreshes waking up today."

Shi Yan wriggled her body as she woke up from her bed.

After some while, she goes to the toilet to take a bath.


Some minutes later…

*Click! *

"Oof…so refreshing!" Shi Yan smiles while wiping her hair with the towels.

Then, she prepares to wear school clothes and get ready for school.

She sang a random song while combing her long, dark black and brown hair. "Sometimes it lasts for love, but sometimes it hurts instead – La la la la la -"

After she got ready, she carried her bag under her back.

"Time to go to school!"

Out of nowhere, Shi Yan suddenly got a positive energy, not knowing what awaited her. 

Shi Yan goes out of her bedroom. She greeted her father downstairs, who was sitting on the sofa while reading a newspaper.

"Dad, good morning!" Shi Yan smiled happily at her father.

Shi Xiao, who was drinking tea and reading a newspaper, was shocked by the sudden appearance of his daughter. "Oh my! My daughter, you just gave me a heart attack!"

Well, fortunately, the tea wasn't spilt out of the teacup.

"Hehehe!" Shi Yan just giggled at him.

Shi Xiao gives her a thin smile. "Good morning, my daughter. How was your night of sleep yesterday? All good?" He asked her some questions.

"Yes, father. I was sleep very well yesterday! Thanks to you!" Shi Yan nodded repeatedly and grinned her teeth, revealing a cheeky smile.

"What? I didn't do anything, though?" Shi Xiao felt odd.

"Well, maybe because Dad has the power to give me a feeling of safety!" Shi Yan teased her father.

Shi Xiao just shook his head. "Shi Yan, what are you talking nonsense about? I don't have any power at all."

Shi Yan was laughing at his father's behaviour, who treated his naughty behaviour. "Aww, Dad! I only want to tease you! Hahaha!"

"Oh? Hahaha! It seems like that. You really are my daughter, then." Shi Xiao teased his daughter back.

"Aww! Dad!"

The two father and daughter talk actively about other things while eating breakfast.

Dad was the best when he cooked! Another level of the MasterChef world!


After eating breakfast, Shi Yan helps her father wash the dishes.


* Pin! Pin! Pin! *

A honk from the motorbike was suddenly heard.

"What? What was that?" Shi Yan was curious.

Shi Xiao looked at his smartphone and spoke. "Oh! It seems 'he' is already here."

"What? Who's it, dad?" Shi Yan asked her father while trying to see outside from the kitchen's windows.

"Well? Who do you think is it if not your bodyguard?" Shi Xiao asked his daughter back.

"Wait, what???"


Shi Yan is dumbfounded.

"Don't I tell you before? I will protect you from all of any cost." Shi Xiao utters his words again.


Daddy was in a very protective mode!

'Well…It can't be helped, though. For the safety of myself, too.' Shi Yan just accepted it without throwing any tantrums.

She nodded slowly. "Alright, Dad."


They went out to the front yard of the house. It looked like a man riding a supermotorbike was waiting for them.

"Uncle Xiao!"

Hearing that man calling for him, Shi Xiao smiled at him. "Little Shuxian! Good to see you here. It looks like you haven't forgotten your duty."

Li Shuxian, who had opened his helmet, revealed his black hair and handsome face. With his blue eyes sparkling and shining, his red lips curl up and make a smile.

"Hahaha! Uncle, I have made a promise to you, right? How come I can forget about it? I already made a schedule for guarding your daughter."

While saying that, he smiled nicely at the Shi Xiao and glanced at the Shi Yan, giving her a cheeky smile.

Shi Yan, who was feeling satirized, was upset for no reason. 'He means it to me, huh? Damn, that annoying guy!' Her face was red because of upset.

But she was still silent about it. 'Can't. Dad was here, so I cannot let Dad know I have a problem with this guy.' So she stood silently like a doll while watching the two guys talk.

'I don't know what the topic they talked about.'

She was dumbfounded.


"Li Shuxian, remember to protect and look for her!" Shi Xiao reminded Li Shuxian to remind him for the umpteenth time.

Li Shuxian nodded and smiled. "Yes, Uncle Xiao. I have remembered it."

"Shi Yan, take care of yourself too. Don't forget to eat well." Shi Xiao hugged his daughter, reminding her too.

"Alright, Dad. I will get going now with him." Shi Yan returns the hug and glances at Li Shuxian. She makes an upset face to him. 'Yeah, I'm going with this annoying naughty guy here.'

Shi Yan held the edge of Li Shuxian's shirt and rode his supermotorbike that had been waiting for her. 

Meanwhile, Li Shuxian helps Shi Yan to wear a pink helmet for her safety while chuckling. 'I see that it suits her very well?'

'What?' Shi Yan just stunned into silence while blinking her eyes when seeing the guy in front of her smile cheekily.

'No! Dad was here, you must be patient, myself.' She whispered to herself.

After that, he wore his black helmet on his head and started the motorbike engine. He feels weird because Shi Yan was too silent and followed his instructions.

"Little Shuxian! Take care of Shi Yan!" Shi Xiao shouts out from behind them.


Li Shuxian just smiled quietly without Shi Yan realizing. 'Ah, I see. You are really behaving in front of your father. Now I know the reason why you are so obedient.'

"Yes, Uncle Xiao!" He glances at Shi Yan's father while nodding.

Shi Yan waved at her father, Shi Xiao and smiled. "Goodbye, Father!"

"Yes, goodbye, Shi Yan and Little Shuxian. You two take care too at school!" Shi Xiao nodded as she returned her daughter's wave with a smile.


After that, Li Shuxian continued to accelerate his motorcycle at a moderate speed limit. Shi Yan was surprised and then grabbed Li Shuxian's shoulder because she was worried about falling off the motorcycle.

Shi Xiao just laughed and shook his head when looking at their behaviour. He then entered his house while smiling.


Shi Yan felt that she was going to fly in the wind because the motorcycle that she was riding on was getting faster. 


Shi Yan screamed as loud as she could because the sound of the wind was too loud around her.

"Haha!" Li Shuxian just chuckled and increased the speed of his motorbike while being careful riding.


"Hey!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!!"

Shi Yan feels angry at him. 'You are a really crazy guy!'



After a few minutes…


Shi Yan was still screaming until she fell silent because she felt that it was useless. She realized her scream only made Li Shuxian add the super motorbike speed higher.

'It was no use to shout out anymore…. He..He didn't listen to it!'

Yes, Shi Yan felt like she was getting crazy from Li Shuxian's behaviour.