The Meeting

It had been a long time since I ever relaxed, a long time since I thought about anything other than work. Becoming a full-time photographer kept me busier than I ever imagined. I've been a landscape photographer for the Outdoor Photography magazine for three years now and I loved it more than anything, until one day it all changed..."Octavia....Octavia! I need you to concentrate right now Octavia. You have to have those photos to me by the end of the week." "Yes sir, I'm sorry I'll get them to you as soon as I can!" My boss had been breathing down my back for weeks now, for the past month our magazines haven't been sold as much. Due to our rival company selling a billion dollar piece, they have gotten so much attention and we well we fell short. "Now I am planning a trip to Finland for another photo shoot but only the best of the best will go. I need the best photos, unique photos!" My boss was livid, and he would never be the same until we were back on top.

After the meeting had ended everyone hurried back to their offices to dig out their best work. Not one person in the office needed to prove to Mr. Williams they had talent and dedication like me. I sat down at my desk planning to take a road trip to find a new landscape to photograph. As I made my plans my phone rang, and it was no other than my dear sister Erica. "Hey Octavia, how are you, still working?" "I'm good Erica and you know I'm always working." Erica was not only my sister but my best friend the person I went to for everything and anything. Her long red hair and bright green eyes made her seem so sweet and kind, but she was more so the opposite. "You shouldn't work yourself so hard sis. Come out with me tonight and have a drink I promise you'll have fun." "The last time you said that I was sitting at the bar alone while you danced with random guys." "Okay well it will be different I promise!" The words "I promise" rolled off her tongue like always and yet again I knew I was setting myself up for disappointment.

Later that night my sister and I head to the club, sitting at a bar while my sister dances away with some out of town guitarist I sip down my drink while thinking about work. Not knowing what to do or how to go about it I sigh and tries to relax. As I look around the club, I see a tall handsome guy with black hair staring at me his sharp piercing blue eyes locked on me, but why? It's like he was mesmerizing everything about me in just one look he stood tall as people gathered around him, but he never took his eyes off me. I spun around and gulped my drink down before ordering another. "I'll have a fireball shot and the drink for this beautiful lady is on me." I turn at the sound of his voice and there he was staring at me as his smile spread across his face. His blue eyes locked on mine it felt as if I was staring straight into the ocean and for a moment I was lost. "Uh n-no! That's really not necessary but thank you...." His smile widened as he took the seat next to me and waited for his shot. Every now and then I felt his eyes on me as if he was just watching me and I didn't mind I felt nervous and wanted. "You look beautiful by the way." "Thank you! You look very handsome." "I'm Sinclair." "Octavia."

After an hour I started to realize Erica was way passed wasted, so I helped her into my car and Sinclair followed to make sure we both were okay. "So when can I see you again?" "I don't believe this was a date." "Well most of the night we spent with each other, had a few drinks. Sounds like a date to me." We both laughed and for a moment I stared at him smiling just admiring how charming he was and the way he made me feel, the way he looked at me and I cherished every second. "Give me your phone." "Woah are you robbing me!? Do I need to call for help!?" I laughed more as he handed me his phone and I typed my number in before saying goodbye and going home.

A few days later I sat at home drinking a glass of wine and editing my pictures when I got a phone call from an unknown number. "Hello?" "Hey Octavia, this is Sinclair from the club the other night." I smiled as I heard his deep mesmerizing voice come through the phone, intimidating yet gentle and loving. "Hello Sinclair, it's really nice to hear from you." "I'm sorry I left you waiting for so long. I was wondering if you'd like to join for dinner tonight at my place?" "Oh o-of course...." "Great I'll send you the address, see you soon!" Is this really happening, what was I thinking when I said yes!? I looked over at the time trying to decide if this is a good idea and before I knew it, I was standing in front of a mansion. "Wow...." What was I doing here, why was I standing in front of a strangers home ready to have dinner!? I stood there admiring the beautiful mansion, making my way up the stairs as my eye catching silver heels clanked up the stairs. I stood there at the door debating once more.

I looked down at my short red silk dress and the way it showed my curves off the way it made my body flawless. What was I trying to do, questioning myself once more I turn to leave until I heard his voice. "Octavia? Where are you going?" I stop myself in my tracks feeling a bit embarrassed I put on a fake smile and slowly turns around. "I just left my phone in my car, but I guess it will be fine." He stepped aside, and I walked into the high class mansion, looking around at all the unique art and I could tell he admired the work. "Wow you have a beautiful home here Sinclair." "Thank you!" He gently put his hand on my lower back as he led me into the dining hall. The feeling of his strong hands on me made me feel relaxed and dreamy. Once we got into the dining hall, he gently pulled out my chair to sit. I took a long look around the luxurious dining hall as I took a seat.

I looked around admiring the angelic decorations I couldn't help but stare for a while. "I'm glad you like my home so much, but I'd really like to know more about you." I quickly looked down meeting his gaze and I smiled awkwardly. "I'm sorry and thank you so much for inviting me to dinner." "You don't have to thank me Octavia it's a pleasure to have you here. Tell me a bit about yourself." "Well I'm 20 and I'm a full time photographer." "A photographer? What do you specialize in?" "Landscape traveling is a constant thing for me I never really think about anything other than work." "Yet I got you out with me on a Saturday night." A smile slowly spread across my face as I look into his eye. I was so fascinated with the way he looked at me with such desire and gentleness. "Mr. Russell dinner is ready." "Please please bring it in." A few maids carried in two plates sitting one in front of myself and Sinclair. "Thank you!" "You're very welcome Miss would you like some wine?" "Yes please." I watched as one maid filled my wine glass with some red wine then nodded and left the room. The room fell silent as I watched Sinclair start to eat. I looked down at my food beautiful plated and a flavorful smell to go along with it.

I slowly picked up my knife and fork then started to eat savoring every bite at the same time of feeling a bit awkward. "So, Octavia I'd really like it if I could see you more often." "Well you seem like a busy man Mr. Russell." He smirked as I said him name, once again flashing that charming smile my way. "You don't have to call me that Sinclair is fine." I smiled softly at his kindness and I couldn't help but see how generous and sexy he was. We finished dinner after a while of getting to know each other on the way of walking to the door he stopped me and looked into my eyes. "I really enjoyed tonight...."

His eyes were filled with lust and I couldn't help but find myself starting at his big kissable lips. He snickered as he noticed, and he grabbed my chin lifting it slowly, so our eyes locked again. He slowly leaned down and placed a deep wet kiss on my lips. I stood there shocked for a minute knowing I shouldn't fall for a man I just met, slowly closing my eyes I sunk into his arms and kissed back. Our kiss slowly got more and more passionate as our tongues danced together and he wrapped his strong arms around me. His hand trails down my back to my legs as he lifted me up and wrapped them around his waist. He carried me to the couch and laid me down before looking down on me I felt so intimidated and helpless. I looked up into his eyes and watched him take his suit off before another long passionate kiss....