How It All Went Wrong

The air was filled with the smell of medicine, families gathered around waiting for the news of loved ones. Some crying tears of joy and sadness as I walked passed with Sinclair, I held his hand tightly. I never liked the hospital it was a place that I always hated. A few years ago, my mother was going through a surgery and was given too much anesthesia. I lost my mother and I'd never forget or forgive anyone who had caused such a thing.

We walked into the waiting area with the rest of Sinclair's friends and family. "It's gonna be okay Sin." He looked back and forth down the hall waiting for the doctor and as soon as he came in sight Sinclair quickly stood and looked at the doctor. "How is he!?" He's stable but he's in bad condition. He is awake if you'd like to go back." Sinclair quickly nodded, and I followed them to his brother's room. The room was lightly dimmed as we entered and he brother laid there hooked up to machine after machine. "Little Sin." He smiled even at a time like this and I truly admired it. "Ky…what happened to you?" He looked over at me as if it was a secret and Sinclair followed his gaze. "Ahh just in the wrong place at the wrong time." "Octavia can you please give me time alone with my brother?" "Sinclair I ju-""please." I looked into his eyes and nodded as I walked out of the room.

I stood against the wall feeling helpless, watching everyone come up and down the halls made me very uncomfortable and upset. Being in a place like this only brought back so many hurtful memories I could understand what Sinclair was going through. After a while Sinclair walked out of the room angrily walking towards the guys and knew what he was doing. "Sinclair stop!" "Back off Octavia." "Don't make this mistake this isn't who you are you ar- ", he shoved me against the wall. "You have no idea who I am! Don't you dare try to act like you know everything about me! Why don't you just fuck off and fuck another random dude who talks to you at the bar!" I looked into his eyes as he yelled at me and I had truly seen the evil inside of him. The fear he casted upon others the hatred and anger in his eyes. I stood there looking at him for a moment and as the tears started coming, I pulled away and ran down the hall. "Octavia wait! I'm sorry!" I heard him calling after me, but I couldn't stop if I did, I would have fell to the ground. My body felt numb as I ran down the hall, the words played like an echo in my head. Why was he so cruel why did he have to hurt me and be the asshole I thought he was!?

When I finally made my way out of the hospital I jumped into the nearest cab and went home. I never wanted to see him again I couldn't believe I fell for someone who would say such things to me. My heart was broken, and I couldn't think of anything but his face. The look he gave me as he yelled like I was the most disgusting thing he'd ever seen. It only made me sob harder and harder until I got home, I made my way up the stairs and threw myself into bed where I fell into a deep sleep. Hours later I woke up and I knew just the person I needed to talk to and before I knew it, I was in a coffee shopping sitting across from Erica. It was so good to let my worries out I felt relieved to to have someone to listen to me. I caught her up on everything that had happened in the last few weeks and for a moment she just stared at her coffee.

"Octavia you can't be with someone like that I hope you realize that now." "I do I just don't understand why he acted like he cared so much then just totally flipped a switch to become a different person." She sighed and shook her head at me, "That's his brother Octavia you can't expect him to be okay after someone put him in the hospital." "That doesn't mean I should expect him to go out wanting to kill someone or say those things to me." She nodded her head in an understanding way before sipping her coffee and changing the subject. "How was your trip?" "Really good it was nice to have a different scenery for a while I got some awesome shots now it's just up to Mr. Williams." She smiled at me blissfully as we continued talking completely taking my mind off my horrible day.

After an hour we said goodbye and I headed home. I took a much-needed calming shower and then I sunk into bed while turning on the television. 'Gang shooting six dead and three injured' watching the story show up I knew what happened I knew it was Sinclair and his boys. I fell for a murderer and there was no escaping him. I sat there reminiscing on everything that happened until I slowly drifted to sleep. KNOCK KNOCK KCOCK. As I woke up to a loud knocking at the door I slowly sat up and looked over my at my clock. '1:36AM' Who could possibly be knocking on my door at this hour? I slowly pulled my limp body out of bed and down the stairs "I'm coming !!" I opened the door to find my sisters body laying there bloody as she was unconscious. "Erica! Erica!" I kneeled and shook her as hard as I could her cold body sent shivers down my spine and I rushed inside to call the police.

Flashing lights of red and blue filled the area as we rode in the back of an ambulance. I couldn't process what was going on I couldn't lose my sister. Once again sitting in this gloomy place watching others worry but this time, I was the one worrying. After avoiding this place for so many years I was the one who could lose the person I loved most. It was only an hour later when the doctor walked out, and I could see it in his eyes. "I'm really sorry but your sister didn't make it. She just lost too much blood." I felt my body grow cold every moment I ever shared with her flashed before my eyes. Someone has taken the only person who cared about me and I'll never get her back. My sister was gone, and it was all of Sinclair's fault, slowly sitting down in the lobby I felt miserable and powerless. All I could do was let my tears roll down my cheek silently. After a few minutes I stood and quickly made my way out of the hospital and before I knew it, I found myself standing in front of Sinclair's mansion.

With all my might I banged on the door furiously repeatedly until he opened the door and I punched him in his face. Unable to contain my emotions I let it all out on him. "It's your fault!! It's all because of you!! She'd be alive if it wasn't for you!!" My first felt so heavy as I beat him over and over until he grabbed me and held me in his arms as I sobbed. He held me so close to his chest it made me feel calm and safe, but it only angered me more. "Sh-she's dead beca-...because of you." I couldn't help but slowly fall in the floor as my legs grew weak and Sinclair held me all the way to the floor as I gripped his shirt. "Tell me what's going on Octavia please." "You and your stupid gang got my sister killed you all are heartless people and all because I fell for someone as stupid as you your enemies killed my sister!" He looked at me as the news started to settle in, "Octavia I didn't know.

I simply pulled away from him and I stood, walking out I couldn't stop the tears they came as if someone was draining them all out and that person was Sinclair. The wind was blustery, and the air was crisp as it hit my face and legs. Nothing but black filled my vision, as I looked down trying to escape the scene I was only confronted by my short black dress and my black heels. I took a deep breath and looked up, but the clouds were dark and gloomy, everything felt so dull so draining. The happiness and cheer had disappeared as my friends and family gathered around my sister's coffin.

Her boyfriend David held me as I cried and after a few minutes I walked over and put a dozen roses on the top. I placed my hand on the freezing cold coffin, suddenly a huge gust of wind came by as I placed my hand and it felt like Erica was saying goodbye. I forced a very small smile across my face and wiped my tears as I walk back over to David. We slowly walked away as everyone placed their flowers and followed. My sister was being put to rest, but nothing would ever be the same again...