
Jon felt a sudden pressure around him, it had been intensifying every so often now with each attempt.

("Ow!. getting squished again!.. Guess my "mother" is about to push out her new favorite son..

Wait am I even a son??... Yes! I am!... wow I really am. For a moment I thought I was holding onto the umbilical cord there...")

("My son down there is a bit too big is it not?... I'm just a baby... Its hard to see though, I can only see some vague outlines and shapes. Wait how can I even see this much. It should be completely dark inside a womb. At least I have gotten used to the constant loud sound I deduced was my mother's heartbeat.")

Another intense pressure surrounded him.

("Aargh! there's another squish. How long does a birth normally take?

I guess this is gonna take hours.

Hmm. I hope I won't die during birth, or my mother dies...

Will someone do a cesarean?

Then it would not take that long I guess, are there even doctors present, I could be born anywhere in the world!!! Depending on the technological level!. I can see I have hands and feet and a human body, so I know I'm not reincarnating as an animal.")

("Aargh! Again that squishing! A+ for effort mother! But ow!")

Once more his body was pushed hard from all sides when suddenly he could feel the umbilical cord, he had made sure was not around his own neck suddenly was no longer connected to the walls surrounding him.

("wait the umbilical cord just snapped?!... They are not supposed to snap, are they?... It actually more like it suddenly let go of the womb wall... that was weird... Wait... Light?... Aargh it's bright!! I am already out? Ow what was that!!")

He was pushed out, his senses bombarded with new sensations, no longer warm and comfortable, it was chilly and he landed on something hard and cold. When he felt something push him hard. Then came that sensation of brief flight again!

Jon rolled along a rough surface, he was stunned briefly from the sudden impact from whatever it was that pushed him. He shook it off, feeling he was lying on something cold and rough. he curled up into a ball and began to try and cough, each cough sending out a viscous liquid from his mouth, he drew in a gasp of air.

After wiping his eyes he could see no lights, but despite that, he could still see clear shapes and sense that there was someone close to him, but he was not between legs as expected, or doctors hands holding him...

("I must have been kicked accidentally?.. that explains the sudden pain I felt when I was pushed out I guess...

he managed to turn his head weakly to look behind from where he had been pushed. He could see the lower half of a woman lying on the ground naked. Evidence of her having given birth was clear. Not a sight Jon was pleased to see, no sight a son should see. He looked around and no one else was here, no doctors or nurses. No family members. Was she all alone?

("I hope she is alright.. she is not moving? my new mom already dead?.. please do not be dead... I do not want to be alone.")

Jon tried to speak. but he only managed to cough out a bit more liquid mass, helping him take better breaths, he thought it odd how he could do that. Were babies not normally weak at first and required a lot of help. He had managed to clear his throat and even more impressively turn his head to look. He could even move his arms so they had a slight effect on his movement albeit only a little.

One of his mothers legs curls up, reacting from the noise he made, the other leg following up. She slowly curled up in a ball. He could barely hear her make some noises. But now his main worry was elated.

(Oh.. she is alive good phew.. why is no one here to help us during this time, where is "here" even, I better look around?)

Jon turned his head to look around, he managed to put his hands down and roll, when he noticed his hands for the first time. His nails... They were black. But more importantly, he had only 4 fingers.

("What.. What am I?? Everything is grayish black tones. I cannot make out colors with my sight..")

He tried to push up of the ground to look down his body when he was shocked even further!!

("Wait! I got three legs?!.. Oh, wait no. Two legs... OK, I just needed to bend my legs out... That 'third' leg was something else...

That's a tad too large... how will I be able to walk with that between my legs. and my feet..also much larger than normal.. black nails too... Why is my body already so defined. Are babies not weak little balls of weakness?")

Noticing more differences with his body, he did not feel as weak as he would expect a baby to feel. He could not get up and walk yet, but he could move by crawling on his arms and elbows. He turned his head after trying to look around, he seemed to be inside a cave?? He coughed once more when he noticed his mother make a movement, reacting from the cough.

("... Wait is my new mother crying?... Oh there are other people here... I can just barely make out other women lying down a bit further away")

The room he was in, was a small cavernous room. Only one door that was covered by something not made of rock perhaps wood. it was messy and dirty inside the room, there were small chunks laying everywhere and blood on the floor.

His senses said that this place was horribly filthy, but his body did not recoil or gag from it. As he looked around he could tell there were 5 women lying up near the wall furthest away from the entry point into the room. They were all making small sounds of breathing, the only one making noises was his new mother.

("I have to make sure she is ok. Also... I am hungry... I have in fact never been this hungry... but I just want to make sure she is ok for now. And also to make sure she knows I am alive... So she hopefully can take care of me...")

He began to crawl slowly towards his mother. It is amazing how mobile he was, being this young...

He was pretty sure babies are normally just rag-dolls the first bit of their life.. but he could move himself. If only slowly though..

He slowly managed to make it past her legs up to her knees. He tried to lean against her knees as he was trying to get a better view of her. To look past her arms she has curled around herself.

Instantly he was knocked back and grabbed, he felt himself fly through the air and then slam into something hard. All the wind was knocked out of his lungs and his body was wracked with pain. He barely managed to lift his head and look back at his mother's location.

She was not sitting up slightly, her hand was stretched out towards his location, her breathing incredibly ragged as she was trying her hardest to stay upright on her elbow.

("Wait?! She threw me away?! Why would you do that mother?!..")

She is completely disheveled. Her extremely long hair is a mess around her.

Her body would be amazing with fairly large breasts and good curves...

But it is much to thin, she looks like she has been starving for a while.

And she has several scars around on her body. Covered in the filth in the room and dry bloodstains.

Her eyes staring at Jon, it was the only light in the room, those two eyes. They have been crying for a long time. Dark rims around them showing how worn out she is...

But wait... Light.. yes.. there are literal lights in her eyes?. Purple.. how can he tell her eyes are purple?. Everything else is grayish dark tones... But her eyes are a clear purple color. Jon surmised he must be able to see in the dark, and so must she, she was looking straight at Jon, her face grimaced staring hate and death at him.

Jon was shocked, his eyes widened, the state of her and the rejection and pain she inflicted on him.

The sudden realization he was still alone.. even in a brand new life...

("I feel like crying. I cannot cry. Don't cry... I know I am a baby now... But … I do not want to cry...")

Jon hung his head down. Closing his eyes. Giving a slight sob. But no tears fell from his eyes.

Suddenly he heard a slight sudden change in her breath. It was raspy from her exertion of throwing me away and sitting up so she could focus her hate into me with her stare. But now she was silent holding her breath.

He looked back up, slowly opening his eyes, she is looking at me with a shocked look.

"Whui are cín hend ú- naru??" [Mother]

Jon blinked, what did she say, he sat up and gave her an odd look at her as she stares back at him, her mouth opened in stunned silence.

Jon was about to try and speak again but then...

[Elven language unlocked!]

("Wait what the hell????")