Chapter 4 : Realisation

Jon woke up feeling warm and safe, his eyes still remaining closed, he felt he was wrapped up in the same feeling of golden light surrounding he had experienced before, not wanting to fully wake up and having to get out of his bed.

("Bed... wait.. what happened last night - The date...then.. TRUCK!") [Jon]

As Jon was thinking this to himself nuzzled into his safe and comfy place, his eyes opened wide, as the last nights events flashes before his mind. He instantly tried to look around and instantly he realized he was caught!

He was locked in a tight grip by two arms, all of his body trapped save one arm and his head which was pressed between something soft and warm, staring around trying to get a grip of his situation. His mind quickly cleared out of the odd stupor he was in, this was the best nights worth of sleep he ever had in fact but did not still feel sleepy, his mother the elven woman was holding him in a tight embrace. She on the other hand was deep in sleep, at least it seemed like it, her eyes were closed and she breathed steadily and calmly.

She clearly seemed to be doing a lot better, quite odd Jon pondered how she must have gotten a major boost to her willpower, somehow she was able to regain her spirit and strength due to sheer will? He tried to struggle a little against the arms and hands holding him, without trying to wake his mother but gave up, as he was straining with it he noticed something strange. His hand was bigger now, compared to yesterday he was not this big, the delicate elven fingers were still comparatively much bigger but now there was a stark difference.

("..Did I really grow this much.. during one night?..")

Jon thought to him self as he looked at his one hand that was free, the muscles were a lot more defined, and the nails – no not nails – claws.. Black sinister sharp little claws. He had grown at least twice in size over night?!

("This does not make any cannot just suddenly grow that much without food and water??.. and I was starving last night... wait I'm not as hungry any more")

Contemplating how this was possible he looked around trying to see what could have happened when he suddenly bumped his head into two big clues to what could have helped with his situation.

("...Don't tell me.... In my sleep I ….")

His eyes opens wide, looking at the magnificently sized pair of bosom on either side of him, seemingly very clean of any dirt as if someone had made sure to clean the bits around the, yeah sure they were a prize example of a good pair of breasts! But there has to be a limit – he grew so much in one night! Something has to be missing from the equation!

Breathing in a panicky way, he tried to figure a way out of this death grip he was in, if this woman woke up now. Even despite how they had a precious moment last night, where they both sought out comfort and caring from each other, through sheer eye contact and holding hands as they drifted off to sleep. No matter how much that had made her feel ok with him being near her..

("..She will murder me when the first thing she notices is the, now considerably larger clawed baby? who has a obvious milk mustache on his lips, in her arms!. There is no way to explain it away! I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN IT IF I HAD THE CHANCE!!") [Jon]

He squirmed in her arms as he desperately tried to pull his other hand free from hers. When suddenly he heard a weird sound mingled in with sobs from somewhere in the room. He instantly stopped squirming, his ears peeking up and his eyes focusing at the location where the sound was originating from.

One of the other occupants in the room was lying, right next to him and his mother, facing away from them. The crying woman was trying to shuffle away from something in front of her, the sobs turning into quiet squeaks of fear as she tried to roll away from what ever was making the odd sound.

"Gob..Glek" [???]

("Gob.. Glek??") [Jon]

[Goblin Language Unlocked!]

Jon gasped loudly as he saw the [Menu] text pop up in front of him, the word GOBLIN right in front of him, as his eyes locked onto that word. The woman trying to roll away finally managed to do so, rolling over to face him and on her chest was a small humanoid baby looking creature, holding on with tiny dark claws leaving small claw marks on the woman's skin as it held onto her chest before biting/sucking down on her exposed breast, in a not so gentle way, causing the woman to squeak out again. Clearly the most she could muster with her diminished strength.

Witnessing this tiny dark skinned creature latched onto this poor woman, his thoughts instantly went to his own hands and the dark skin and nails. His mind struck by the horrid realization.

("...i am a goblin... and.. my mother is a elf... No. then.. no wonder she was terrified of me last night... Goblins are the enemies of all good creatures in fantasy!?... of course.. ") [Jon]

He shook his head as his thoughts despaired, focusing on the tiny creature that was completely still and content with draining what nourishment it could, but still it would scratch with its claws seemingly just out of spite or a urge to cause harm.

The eyes of the goblin were red and its mouth had small jagged teeth, Jon moved his hand up to his mouth and felt the same sharp fangs, though his teeth also had normal teeth, as opposed to the goblin in front of him that had all jagged teeth in its horrid grin of a mouth. Its ears were large and long, with its earlobes being larger than it should be for its size.

("..born with fangs.. and claws...and why is it so...violent.. it does not need to claw her chest like it is. its just doing it to cause pain") [Jon]

Jon felt his own ears while thinking and they were large too, but thinner and no excessive amount of earlobe as this goblin. Realizing he was clearly different than this goblin. He turned his eyes to look at his mother who was somehow still sleeping. When suddenly with a dissatisfied sound the goblin baby released its mother? And looked right into Jon's eyes, then shifting its glare to the much larger pair of bosoms Jon is nestled in between before sporting a vicious toothy greedy grin and crawling towards him...

(".....Oh....I do not think so buddy!!! These are mine!! - Eh I mean! This is my mother!!!") [Jon]