
The goblin in armor and furs walked in - as he left enough room for the goblins outside to get in they spilled in around him, leaping inside. Some of them carrying baskets/buckets. Some carrying a charred dead animal. One of them a slightly taller and a lot more skinny than the regular goblin walked up to the first big goblin who stood above them all by one head taller at least.

"Gegege boss! can we have fun with them this time Gegege! yes?! yes?! I wants to breed them too!!!" (skinny goblin)

The Boss goblin stared at Jon and Mercia still, only breaking his stare on hearing the goblin beside him, he then swung his hand down onto the skinny goblin sending it slamming into other goblins that were carrying baskets, knocking them all down sprawling on the ground. They all quickly got up on their feet and stepped away from the skinny goblin, who was sitting up against the wall, holding onto its face and jaw that seemed to have been dislocated. The goblins were all getting exited and cheering at the sudden activity, pointing and laughing at the skinny goblin.

"..." (goblin boss)

The boss approached the goblin that was moaning in pain and promptly kicked with full force into the head of the goblin against the wall, a sickening crunch silenced all the yapping and screeching goblins that were scurrying away from the boss.

"...put this one into the wolf pit..." (goblin boss)

The goblins all screeched and laughed at the carnage and one of the goblins closest to the now dead skinny goblin dragged the corpse outside of the room. The boss turned once more and walked over to the woman furthers away from Jon and Mercia kneeling down.

("...just like that he killed his ally..... and all the other goblins just laughed...") (Jon)

[Magic Beacon (Level 5): Magic Rune in process 96% and building]

("..come on... hurry up damn it... now I really need this to finish..") (Jon)

The boss motioned for some of the goblins carrying a basket to come over as he grabbed onto a goblin baby that was crawling around the woman. He looked at it closely then put it inside the basket.

"... feed that one..." (goblin boss)

He then walked over to the next woman. the goblins with the basket following as the goblins carrying the charred animal corpse ran over starting to cutting pieces off it and forcing it into the woman's mouth making her swallow it, kicking her when she tried to shy away and curl up. He picked up two goblin babies from the next woman, one of the babies mouths was covered in blood and it was flailing, its teeth were abnormally big and it looked manic.

"...Hmmr.. gegegege feisty.. put this in another basket..... get rid of this corpse.." (goblin boss)

He handed the feisty baby off to a goblin that screeched as it bit his hand, he struggled with it for a while before giving it a punch. Which only seemed to agitated it. the other baby was put into the first basket along with the other one - that one seemed more normal.

(" killed its mother?... I never noticed..these goblins all look different too.. that one especially, why are they all so different from each other...") (Jon)

[Magic Beacon (Level 5): Magic Rune in process 97% and building]

Jon looked at all the goblins, some were taller, had long arms or short legs, big pot bellies or hunched over, some without noses and just slits or ones with big long noses. The ones waiting seemingly staring at the women, fighting a internal battle within themselves to not launch them self forward to cause mayhem,suffering and death.

Meanwhile the boss was examining the next woman lifting her head turning it, the woman gave no resistance. When he let go she just layed back her head. She was severely malnourished her eyes in gaunt sockets, her body wasted away.

"..Hmpf no spawn Tsk! Gegegege. Chop this one.!" (goblin boss)

The boss moved to the next woman, Emilia and Hruk. As soon as he did several goblins leaped at the worn out woman laughing and screeching as they started stabbing and hacking at her with their knives and small axes. Before two goblins took hold of her legs and dragged her corpse outside. The goblins frothing at the mouths and cheering at the murderous atmosphere.

[Magic Beacon (Level 5): Magic Rune in process 98% and building]

The boss picked up Hruk, which cause Hruk to promptly hiss and snarl at the boss. The boss nodded to himself and put Hruk into the basket along with the other goblins babies. He grabbed Emilia's head, she cried and tried to get away but the boss had no trouble as he checked her body out.

("... This bastard.. I want to kill him.. I want to gorge out his eyes and rip him into pieces...") (Jon)

Jon did not seem to notice that the same blood lust and intense feelings the goblins were all cheering about, now having spilled blood was effecting him a lot, his vision turned red from rage his heart pounding in his chest as he tensed his body wanting to jump at the boss and rip him up.

"...Hmrr... Feed this one.." (goblin boss)

The boss let go of Emilia and she curled up and tried to get away. The boss stepping over her and looked at Jon and Mercia - Looming over them, he was much bigger up close sending a chill through Jons raging body, causing him to freeze momentarily still his heart beat like drums in his chest. The goblins behind started to feed Emilia behind them. laughing and stuffing her mouth with the charred meat.

(".. come on you stupid spell... Garghr!") (Jon)

[Magic Beacon (Level 5): Magic Rune in process 99% and building]

The boss grabbed onto Jons neck and Mercia's arm and pulled Jon free from her embrace. Jon was lifted up, his tiny form compared to the big goblin as he was turned around. The Boss made big eyes as he examined Jon up close. Jon grasped onto the bosses arm tearing at it with his claws as best he could trying to get air from the tight grip.

"... Pah... Not a dark spawn...Chief will be upset..This one goes to the day cave...Hmrrr... Purple eyes....." (Goblin boss)

[Weak Bloodline Detected! Would you like to access Progenitor Options?]

("...Dammit!..he is choking me!....The spell... it did not finish!...urrgH. Me..Merc..Mother is gonna die here!.... Hrrng...Sure Menu!.. Perfect time! Gargh!")


[Progenitor Access!]

Race : Goblin (100%)

Name : Vrek Bearslayer

Sex : Male

Age : 5 years

Status : Different Family - To distant bloodline connection.

Father : Unknown

Mother : Unknown

Stats : -Unable to Open-

Traits/Abilities : -Unable to Open-

Titles :

[Progenitor Access : No access to abilities or traits!]


("Aghrr..I was kidding menu!.. Hggurr!!") (Jon)

A goblin came over with a basket and set it down next to Mercia, The goblin boss put Jon inside it and then looked at Mercia with wide eyes.

"...what is this...This elf bitch is ... Fine?.. Not drained??.." (goblin boss)

The goblin grabbed her neck and lifted her. a slight blue shimmer appearing where his tight grip appeared - and his eyes widened out in anger. He slammed her against the floor - a blue shimmer once more covering her head where she impacted against the floor.

"Magic!. Gegegege!! Gob! how!. This bitch!. Chop her!!!"

The goblin boss grabbed a knife on his belt. and raised it up high. other goblins also leaped forward with their weapons and stabbed them down onto Mercia's body. her body got covered in blue shimmering fields none of the weapons piercing through enough. As they kept on stabbing slashing and kicking, the blue shimmer slightly changed color.

"Yes! Gegegegege! Keep slashing! biting! Murder! Kill this elf whore!!" (Goblin boss)

The goblin boss changed his hand to the club lifting it up high as it just about to slam it down onto the weakening stasis spell and crack Mercia's skull in. The basket with the weird goblin baby this elf bitch had birthed, had a small goblin arm sticking out from a tear in the basket. Stretched out to just barely allow a finger to touch her foot.

[Magic Beacon (Level 5): Magic Rune in process 100% Complete! World tree Aura Rune Network Link Active]

A White flash instantly covered the room and the goblins and the goblin boss all shrieked and backed away from the glowing figure that appeared in a flash now standing over Mercia...