Lurk woke up his head hurt, looking at his menu checking his health. He saw he had half damage, but some of it was was marked as stun damage. Holding his head as he sat up, Sala at least had put him back on his rags to rest up. The group must have gone out on their mission, leaving him here to lick his wounds.
"Stun damage must have been from that punch....wait.. what was that I saw?"
Lurk quickly looked back at his Menu limiting it only to his new additions.
[Progenitor Menu Access!]
Race : Goblin Progenitor (100% ★)
Class : Mage Level 0
Name : Lurk - Goblin Progenitor
Sex : Male
Age : 7 days
Stats :
[STR] : (10) 5+5 *New!
[AGI] : 15
[STA] : 10
[WIS] : 10
[INT] : 15
[LUK] : 30
Health : 10/20 (5 Stun damage)
Mana : 315 / 315
Abilities : (New Abilities detected!)
[Mace] : 0.3 *New!
[Block] : 0.2 *New!
[Toughness] : 1 *New!
Traits : (New Traits detected!)
[Iron Head]
Natural Talents (New Natural Talent detected!)
[Bow] : Strong
[STR] : Medium *New!
[Wind Magic] : Exceptional
Lurk looked at his stats, noticing that he had a +5. His strength had doubled suddenly. Looking for the solution, he saw under natural talents he had a new one [STR] : Medium. Where did that come from he wondered?
[STR] : Medium (Ínherited from Sala)
+100% Strength
Pump those muscles! Muscles are more dense but look the same! How?
Must have had a Giant in the family!
("well that explains that..wait I got that strength boost from Sala ?.. huh yeah I have not really checked her out, since I did not touch her long enough for the skill to detect her. Guess that the bonks she has been giving me, were not enough for that. Must have activated when I was unconscious and she moved me to my sleeping spot. This explains how she is that strong.")
Lurk stretched a little and pain flared up from his chest, and his arm was also very sore. He decided to try again with his holy spells. Holding his hand to his chest, he focused and thought about a soothing healing.
[Holy Magic] raised to 0.7
[Weak Heal Cantrip Learned]
[Stun damage healed] 1...2...3...4...5
He tried to keep healing, but the same issue happened with no effect, perhaps his skill was not strong enough to heal anything but stun damage. Contemplating it, his wounds still hurt - but he could sense a difference. Thinking along those lines he tried something different and focused on just soothing the pain.
[Holy Magic] raised to 0.8
[Weaken Pain Cantrip] Learned
The pain slowly faded away, the longer he kept focusing on it until it nothing was felt anymore.
("This is very useful.. I wonder what would happen if the others knew I could do this... I have decided not to show anyone.. worried I might be taken away to another group. For now at least this lot of goblins are more pleasant than what the other goblins seemed like.... Hmm but why could I suddenly heal.. Maybe it was because this was a more intense situation, so I guess I cannot just hurt myself over and over and heal it.... Maybe I could but it would require me to REALLY commit to it... Ill have to think a bit about that...")
Checking his mana, the spells he used to heal the stun damage and calm the pain down completely cost him 30 mana. Luckily he had a big mana pool to work with. And during his rest and the last nights sleep, his mana pool had gone back up to full.
Making a bit of wind appear in his hand, he thought about why his skill would not rise up to 1. Maybe it was along the same sort of as the healing. You can only train so much, sometimes real life experiences needs to give the extra kick. Maybe he needed some revelation, or just someone to teach him the "trick" or feeling needed maybe just some more imagination. Right what would make a proper wind spell...
Thinking about all the stories and movies and comics he have seen, Lurk focused on a point in front of his finger. Trying to suck in air into a single point, condensing it together harder and harder. His mana started draining as he experimented with several ideas of how to do it. Eventually he thought of a flat spinning disk that only allowed things to flow inward, his head started to feel a pressure building in his head. Focusing on the current shape he was working with he gave it one last push and then allowed the focused spot to be released in a forward direction.
Like a flash the condensed little pellet of air burst forward and slammed into the wall. Though it did not damage the stone wall, Lurk was sure that softer things would definitely feel that.
[Wind Magic] raised to 1 !
[Wind Bullet cantrip] Learned
[Deflect cantrip] Learned
He tried the bullet cantrip to check its mana cost, a much better and much faster forming "bullet" appeared and slammed into the loose rock he was aiming for on the ground, sending it flying through the room.
("..10 Mana..hmm.. so I can shoot 31 of them at full mana... I wonder how much damage they would do to something living?.")
Lurk was thinking to himself when he heard someone coming down the crack in the wall from the main chamber, unsure how long it had been since the others left he moved back over to where Vorm Slept, his place had a big root coming down giving a spot to hide behind.
Staring at the Crack he saw a goblin he did not know peek out. Its red eyes scanning the room before pushing inside, in its hand was a rusty looking kitchen knife.
("what on earth is it doing in here??.. I have never seen any goblins come here before now..")
[Stealth] Increased to 0.1
After the goblin entered, it moved up towards where the boss slept. Two more goblins came in, one of them looked back into the crack, holding a club in its hand as it did so. The other one moving over to Lurks rags and turned them over looking through them. They all only had loincloths and that rusty dagger and one club.
"Gegege.. Hurry.. find food.. saw them bring in deer last night!" The goblin at the crack said while drooling slightly.
"Gob.. ooh this is shiny gegegege!!" The goblin fooling with the boss's gear and travel bags pulled out a dagger from the bag.
[Stealth] Increased to 0.2
"..Gege..if you are taking that, make sure that sun boss does not find you with it.. gegege.. He is mighty cruel when angry gegege!.." The goblin that was done looking through Lurks rags finding nothing, as it turned around to stare at the other goblin down the other end of the room.
(".. Right.. Now!!!..") Lurk readied himself and aimed his finger at the goblin that was close to him. Its back turned towards him. The wind bullet formed and burst forward into the back of the goblin, its skin bursting where it was hit a small hole the size of the bullet.
"Aiieeee!!" The screaming goblin fell forward grabbing at its back where it was hit, turning around in a panic to see Lurk pointing at it, another bullet forming at his finger before blasting forward hitting it right in the throat - The goblin gasped and clawed at its throat blood spurting forward.
[Stealth] Increased to 0.3
[Wind Magic] increased to 1.1
[10 xp Gained! - Goblin killed]
"Gegege!! Chop time!! EEeEeEEEE!!" The goblin at the crack rushed forward with its club raised.
Lurk jumped to meet it with his own club ready, with not enough time to form another bullet before it would reach him. He swung his club the goblin just slightly slower than him as the club hit it right in the head sending it sprawling back onto the ground. Just as Lurk was gonna form a new bullet, when he saw the last goblin throwing its rusty knife at him and charging forward.
Lurks eyes widened and raised up his hand he was forming the bullet in, quickly changing it to deflect instead. The knife hit a small air disturbance before hitting Lurk and was barely diverted away from hitting him, instead hitting the root next to him sticking out from it.
[Wind Magic] increased to 1.2
The goblin charged at him slashing with its new found dagger, Lurk tried to block it but the goblin had a good run up and the extra power in its blow, cause Lurk to not be able to deflect it enough and he got a cut on his already wounded arm.
Lurk stumbled a bit backwards his arm not being able to hold his club. Lurk held up his fresh hand and said out loud in a panic the first thing he thought could help.
"[Flash Light!]" (Lurk)
[Flash Light cantrip] Learned
His palm suddenly send a brief light beam into the goblins face, it shrieked out loudly and tried to cover its eyes. Lurk grabbed the rusty knife, stabbing it forward into the throat of the blinded goblin. The goblin grabbed Lurks arm as it gurgled and fell down kneeling, black blood spitting out of its mouth and from its throat. Lurk noticed that saying out the name of the spell, seemed to help forming it.
[10 xp Gained! - Goblin killed]
Lurk breathed heavy, the goblin letting go of his arm as it fell completely down flat. Lurk held the rusty knife, he realized that the second goblin was still alive, but unconscious since it must have been stunned from getting hit in the head. So he charged a air bullet aiming it at the goblin, but then suddenly he stopped.
His heart was pounding and he was feeling, exhilarated!! he walked forward over to the goblin that was out cold... Looking down at it, he felt powerful and stronger than the heap of a loser lying here in front of him. He knelt down sitting on the back of the goblin grabbing its head!
[Progenitor Access!]
Race : Goblin (100%)
Name : Goog
Sex : Male
Age : 7 days
Status : Half Brother
Father : Xarn - The Terror of the farmsteads - Goblin (Dark Elf 25% / Goblin 75%)
Mother : Denise [100% human]
Stats :
Health : 6/16 (8 Stun damage)
[STR] : 7
[AGI] : 8
[STA] : 6
[WIS] : 3
[INT] : 4
[LUK] : 5
Traits/Abilities :
[Xp Gain] : Small (Locked - only humans can use this trait) Learned!
Lurk stared at the goblins stats, as he put his hand onto the unconscious goblins head.
"[Weak Heal Cantrip]" (Lurk)
[Holy Magic] raised to 0.9
"" The goblin slowly stirred as Lurk healed its stun damage, but before it could do much, Lurk punched it hard into its head"
"[Weak Heal Cantrip!]" (Lurk)
[Holy Magic] raised to 1
[Light Heal] Learned!!
"...time to move onto normal wounds I guess...." Lurk said, as a evil grin spreading on his face in the darkness.
"[Light Heal!]" (Lurk)
"[Light Heal!]" (Lurk)
[Holy Magic] raised to 1.9
[Out of Mana]
[15 xp Gained! - Goblin killed]
Laughter was heard from the Sun Soakers cave.