
Everyone ran at a brisk pace towards the city, Lurk felt the anxiousness of the upcoming fight. Trying to ignore the instinct in him from completely taking over, unlike the others that were excited and filled with blood lust.

They reached the hill and spotted the kobolds leaving a 2 story building, that was missing half of it and its roof was gone. The Sun Soakers ran along the edge of the city until they reached the place closest to the building.

"Vorm you go in from the left, wait for the chaos to begin then strike the ones in the back" Aurk sent Vorm off to hide behind a crumbled wall near the crossing point the kobolds were using.

"Sala and Lurk. Take the right, you will strike out when they move to attack my location." Aurk pointed towards a toppled over giant statue that was right at roadway between buildings. If they could do this properly, they would hit them from two sides and give Aurk a chance to keep firing his bow.

Lurk followed Sala in a wide circle moving from hiding spot to hiding spot until they reached a alley between the remains of two buildings. The collapses statue was just ahead. Sala was grinning and breathing hard, Lurk had somewhat collected himself but it was getting harder to not give in to the urge and wish to maim and cause suffering.

He felt he needed to keep his head, or he would not be able to control how he would attack. He was still on the fence on using spells yet in front of the others. The instincts were yelling for him to use his spells, to cause more destruction than the others and show them his power, so they would fear him and submit.

A kobold was moving out from the building it had left a bag in, as it ran back Lurk and Sala moved behind the statue. Now they waited for Aurk, they did not have to wait long as they heard a ruckus from the delivery building and saw Aurk slice a kobold down and then readying his bow towards the cross way.

A kobold came out running with a bag, followed by another one holding a small box. Just as they reached the midway point a arrow flew out and sank into the chest of the box carrying kobold, that yipped out loudly and fell back onto the ground. This caused the bag carrying kobold to screech out and begin to make loud consecutive yipping noises, before leaping into cover behind the statue, not noticing Sala and Lurk on the other side.

[Stealth] Raised 0.8

Nine kobolds appeared out from the other side of the cross way and came running out, the front ones having small shields and spears, and two of them having bows that either began charging towards Aurks location or firing their bows. The rest having daggers.

Aurk managed to fire off one arrow hitting a shield, before he took cover from the arrows being fired at him. Just as the shield carrying kobolds ran past the statue. Sala and Lurk leaped out, Sala punched the kobold hiding just on the other side of the statue, sending him slamming into the ground, as she kept her speed up into the back of a kobold with a shield.

("I have to focus, Kill them!, be aware of whats going on..Hnng shut up Evil trait")

Lurk moved out and grabbed one of the shield kobolds cutting its throat with the rusty knife. He was slightly bigger than the kobold, its throat was not covered by scales like the sides of its neck was. He held onto the kobold until the last shield kobold turned to face him, where he then kicked the dying kobold into the kobold making it lose valuable time to react.

You kill [Kobold Warrior] 30 xp gained!

[Dagger] Raised 0.2

[Backstab] Learned! 0.2

[Stealth] Raised to 0.9

Three of the other kobolds that were wielding proper daggers but no shields leaped at Sala and Lurk, Sala managed to block one of the kobolds but was sliced by one of the daggers, the last dagger kobold stabbed out towards Lurk but he stepped to the side just as the dagger was about to hit. Lurk quickly stabbed into the side of the kobold that over extended, causing it to yip out in pain and stumble back away from him. The shield kobold then stabbed its spear at Lurk and he was unable to dodge it fully, a small flesh wound to his hip was slashed. But then a arrow struck into the back of the shield kobold causing it to collapse.

Lurk quickly grabbed the shield it dropped, just in time to block a strike from the dagger kobold he managed to stab. He was pushed backwards back behind the statue, now fighting out of sight of Aurk and his bow. Sala too was forced backwards by the two dagger kobolds fighting her, she could just barely keep them occupied without receiving any big deep wounds.

[Shield] Learned 0.2

Lurk managed to just see the bow kobolds suddenly having to deal with Vorm that killed one of them, having sneaked up behind them. Lurk was almost worried that Vorm had not attacked at all but he had disrupted the bow kobolds completely.

Lurk was suddenly rushed by the dagger kobold, it managed to cut at him and then slam into him, sending him sprawling onto the ground, his own knife flying away from the sudden slam, the kobold quickly jumped onto him with its dagger striking down but he blocked it with the shield.

[Shield] raised to 0.4

Sala got cut again, but managed to counter and knock a fist up under the jaw of the kobold sending it flying back flat on the ground. The other kobold against her also took the chance to wrestle her in a grab giving her a slight cut.

Lurk slammed his shield up to meet the dagger coming back to hit him, disarming the kobold that then began clawing at him and suddenly bit down onto his shoulder. Sala was held and struggling with the kobold, despite her being stronger it had managed to get a good hold on her. All her focus was on it, and she did not see the kobold that she punched into the jaw, rising up quickly and leap up at her with its dagger ready to sink into her back.

"Sala! Watch out!" Lurk quickly pointed his finger at the kobold about to stab her and yelled out

"[Airbullet!]" The kobolds chest burst a blood spray from a tiny deep hole and fell back onto the ground, Sala stared wide eyed along with the kobold she was grabbling with, that also had shock written all over its face.

You killed [Kobold Warrior] 30 xp gained!

[Wind Magic] Raised 1.3

She lifted up the Kobold and slammed it into the ground on its back stunning it completely. Lurk yelled out in pain from the kobold on him that was biting him, before he put a finger against its head and called out again "[Airbullet!". The kobolds head suddenly had a clear hole going through it and stopped moving completely.

You killed [Kobold Warrior] 30 xp gained!

[Wind Magic] Raised 1.4

Lurk held onto his shoulder in pain. Sala stomped her foot down onto the stunned kobold ending its life as its throat gave a sickening crunch. She seemed to have snapped out of her bloodlust and ran over to Lurk.

"L.L..Lurk! are you ok?!" she held onto his hand he had placed on his shoulder wound were blood was leaking out from the bite - the kobolds sharp lizard teeth had torn quite a mess out of his flesh.

"...[Light Heal!].. Argh.." Lurk said as a brief light appeared underneath his hand, the blood stopped flowing as easily. Sala's eyes were even more wide than before.

[Holy Magic] Raised to 2.0

[Lesser Status Clear] Learned

"..You . You are a Shaman Lurk?!" Sala lifted her hand off Lurks, he sat up slowly looking at her.

".. Please do not tell anyone yet ok?.." Lurk put a hand on her arm where she had been cut the worst.

"[Light heal]" the wound closed somewhat and was not bleeding anymore. Sala looked at Lurks hand healing her, then turned to look at Lurk still flabbergasted, but she quickly nodded.

[Holy Magic] Raised to 2.1

Aurk came out onto the road back in view of Sala and Lurk, he aimed his bow back and forth but lowered in as all the kobolds were down.

Sala helped Lurk up and Aurk looked over to where Vorm was sitting over the last kobold stabbing it repeatedly with his dagger, again and again. Screetching in glee.

"Good work, gegege!.. Weak little cretins!" Aurk was thrilled and his pupils were small dots as he kicked one of the corpses of the kobolds. Vorm still cutting and stabbing his dead kobold.

"Yep.. Good work." Lurk smiled at Sala, who had returned to normal as he held onto the flesh wound he got from the spear.

Sala looked at Lurk, her cheeks were shaded darkly. Lurk just smiled at her.

Meanwhile. The last kobold had gotten away, Vorm had not been able to keep it occupied and he got to caught up in stabbing and slicing up the bow kobolds. It was running away back towards where it and its group found all the loot, it burst into the collapsed house and into a ripped up floor that lead into a dark basement.

"...Yip!.Gasp... Boss.. Yip! we were assaulted by goblins!!.." (Kobold language) The kobold said into the darkness of the basement.

"..Grr...What??" A deep gruff voice came from a large form, that was trying to open up a big chest with a iron pipe. Two red eyes turned to face the kobold and it stood up. It was much larger than any of the kobolds, giving off a deep growling snarl as the eyes flared up.

"Foolish goblins.." The large form threw away the pipe and pulled out a large sinister looking axe...