Viewpoint : Frel
Frel had been having it tough for a while, being the lowest ranked boss, but ever since they had been forced to relocate from their main cave, that Cheif Xarn had said was important to the great mission, the great mission that the dark lord himself had bestowed on Xarn.
Things had begun looking up for Frel, first he got a new gob to work on his team. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time ever since Sala joined, he was forced by the chief to not mate with her, due to their important task and low number of special sun gobs to do said task. But now with the new gob here to lessen the load, he could finally see the days of being able to mate with Sala, under the excuse of that the new member is more than capable to fill her spot.
From what Lurk had shown so far, it was very likely. When he had suddenly killed 3 goblins effortlessly, that were foolish enough to come in and try to steal from Frel. He saw both the possibility he could take Sala off scout duty, to focus on nothing but being his breeding sow. But there was also the other possibility of it, this young gob could potentially become extremely strong. If he did not make sure to force his dominance on this gob, he would have to kill Lurk before he got any ideas.
Then Frel would be back to the same problem of not enough scouting power. Lurk had seemed meek and would follow all orders from anyone without issue, Frel had not been worried after seeing this. Clearly he was a goblin with a weak mentality just like Vorm.
Vorm broke easily when he did his first rebellion, after beating him horribly and then leaving it to Sala to handle, it was more than enough to get him to follow in behind Frel's dominance. Sala herself was a tad more tricky, she required a lot of beat downs and threats before she stepped in line. How frustrating was it back then when she was struggling against him and he could never just beat her and then breed her.
No she was to not be bred, only trained and used as scout. He dared not go against the dark goblin Xarn's orders, just being in the same area as him made Frel bow down in fear from his sheer presence, fearful of being killed instantly if Xarn so wished it.
But he made sure Sala knew that she was gonna become nothing but his breeding sow, when he had beaten her down and whispered it to her grabbing her breasts and pushing her down. He broke her spirit to resist after that.
Then there was Aurk.... Aurk had caused him a a lot of problems way back when Frel took over the leadership role from the last leader, that got killed by the Silver wolf that killed the entire scouting team at their meetup point.
Frel was not with the gobs that got attacked at the time, but Aurk was there along side the old boss.
During that fight they managed to "barely" kill the Silver beast, a feat unheard of for gobs to do in such low numbers. It did cost them all their lives, except.... Aurk he was the last gob just barely alive, he had managed to get a spear backed into the ground, holding the tip up towards the leaping wolf. Making it spear itself, critically wounding itself and just as it did that it ripped Aurks left eye out giving him that scar he has now. Then Aurk manage to give the killing blow just as he himself was knocked out cold from the battle.
When Frel arrived he saw the carnage, the resentment and hate over Aurk's achievement. Aurk would surely become the next Sun Soaker's boss. But Frel saw the chance and took it, just before the last of the old Sun Soaker's team came to meet up at the location. Frel gave him self some small wounds, covered himself in a lot of the blood from the wolf and sank his own sword into the side of the wolfs dead body.
To make sure Aurk would not hinder him, he was gonna kill him. But then he felt like he wanted to make Aurk suffer the same way he did, whenever he thought Aurk was gonna be the next boss. A sick grin on his face as he slammed a club down onto the unconscious Aurk's left arm to cripple him to make him easier to handle and keep him submissive.
Frel stole the honor of killing the wolf away from Aurk, the pelt he now wore as a cloak and headgear, a constant reminder to Aurk that Frel was stronger than him. He always grins seeing the defeated look in Aurks eyes when he looks at him. It took barely any beatings to force Aurk in line, he was broken to serve now. He even gave Aurk a tiny scrap of the silver wolf fur, that Aurk wore on his crippled limb, oh it would make Frel laugh cruelly when he saw that.
The last two of the old team died during his time as the boss, making it only him and Aurk for a while alone in the group. But then came Sala, Vorm and now.... This gob.... Lurk.
Frel was looking at the situation in front of him, he saw clear signs of magic used on that gnoll. There was no way its arms could both be sliced off by these goblins, no it was clear that the new comer was a shaman.
If Frel was not careful right now, Lurk could usurp his position if he was unlucky, or if Frel was lucky Lurk would just be known as a Shaman that could take a high place in the hierarchy and form his own group.
But a evil grin was on Frels face as he looked at Lurk, Lurk was exhausted and his eyes were giving the tell tale sign of mana exhaustion. He had seen this before in the eyes of the Shaman Boor, after having fought during the raids and then healing the chief and bosses. The same look and fatigue would be obvious on him, his eyes a weak glimmer of what they used to be.
If Frel did this correctly, he could crush Lurks spirit right away before he regains his mana. Then Lurk would follow behind in line due to his meek spirit and Frel would become an even greater boss being able to dominate a shaman!! He smirked harder at this thought, he did notice how Sala was unable to stand only after being helped standing up by Lurk. Vorm was the only unharmed one in their group and Aurk had the same look in his eyes as normal, dejected and broken.
This would be easy...
"Ah.. Seems you handled it well." Frel said to them, they all froze and looked at him. Lurk looked shocked by his sudden arrival. Standing there holding onto Sala, Lurk had definitely been keeping it a secret that he knew magic, the gnoll forcing his hand now, he was clearly planning to take Frels place!!. Frel just knew it!!
"Good.. you collected all my loot and killed these weaklings! Gegegege!" Frel grinned stepping forward slowly, the goblins he had gone back to recruit in the cave, were cackling and laughing, they could sense there was something brewing in the air and could feel Frel ooze out superiority.
Lurk also stumbled forward a bit moving Sala with him over to Vorm, putting his hand on Vorms shoulder and gave a nod at him to take over holding Sala, Vorm was suddenly stunned looking at Lurk then Sala before relenting and holding up Sala. That weakling gob always avoided everyone and even touching him was enough to cause such fear, pathetic! Frel thought to himself.
"We did do all of the fighting here on our own... I believe we should get a big cut from this loot if not all of it..."
Lurk suddenly said, causing the goblins cackling and laughing to pause as they stopped. Frel sneered at Lurk, what did this pathetic spawnling just say? Could he not see his position right now? Battled and wounded, no mana and Frel was standing there with a squad of goblins that would leap at Lurk and tear him apart at his word.
"What did you say you worthless gob??" Frel froze in place seething with anger staring daggers at Lurk, but nothing he did or said seem to effect Lurk, even Sala and Vorm were unaffected by his projected anger. Vorm would already have hid and cowered by now! What was going on?!
Lurk slowly stepped over to check on Aurk, not moving to fast to set off Frel, who was at the boiling point. He calmly placed a hand at Aurks shoulder and looked him over. Aurk perked up, before he was hanging his head when Frel had appeared, but now his eyes widened out and he was stunned from the sudden touch by Lurk and he turned to look at Frel.
What was that in Aurks Eyes.... Those eyes were devoid of fear! What did Lurk just do!!! He did not cast any spells!! He is still empty on mana!!.. Wait! no! Frel had not noticed it before now, but.. He was no longer Mana exhausted! Taking those few steps over to Vorm then Aurk had rebuilt mana!!
Frel stepped back a single step. The goblins behind him looked at him backing off, they were all confused and looked back and forth between him and Lurk.
"...This progenitor system is seriously ludicrous...." Lurk said softly to himself as he looked at Frel with a hardened look, his eyes glowing slightly purple.
"Time to show who the boss is ..." Lurk grinned at Frel, causing Frel to take another step back.....