
Lurk stepped around the corner looking at Vrek who was standing in front of Aurk, looking at him angrily. There were three other goblins with him, each of them wore equipment and decorative items and seemed much like Frel had. They were all bosses of their own group. Lurk sighed as he would not be able to take them all on at once, but the one he needed to handle right now was Vrek.

"Frel is dead, I killed him"

Lurk said as he walked forward to stand near Vrek, who turned his hideous goblin face to look at him. Vrek was a head higher than Lurk despite being a proper hunched over goblin, he had clearly evolved more than any of the others. Lurk recalled Vreks menu information, but it was mostly locked off, saying something about Vrek being too distant on the bloodline.

Lurk tried to recall the menu info, and it was brought up before him.


[Progenitor Access!]

Race : Goblin (100%)

Name : Vrek Bearslayer

Sex : Male

Age : 5 years

Status : Different Family - Too distant bloodline connection.

Father : Unknown

Mother : Unknown

Stats : -Unable to Open-

Traits/Abilities : -Unable to Open-

Titles : Bearslayer

[Progenitor Access : No access to abilities or traits!]


Lurk was unable to determine how strong he was, though killing a bear was a good hint. Plus staying alive for 5 years as a goblin must be a feat onto it self. Plus he had seen Vrek punch another goblin breaking its jaw, then kicking its head in on a wall. When he fought against the Girl covered in wood he also moved fast and was able to block attacks from her.

Vrek looked at Lurk, he was standing there in a fur armor and pants, looking awfully clean and sure of himself. Behind him came the female goblin, after taking a single sniff, Vrek sneered and got angry. He moved up fast and grabbed Lurk by the throat, his anger could be felt by everyone like a massive weight on them all. Fear pushing its way up every ones spines. Each of them reacting differently.

[Progenitor too low level to open up to distant bloodline]

Vreks group reacted by simply grinning and laughing, the sensation empowering them, this was how the trait [Evil] influenced goblins, they would either be on the receiving end or the giving end of this trait. Normally Vrek would show his domineering power and it would show a clear scale of where everyone was on the hierarchy. It worked wonders to keep this disorganized species together.

But what happened next was not something that had happened before. Lurk had grabbed Vreks wrist and was tightening his grip preventing him from choking him. This gob was strong, but even worse. The fear in his eyes was not there at all. This clear show of strength also effected the Sun Soakers, They too were not phased at all by Vreks anger. The [Evil] trait connected them all together in a way. Vrek being unable to dominate Lurk through fear had prevented it from taking hold in them as properly, they too were grinning and waiting.

This caused both groups to suddenly tense and stand ready to fight. Once a impasse happened like this, it would only be solved by blood shedding. Lurk had quickly cast Lesser status clear to block the fear the moment he felt Vrek trying to effect him. But Lurk knew that it would be an almost impossible fight to win in this crowded corridor, even if he won it would be with heavy losses, plus he would be completely out of mana to handle the rest of the nest.. Lurk thinking back to Sala standing near him and he flinched slightly.

Lurk did the only thing he could think off, and after moving Vreks hand away from his throat he bowed down, causing the other Sun Soakers to blink and then followed quickly.

"I took what is mine from the weak gob Frel. I simply intent to take his place."

Vrek sneered at Lurk giving him a evil glare, he noticed Lurks hand too, he had clearly fought against Frel and been severely wounded. A goblin wounded like that would normally not last long, something Vrek knew all to well. He too had been struggling hard too make up for his injury to keep his supremacy. He kicked Lurk causing him to be knocked back, the chances of Lurk remaining alive would normally be low but....

"..You are a shaman?" Vrek growled putting his foot on Lurks chest pushing down.

"Yes. The winds serve me"

Lurk held up his hand and sent a wind blast upwards that caused the room to become windy, he simply let a air bullet go before forming it properly causing a good wind gust to blow. But Lurk also noticed how Vrek was looking at his severed arm, he should have known when the fight was. It would be unlikely that Lurk had recovered so much naturally from this wound.

"And blood does not leave a body, if I do not will it to do so."

Vrek cursed inside his mind, Lurk was now almost unkillable. The goblins he had brought with him all gave nodding approvals, A goblin healer shaman was an incredible gift, but he was also a wind user at the same time. Now that the goblin bosses knew this, he could not kill off Lurk without a proper reason, lest Xarn would know of how Vrek killed a potent goblin like this off. Especially since their only other healing shaman was in another cave at the moment.

"Why did you dare mate with that sun gob? Do you not know the rules?" Vrek pushed hard down on Lurk making lurk give out a groan, Vrek was trying to reach for a reason maybe even force Lurks hand to attack, he could easily smell that Lurk and her had mated. But unfortunately that did not work as Sala stood up quickly.

"Sala told him Shamans can pick any two breeding sows!! Lurk is strong enough to give Sala Spawnlings" Sala quickly got back down as Vrek stared at her angrily with a vein popping out on his forehead.

Vrek cursed even more in his head now. He removed his foot from Lurk and turned around to the exit. The mood in the room calmed down completely as Vrek pulled back his domineering anger.

"Follow us now, you worthless gob." Vrek made a gesture at the crack in the wall for Lurk to get up and follow them out.

Lurk sighed, he had hoped that maybe Vrek would leave him here, if he had gone through the crack were only one person could leave through. The odds of a fight being won increased substantially, since Lurk could lob Tempest disks down the narrow place and cut the goblins apart. Plus preventing them from attacking out. Clearly Vrek was no fool.

Lurk got up and nodded to Sala, Aurk and Vorm. He followed behind the first three goblins and Vrek came in behind him. They moved out into the main room, Lurk heard women's wailing and goblins cheering as the goblins were in the middle of having their way with 6 women in the middle of the room, the cave had a lot more goblins than before, at least 80 goblins including some that were incredibly large. Lurk gritted his teeth in anger as he followed the goblin bosses back to the throne (dinner chair) that Vrek sat on. The other goblin bosses sat down around in front of the throne (dinner chair) on rocks placed for the purpose.

Vrek motioned for Lurk to sit down and suddenly yelled out.

"Quiet you gobs!!!!"

The goblins stopped assaulting the women, and dragged them over into a secluded area, before they all returned to sitting along the walls or on large rocks, all of them looking up at the throne (dinner chair) and the bosses, some looking at Lurk questioningly. The Sun Soakers also came out from the crack and stood over at the entryway.

Vrek stood up and raised his arms up and with a loud voice he began declaring.

"We have killed human scum!!"

All the goblins cheered and cackled loudly throwing taunts over at the women in the corner being secluded away.

"Burned their nests down!"

The goblins cheered even more and stood up unable to contain their joy of hearing suffering happening to humans.

"We captured many sows for our master Xarn!!"

"""""""" Xarn! Xarn!! Xarn!!!!"""""""

The goblins all began yelling Xarns name, cheering again pounding their chests and jumping up and down from excitement. The cave was abuzz with killing intent and pure malice, the women were crying loudly shaking uncontrollably from it. Lurk sat still he could feel his brain being filled with thoughts of malice and sense of superiority hearing the goblins cheer. The evil trait was having a field day with him. He was unable to withstand the urge to grin widely and tightened his fist.

"When Xarn returns! We will go out with him again! Destroy even more nests! Capture sows not just for him! But for all of you gobs!!!"

Howling and cheering bursts out from the goblins, even if they knew they would never be able to get to the women, since the stronger goblins kicked the weaker ones away if they tried. They all felt like this time, it was the time. Dying in battle was not even a consideration with the current amount of blood lust in their system and sense of how strong their nest was.

Vrek stopped talking holding out his hand as if to calm the crowd. But the goblins continuously cheering and some even foaming at the mouth from excitement, some even launched them self over towards the women in the corner but the giant goblins standing there squashed them into the ground before they could get close. Which just caused more excitement to occur as the goblins began kicking and taunting the goblin that tried that.

Vrek holding his hand still, not happy with how the goblins did not take his cue, yelled out loudly once more.

"Quiet you gobs!!!!"

Normally with this rowdy situation Lurk would expect this group of goblins to run amok any moment soon, but instead they all followed the order and began to quiet down. The evil trait had completely quelled them down again, but their faces were a lit with enthusiasm and murderous grins.

("This trait is such a cheat.. Without it these goblins would have all torn themselves apart. But at the same time the trait itself is what is causing them all to act this way... My grin still has not gone away either, I feel like I am superior to everyone here, sitting here at the -round table- of bosses, while the other gobs sit there waiting.")

Lurk was indeed still grinning a wide murderous grin just like everyone else.

"Now we also have another Shaman! New boss of the Sun Soakers Lurk!" Vrek turned and pulled Lurk up to stand and look over the gobs. They all immediately started a mix of cheering and yeering and some would even have begun throwing rocks, if it was not because Vrek was up there. Clearly the Sun Soakers were not well liked. Lurk gritted his teeth, anger flaring out of his eyes getting increasingly angry.

[Intimidation] Raised by 0.2

"Humangob scum!"

[Intimidation] Raised by 0.2

"Sun lickers!"

[Intimidation] Raised by 0.1

"Eat your own eyes!"

[Intimidation] Raised by 0.2

The goblins cheered at the curses thrown, Vrek just grinned as Lurk was not set in a good light in front of the goblins. Instead of throwing rocks at Lurk, one instead decided that if they could not throw a rock at Lurk they picked someone else. One goblin decided to pick a rock and throw it right at Sala.

But before the rock hit Sala, it bounced off too the side before hitting her, as a gust of wind blast through the cave, sending loose items flying. All the goblins stopped in their places from the sudden turbulence in the cave. the cave becoming completely silent.

They all looked at the goblin that had thrown the rock, as he slowly slid into two pieces having be bisected down the side his body collapsing into pieces..

[Intimidation] Raised by 4

The goblins all looked up at Lurk, His eyes were glowing purple, his hand had a gust of wind rushing around it, as he looked from the goblin corpse pieces and turned to scan across the room at the goblins. The wind on his hand increasing in potency. Even Vrek was stunned.


""""""" LURK LURK LURK! """""

The goblins erupted into to laughter and cheering his name, being a sun soaker was forgotten instantly. Goblins near the sliced corpse began to pull and rip it. Lurk grinned widely as his eyes glowed with a powerful glare at feeling the goblins all cheering him on.

Vrek standing to the side of him silently managed to utter to himself.
