
Vrek snorted in disdain at Lurks demand to take that woman as a sow.

"Xarns personal sows are not on the table unless he says so. If you had not been a shaman. I would squash you right here."

Lurk sighed inwardly, he had hoped he could secure Emily from further harm away from Xarn. Also to talk with her hoping she knew more about Mercia and the world in general. Lurk gave a nod showing he understood towards Vrek.

Vrek grinned because he knew that Xarn did have exceptions for access to which women could be used by others. Shamans especially would be allowed to pick women that had magical powers, since Xarn had said specifically to allow such bonds if Xarn himself was not expected to return within a specific period. But as far as this woman who had no magical power, but only physical powers.

"Now let's check the new potentials for Xarn."

Vrek motioned over towards a blocked entryway, a ramshackle door was build covering a hole in the wall. Undoing the locks and removing pins that held it in place. Women cries could be heard from within that grew more agitated as the door was unlocked.

When the door was opened fully, Vrek was suddenly blasted by a ball of flame that hit him in the chest, causing him to stumble back slightly. He struggled to put the fire out for a moment. Lurk quickly took cover to the side of the door, peeking inside. He saw several women sitting huddled up together weakly. One young woman with red fiery hair and slightly pointed ears had moved a bit away to be seated in front of the doorway with a clear view of it, she was struggling to keep her hand lifted and looked incredibly stressed doing just this little.

In her hand was a glowing red ball, mana being charged into it. Ready to lob a new ball out, which she was about to do when Lurk peeked inside. But Lurk quickly dodge back out of sight as the ball blasted against the door frame that caught fire.

Vrek had gotten rid of the flame on his chest, he looked more annoyed and angry than wounded. Clearly, this fireball was not enough to cause him any major distress. He took his crystal club off his belt and began to walk towards the entryway snarling out as he did.

"Grrr... Stupid Mana Blockers did no work?!"

"Wait?.. did you make sure she had no mana, to begin with?"

Lurk questioned Vrek making him stop in his tracks, Vrek was puzzled, he did not think that was how they were used. He had been given some trinkets to use on the appropriate women he was holding at specific times to make sure the spells were renewed. But the trinkets only blocked the target from receiving mana, if they still had mana in their body to cast it would not matter.

"Urgh... Xarn never told that was necessary.."

Vrek snarled, he had taken some of the extra trinkets he knew he could spare, to go out and capture more women, hoping some could use magic. He never expected that the trinkets did anything but stop spell casting. But instead were focused on just mana collection. Xarn would deliver most of these women with the spell already applied. Clearly, he must do other things to drain them of mana.

"Let me handle her, you can only kill her."

Lurk said, as his hand began being wrapped in wind. He focused his senses inside the room, he could feel exactly where the next ball of fire was held in her hand without looking due to his trait [Heat Sense] that he inherited from Aurk. He unleashed his spell [Wind shield] right on the hand, he felt the Heat become severely unstable as he hoped would happen. He leaped forward yelling out.

[Flash Light!]

The completely dark cave was suddenly flashed with a bright light, Vrek leaped back in surprise covering his eyes, he stumbled back once more in shock. The girl inside was also briefly shocked but nowhere near as bad as a goblin would be. He jumped inside to the side of the girl knocking her over while grabbing her arm she was holding up. His body sitting down on her holding her other arm in check. He was sprawled onto of her, his face near her elegant looking face, that despite her dirty circumstances was looking cute, when he noticed her ears up close and proper.


[Progenitor Access!]

Race : Half-Elf (Human 50% / Wood Elf 50%)

Name: Resti Firewarden

Sex: Female

Age: 19 years

Status: Unknown

Father: Unknown

Mother: Unknown

Stats: -Unable to Open-

Traits/Abilities: -Unable to Open-

- Effects -

[Mana Locked]


[Progenitor Access : No access to abilities or traits!]


("A half-elf!, Maybe she could help me instead.. ")

{"Do not struggle! He will kill you if you do! Pretend that you are out of mana!"}

Lurk hissed it quietly at the girl in Elvish, hoping that maybe she had learned the language. Her eyes looked shocked, she was unable to resist anymore her body could not move. She could hear a goblin outside shouting in anger and confusion. Looking into the eyes of this goblin angrily she would not give these horrid goblins an inch, they killed her mother and looted her village, but then...

{".. Please.."}

The goblin just did something very odd, it asked with a begging look, its eyes filled with concern and also a hint of desperation. Of course, the main reason Lurk was acting a little desperate was he was sprawled onto of her body squeezing against her ample bosom, he was worried that his ravenous trait would begin flaring up and the girl would get to feel something increasingly hard between them.

She nodded giving in, a tear running down her face. She had no hopes really when she launched her fireball. She would not be able to escape and she had readied herself to die, she just wanted to take some of the goblins with her. It was only now her body had begun to show a little bit of ability to move since the poison was weakening.

Lurk stood up, letting the girl go. She did not suddenly fling a fireball at him. So Lurk hoped she understood he wanted to help. Maybe she really was out of mana, he did not know of a way to see without the progenitor menu. Which did not have access to her stats!

"Its safe now, she has been drained of magic."

Lurk called out to Vrek who was angrily complaining about the sudden light burst, He came inside still holding his club. He moved over towards the girl and swung a hand giving her face a vicious slap. He angrily looked to Lurk and asked.

"Cursed sow... Are you sure she is drained?"

"Not completely no... But her eyes do look dimmer than before.."

Vrek snarled tightening his grip on his club. Lurk could tell he was hesitating about if he should kill this troublesome girl. Lurk did not know but Vrek was not even more worried about Xarns return. He had used the trinkets to capture a magic user and brought it home to a nest, but the trinkets were not supposed to be used in this fashion.

"Had Xarn put a claim on this one then?"

Lurk asked Vrek as he sat down examining the woman with an interest and a grin as he tried to look sinister and lusty.

"..Hmmm... No... "

Vrek said quietly, could he get rid of the potential threat? maybe this girl would still have a little mana and she could blast Lurk with a fireball... He knew that Lurk was still a new spawn, he would not have fared very well getting hit by the same fireball Vrek had been hit with. He would lose a gift to Xarn... But If Xarn knew he used his trinkets recklessly...

"Well, then I claim this one as my second sow."

Lurk said as he also cast a healing spell on her, he moved over to examine the other women that had been crying huddled up together. They had also managed to move a little. Lurk wondered why they were kept paralyzed, the women upstairs in the main room were not. But they were kept on constant guard. While these were confined away from goblins. It was definitely not healthy, but it was mostly also to keep them from trying to commit suicide he surmised... He gritted his teeth angrily again..

He wanted to do something, save them somehow. He did not like the thought of mercy killing them. Plus he would never be able to get away with it. For now, he healed the women. Hoping he could figure something out before the deadline of Xarns return.

".. Hrmf. Granted then... Xarn has said shamans could claim magic sows... She is your headache now... Just be sure to make a lot of spawns or kill her if she is useless."

Lurk had forgotten that bit. He wanted to save her, yes, but mostly to get information. But that he also had to breed her... That was a bit harder to accomplish...

"Uhm. Yes, Xarn is indeed wise. Thank you boss Vrek"

Vrek growled throwing a key to Lurk "You handle their health, only mate with that one nothing else.-" and he left the room and was heard walking up the spiral corridor outside.

Lurk sighed and began finishing making sure the women were alright, he cast a light spell on the ceiling giving a gentle light in the room. Then he cast Clean spell several times on the women and Resti. His mana reaching its near limit.

{"Are you ok..."}

Lurk sat down after making sure she was somewhat comfy. She looked at him through her tears. He pulled out a piece of cloth from his pocket moving to dry her tears if she allowed it. She stared in disbelief at the goblin, she asked quietly as he began wiping her eyes.

{".. Why are you doing this.. how .."}

Lurk sighed and he was unsure how to answer, but he tried

{"I do not want to harm anyone of you. I am not exactly a normal goblin. But I managed to get him to not kill you..... What is your name?"}

Lurk knew her name of course. But he decided to ask her nicely instead, hoping to have a normal conversation for once. Not that he had ever really had a normal conversation with women, due to his nervousness, but right now that seemed far away.


Lurk stopped wiping her eyes and sat still and nodded.

{"My name is Lurk... I am the healer in this nest, just been born actually... So it's my job to care for you and the others... When I am not out scouting.."}

Sitting down and calmly talking back and forth with her, he learned about how suddenly the goblins had stormed into their village, killing her mother and capturing the women. Lurk sighed and try to express his condolences, it was awkward for him. He also said he hoped he could somehow save them... If not at least make it better for them... He just did not know how. But he told her that the women down here were safe, for now since they had been set aside for the chief that was away.

Lurk did scratch his back while saying the last bit, he was unsure how to tell her he had claimed her so he could talk to her.

{".. Why are you so different.."} (Resti)

{".. Heh... I am not sure how to explain it... My mother was a high elf. I also seem to have memories of my old life.."} (Lurk)

{"... High Elf... Wait you are a traveler??.. But it's only been humans that have returned in new bodies... I have never heard about a goblin being one.."} (Resti)

{"Oh? Its happened before?... Like heroes being summoned to save the world or something?"}

Lurk asked curiously since he knew about this too well. He had even been struck down by the harbinger of all reincarnators 'Truck-Kun'

{".. Uhm well not all the time. Sometimes it happens to other people, but they tend to always be important or needed for something, their old knowledge or powers helped with something. My mother... She had talked about it, she knew someone that had once met one a long time ago."}

Lurk was told about a general that had died just a few decades before the second calamity hit the world. When the world was rocked by this news and demons began appearing in coordination instead of random encounters which could be handled somewhat. A boy appeared before the nation the general had served. He explained he was the old general reincarnated, he knew why he had been reborn to help the nation fight back once more. He knew too much about the royal family and was accepted in to help the kingdom once more.

Apparently, he helped that kingdom from collapsing against the demons armies that sometimes would spill out from the demon kingdom. Lurk was also informed about how the demon kingdom was formed, how goblins suddenly appeared and became a blight on the world.

{"Sigh... That is horrible. I think I better get going soon.. Eh... I cannot stay this long.. I am supposed to only be here for...ehm...Well... I am supposed to take care of all you girls who are Xarns to uhm.. mate with... but... uhm"}

Lurk scratched his back again trying to find out a way to broach the subject. His cheeks flaring up.

(" Oh sure! just tell her, you need her to become preggers! or she will get killed off!.. ") Lurk rumbled in his head about how can you calmly tell her this without sounding like a forceful creep.


Resti noticed Lurk looking flustered even his cheek darkening, why was he acting so weird. He had been calmly talking with her now, asking her questions even being considerate when she talked about the goblins killing her mother. But now suddenly he was acting weird. But he had been a weird being, to begin with. Goblins do not talk to other species. At least not from what she knew. She was thankful he was helping and even been told some goblin name Xarn was away... So she still had a chance of not being raped.

{"Cough..Emh. Well. Cough!.... I wanted to have a chance... To talk with someone to learn from and also try to figure out a way to save you from Vrek killing you... But i could not think of anything but..."}

Resti nodded slightly, how much more could his cheeks darken he is also scratching his neck off if he keeps it up like that.

{"I am only allowed down here... Cough.. because I told him I would claim you as ehh.... ehm... my.. Wiiiife?..."}

Lurk managed to figure out a way to say it in a way that did not sound as horrible he felt, but he did draw out the last word trying hard to lie.

Resti immediately turned red in her face, a fireball forming in her hand that she tried to lift up.

Lurk was shocked and quickly held up his hands shuffling away.

"Whoa! whoa! It was the only thing I could think off to save your life!! Be careful with that!"

"You do not want a wife! you just want to make goblin babies!!" The fireball growing bigger Lurk waving his hands back and forth trying to calm Resti down from launching that fireball at him, he quickly moved to hold onto her hand the ball was in to make sure she could not aim it directly at him.

"You are misunderstanding what I am saying!!"

"I do not want to give birth to some goblin!"

She looked angry now, lifting her arm weakly to aim it at Lurk, but he could gently move her arm a little out of the way so she could not shoot it straight at him. When he suddenly seemed to have an idea, that even made her pause and gently stopped holding onto her too tightly.

"... Uhm...if it comes to it, I can make it so it's not a goblin?..."

From outside of the cave a suddenly a flash of a flame bursting could be seen and Lurk yelping out in shock.