Happy place

Lurk had decided to retreat into the advanced menu.

It was, of course, the most logical place to go to, since his more emotional side of him had shortcircuited. Now he could look on with a sage and calm demeanor. Of course, he was alone here inside the Advanced menu, the mana circles ticking along around his avatar in the middle of it.

"Ah, such a soothing rhythm, and order that does not suddenly leap out at you and crush your world with too heavy demands and responsibilities...But it cannot be that bad can it?..."

Lurk quickly peaked out of the advanced menu, seeing himself still being utterly shocked and being shaken back and forth by Sala as his dim eyes stared ahead. He quickly retreated back to the advanced menu.

But unfortunately, he caught a glimpse of four runes wiggling around him as if demanding his attention. The four runes all seemed to be collapsed Avatar states that all were connected to his own. They were dancing around his head but he did his best to ignore them.

"Ahh.. so soothing this calm place..." One of the runes bonked him on the head. Or it might have been outside influenced that was being translated into this calm happy place inside his mind.

Lurk released a sigh, and brought the four runes to a halt in front of him, opening each one up, he saw the four goblin avatars still not locked down, their body indistinct and their faces merely basic templates and not defined as much as his own or Lula's.

"Please enter a name." Each rune said towards him, waiting to be integrated into the system properly, the name seemed to be the most important thing before the form of the avatar could take place...

"Why is the name so crucial..." Lurk pondered over this but he could not ignore reality much longer, he sighed and steeled himself mentally and closed down the advanced menu, reality returning once more to his senses.

"Lurk?! Sylvie what happened to him? can you heal him?" Sala's voice was the first thing that he heard she sound desperate after her usual head bonk did not stir Lurk to react.

"Uhm I do not think so... oh look he is awake now!" Sylvie was unsure but her eyes lit up seeing Lurk being aware again.

"What happened Lurk?? You kinda blacked out there for a while??" Resti asked looking slightly worried, she had seen him meditate like this before. Of course, it looked more gracefully than the shocked look on his face and then him going half unconscious.

"I forgot that the real enemy was not the evil curse... damn ravenous trait..." Lurk said to them, the last bit mumbling it quietly to himself. The evil trait was more obvious with how it was pushing his will to act, but the damn ravenous trait just seemed to flow perfectly with him. And of course, combined with the Fertile trait they combined into the true strong enemy that was now crushing him down.

"Huh?." "what?" "Sala does not get it" The girls all looked at each other and then Lurk.

"... Haaahh... Right, so you are all pregnant... Sala somehow is again... Thought that was not possible..." Lurk said in a rather flat tone as he rubbed his chin, he was actually not sure on how soon a woman could be pregnant RIGHT after having given birth. But this did not make sense.

"Ooh! Great!" Sala said grinning widely, nodding to her self feeling great for forcing the issue Sylvie and Resti were having.

"Huh...?... uhm.. how do you... oh.." Resti was a tad dismissal but she did remember that goblins were extremely fertile... they would make children even with the most barren of women... Regardless of the time...She looked down at her stomach and kinda froze, it was one of those moments where she had not really thought that far.

"... I'm glad, master." Sylvie smiled sweetly at Lurk sitting up straight, Lurks flat and strong facade that he was trying to hold up, melted when he saw Sylvie smile and her tail whipping around happily.

"Oh, that's good... You actually have two kids, so I guess its twins." Lurk smiled now Sylvie's smile infected him and calmed him down. He turned to look at Resti who was holding her stomach.

"Are you ok Resti?" Lurk said with some concern.

"I... I'm just... a little scared... " Resti said quietly, she had after all been living a normal life with her mother in the village, though she was ostracized a little due to her elven nature, she had not really been around many of the boys in the village and mostly kept to studying with her mother and doing her chores... She suddenly remembered her mother and a tear came to her eyes.

"... I... What would mother think of this..." She gave a quiet sob to herself, she suddenly felt Lurk hug her and she cried into his shoulder. She also felt Sylvie hug her. She cried for a while. When Sala who had been looking on feeling awkward, she was not used to this way of acting but she did feel sad, which was odd for her, plus normally having a -parent- focus on a child like she had been doing.

Normally goblins would just ignore their young, the chief deciding where and how they would be placed in the tribe, she just felt she needed to make strong offspring. But meeting Lurk now her way of living had changed, and Lurk had definitely wanted Lula to be with Sala and him as much as possible.

The mood in the air from Resti was affecting her somehow, she was not used to this as she could somewhat relate. even her eyes became misty, causing her to wipe her face.

"Sala thinks that is silly!" She reacted like she normally would, and projected frustration or anger and try to take back control of the situation.

"Sala thinks that your mother would be happy if your mate was strong and there to protect you!" Sala said out rather loudly, as she kept wiping her eyes that kept getting misty.

"If you feel safe and... Happy with your mate..." The misty eyes turning a lot wetter.

"... I want to be with Lurk and I know it's ok! So know that if your mother wanted you to be happy and safe too! then she would approve!" Sala wiped her eyes and seemed to strengthen her resolve a bit more and finally look determined at the group.

Lurk and Sylvie smiled looking at Sala, Resti sniffed her tears running down her face looking at Sala, their hug opening up as Resti moved for them to do so to make room for Sala, Sala once more had a tear run down her cheek and she moved into the group hug with her cheek against Resti. and they all hugged in a tight embrace.

Lurk could barely contain the sensation in his heart, his emotions feeling first sad then immensely happy due to Sala calming down Resti and how Sylvie had been happy too all hammered him with emotions. But still, no tears were there. He wondered if goblins simply could not cry, but Sala just had. He did not mind crying when it was like this... Maybe he had dried up his tears from his first life. He had never had such a moment like this, multiple girls who all liked him sharing their worries and opening their hearts in this fashion.

Lurk simply smiled stupidly as he hugged tightly before letting go, as he looked at the girls that also broke up the hug, smiling at him.

"So... What do you want them to be named..." Lurk said to them, and then confusion seemed to hit the girls and they looked back and forth between each other.

"What do you mean?... We should know their name once they are born right?" Resti said tilting her head slightly?

"Yes? Just like Lula! Sala really liked that name!" Sala smiled looking over at Lula that was in a basket wrapped up and sleeping.

"Uhm... What do you mean master?... Names are something you are born with?"

Lurk looked at them dumbly, he had thought initially that it was only goblins that were given a name by the system since they also seemed to be controlled by something and even given memories and knowledge to make them functional almost right away from birth.

"... How do you know the name?" Lurk looked at Sala questioningly

"Well, its like when you train hard! and then you get a feeling that you have become better at something! I just felt it right as Lula was born her name coming to me!" Sala beamed as she explained.

("... That sounds like my menu... but it's not the same... Does everyone have this menu but its different for everyone? Sala's menu seems to be on an instinctual level without numbers or lists...")

"Well when I train and I improve I can see runic symbols that my mother taught me during magic class, so I am able to see how far I have come, it differs from person to person but if you have been taught a special way to observe your inner self it will be able to give greater details. Some of the friends of my mother were extremely talented and could see minute differences when they trained." Resti said looking to Lurk who stared back with an intense look.

"... Can you get an understanding of how your fire magic works when you think on it?... Like a description of it coming to your mind?"

"Uhm... No?... I can feel the magic element flow and sense its strength? Like some runes will be shown to properly give a reflection of how well I have trained and improved. But that kind of details I do not have?" Resti said as it slowly dawned on her.

"Can you see that much detail with your powers on your inner self?!?!?" Resti said as she leaned forward eagerly, realizing that Lurk must have been able to understand a lot more from his inner self which was how he could become so strong so fast in all his abilities!

Lurk opened his eyes wide, he was again reminded that they were all still naked and she just leaned forward, causing her mountains to wiggle from the sudden motion, he quickly focused on the conversation and did not give the ravenous trait an inch to advanced.

"Ah.. eh... Yes, I can see when I have learned something and what its purpose is and I can also see that I have gotten you pregnant, and have an option to chose their names..." Lurk decided to not get too much further into the Menu as it might be too overwhelming this early on. Plus it would take forever to explain to them. Sala was already getting ready to clock out from this much.

"That's amazing..." Resti said looking at Sylvie who also seemed to be impressed. Sala just beamed with pride over having picked such a strong mate, when it dawned on her and she quickly asked.

"Wait?! so you picked the name Lula??" She looked at Lurk intensely and also leaned forward

"ah uh yes?!" Lurk tried really really hard to keep focusing on the current topic, but the ravenous trait was howling in his head to skip the talky talk.

"Why did you not ask me then! I would have said she should have been named... Destroyer! Smasher! The Great One!" Her eyes beaming with ambition as she started naming off names... That more sounded like titles.

"Uhm... Well, I went with my first two letters of my name and your last two... Lu and La" Lurk said calmly to Sala, as he simply thought the name sound cute like that. But this caused Resti and Sylvie to both lean forward. Lurks eyes widening again as they were now hastily moving around trying to take it all in.

"You can see your names?! In letters?! You can read it?!" Resti burst out, she seemed more and more impressed. She had only heard of a few people being able to make a concise and properly defined Inner self like this. One was an archmage that said he had a great list of details before him that he could preview all at a glance.

"Ah... Eh yes...." Lurk was trying to answer and fight the ravenous trait at the same time, it was seriously dimming his ability to hold a proper conversation. His body had long since given in and his soldier was standing at attention once more. But he saw the menu flashing and examining it the names seemed to be on a countdown before a random name would be picked.

"Oh... It's is a limited time before we cannot pick our selves anymore." Lurk managed to say as it calmed him down.

"So... What do you want our kid's names to be?" He smiles at the three.