

Aurk looked on with an uncomfortable look in his eyes as Lurk broke Aurk's arm right at where his arm was slightly bent and mangled. He could not feel any pain as Sylvie was sitting next to him and channeling a new version of [Lessen Pain] Lurk had created for her. Sala held Aurk's arm looking at a Spell image that Lurk had cast that showed a cross-section of Aurk's Arm. Lurk told Sala to hold the arm in place and he was pleased with how this would make the process of healing it a lot faster than before. Aurk's body was accepting the old regeneration spell fine but the progress made on slowly shifting the bone in place was unbelievably slow.

Lurk had now made specialized focus healing spells. He was sure that with these spells he could perform any kind of surgery as long as the spells were in effect with almost no chance of a person dying. He realized that all the healing spells would try to put a person's basic body structure back into place, but it did not disclose that information in any way, it merely had a function that would heal a body back to normal.

Lurk cast his new spell [Lesser mend bone] and the bone knitted itself together and the bone that was too much off began to separate from the rest of the bone. Lurk took out his elven dagger and cut into Aurk's arm and removed the rejected bone pieces, and then focused his healing spell on the wound as it all closed up neatly. Lurk cast his new [Regeneration] spell that was faster than the old one by quite a few stretches. Aurk's arm was steady enough to hold itself together, but Lurk put a splint on it as he could see on the magic image that the bone was still weaker than normal for the moment, to make sure it was steady.

"Right... How's that?"

Aurk looked at his hand as he flexed his fingers and bent his arm, a surprised look on his face as he did so easily. He looked to Lurk, his wounded eye had also healed up during their journey, and they were almost near the valley. They had found a place surrounded by jagged rocks to camp in as Sala, Resti, and Sylvie was ready to give birth. So Lurk decided to also fix everyone else's health issues now that they had the time to relax before the last stretch of travel. He began with devising the spells that he needed to fix the problems that he and Aurk had.


[Pause Pain]

Halts any pain of a willing target as long as the spell is kept active with constant mana.


[Lesser Mend Bone]

A focused healing spell that only works on one bone at the time.


[Mana Blood]

Restores blood in a target at an increased rate.


[Project Image - Body]

Reads the targets body stats and damage and projects it in a visible image or projects it to a compatible system menu.


"It's amazing chief. I can feel my fingers properly now before they were kind numb sometimes, it tingles in my arm a bit now though" Aurk stated to a satisfied Lurk who nodded looking pleased with himself.

"That's the healing spell working on your bone. Try not to stress your arm too much today and it should be good tomorrow" Lurk said as he cast the cleaning spell on himself and Aurk. He then looked to Sylvie and nodded to her

"Thank you for the help Sylvie," Lurk said giving her head a pat and scratched one of her ears briefly, she smiled wide to him and nodded back.

"Yes. Thank you" Aurk nodded to Sylvie and got and gathered his weapons and went over to rest up.

"I am quite amazing how you are using those spells... I have not seen anyone do that before... " Emily said as she had been looking on along with Resti who also nodded at the statement. Emily had been an adventurer for a long time and she had been healed before and it was always a rather slow affair but it was good in emergencies and the various churches did have long term treatment but it was expensive if it was not a dangerous case as they would be cheaper if it was a very strong detriment to a personal health, at least it was like that in the Quant Church she was a follower of. Other churches were different on this, and it was not all the churches that had a person able to cast the strong spells needed.

Lurk looked at his own arm and began to cast the [Lesser Mend Bone] alongside the [regeneration] spell, the fleshy veiny sack on his arm had been healing a lot faster than normal, now that the most difficult thing to heal the bone was healing on its own with a special spell to take care of that one task. He expected it would only take a couple of days more of healing without going too far down in his mana to reserve mana for emergencies and battle that might occur. But thanks to the increased mana gain that Sylvie and now he had made their combined mana pool recover incredibly fast, allowing him to cast the spells a lot.

After the success with Aurk, even some of the women stepped up with some of their older injuries that some had gained during their life. A hurt ankle and an extremely sore back, The back being the most complicated one Lurk had to heal but he figured it out with the [Project image] that showed all their injuries allowing him to use his focus spells in the right locations. They even smiled once their age-old pains vanished with a slight tingle from his spells.

"That spell that shows the body for instance. I've never seen it... How did you think of that?" Emily said looking at the spell image fading as Aurk left its range.

"Well... I could just tell from when I was healing people it was possible..." Lurk lied, he was not gonna talk to much about how he could see his own bodies runes and pick off the most important ones that showed their status, then translate it into a spell light spell he created. Only someone that had a ready to read body rune template as he did would be able to do this feat. It did feel like a massive cheat, but Lurk did not complain. Since he was unable to open anyone's body menu without them being part/or connected to his bloodline he needed that tool to fix Aurk's arm and also be able to see issues in other patients.

Clearly, he had a secret access pass to the internal workings of the world and the creatures living in it. All he needed was data to view inside his menu and he could gather something from it with enough time. Lurk sad down next to Resti but was suddenly knocked back into the ground when out of the blue suddenly someone pounced on him knocking him flat on the ground.

"Chief! I learned how to punch from Mother Sala! I saw it in my head!" Lulu the recently fully grown goblin sat on Lurk that was looking dizzy from the sudden onrush and impact onto the ground. His daughter had during their journey grown to adult and besides her slightly blueish hint skin color and the two very small bumps on her forehead, she looked completely like a normal goblin with bright purple eyes. Her strength though was incredible as she had inherited the [Ogre power] and had a strong base stat for it.

Lurk rubbed his head as he sat up on his elbows looking at the beaming Lula sitting on him waiting to be praised for her hard work. He actually knew already as the menu gave a message earlier while he was healing the group.

[Lula: Goblin/Ogre] - learned skill [Brawling]

"Good work Lula..." Lurk patted Lula on the head her grin was wide and big as she got up and grabbed lurks arm and effortlessly lifted him up standing. Both these goblins had more strength than any baseline human could ever hope to have without special skills or stats. Lurk worried for his future if Lula would continue with the same physical language she clearly was picking up from Sala.

"That's is Sala's Spawnling!" Sala looked on proud rubbing her belly that was big and looked ready to burst, she sat down near the small fire that Resti had cast on the ground that was burning gently giving off plenty of heat but little light or smoke. Lula bounced over to her easily and sat down grinning at Sala.

"hi hi hi hi! Lula knew Chief would be pleased!" Sala and Lula both gave the same grin to each other. Lurk had to say they did look like each other slightly despite that Lula seemed to have slight ogre traits beginning to show. Lurk wondered if this was signs of Evolving or a side effect of the Progenitor system.

"Sala do you know how and when a goblin evolves?" Lurk sat down after dusting himself off, pulling out some food from his storage ring, setting up a way to fry the meat over the [Lesser Heat cantrip] Resti had cast on the ground. A spell she herself researched in the same way like Lurk did after they tried to experiment if she too could do it. At first nothing happened and Lurk tried to ask what she was trying to form within her mind. But she was not very imaginative or thought of specific scientific terms like how energy and mass was a thing.

She had the simple idea of the hotter the better and to try and force it onto a point. It did produce something but it was not sustainable. She did not think along the same line of thinking Lurk did as he had a very good idea of how runes would function and how he could group it together in his head to form patterns and a pattern that the energy would flow through much like his computer programming.

But trying to teach all these things to Resti was not something easily done. He tried something simple at first talking about how some things would retain heat after a while, how did the heat transfer between things, like cold water or a cold pot becoming hot. Then tried to make her think of a closed off space that the fire would be contained within and would slowly become cold, the heat leaving it bit by bit, then use the runes she knew to fit that within the thought construct in her mind.

She burned almost all their safe to use mana, as they still remained above half mana pool before they would stop any experiments but in the end, after several attempts she made a simple point in space that would be filled with compacted fire magic that would only be allowed to release slowly. The more mana she put in the longer it would burn, but her skill determined how much she could put in it at once. Lurk pondered over that briefly how her way of thinking versus his was the reason his spells were more refined since she had a lot more world knowledge since he had a good concept of physics and a strong ordered mind learned from programming allowing him to think up complex rune formations.

"The big goblins in the cave evolved after many fights and having lived in the large cave for a long time," Sala interjected bringing Lurk out of his thoughts on magic. He nodded as he remembered that monsters would -Evolve- after being stressed enough and that apparently ambient mana was a big part of it. Hence why the cave he was born in was important, since apparently a lot of mana was located there... He did want to go back there one day to find out how this worked. He looked at Lula who interrupted Lurk's question to begin talking with Sala about her metal gauntlets and Sala then offered up that Lula could have Sala's old gauntlets which made her extremely happy.

Lula had been bathed in mana a lot since Lurk would heal and put mana through Sala when she was pregnant to see how it would improve her. But her Menu Avatar never did change. Lurk was worried though that if she evolved now, she might turn into one of the ogres they fought... And they were severely impaired intellectually.

Strong yes. Dumb as bricks yes.

Right now Lula seemed quick and smart. Her goblin side was still dominant despite her half ogre nature. Lurk brought up his progenitor menu looking over the [Ogre Magic Curse Unlock] that cost a whopping 10 FBP... He would need to get 10 more children... And not spend any points on those children in order to improve only one child...

Lurk sighed to himself, putting that problem aside for another day. He did not like that some of his children would need to be less talented only so one would be more talented... Especially if he had to be the one forcing the choice... This is supposed to be naturally decided... It was a lot of responsibility.

Resti could see Lurk was dealing with something as he had that same ponderous look when he was thinking hard on how to teach her his magic research tricks. She was about to ask him when she suddenly grabbed her stomach with a yelp.

"Lu. Ow!... " Everyone froze looking at Resti, Lurk got up slowly moving over to her.

"... I think I might be ... Ow!... Yes.." Resti looked slightly worried but Lurk came over and held her hand, he gave some orders to gather the things needed for a birth, most of them he could handle with magic though. Just as he was helping Resti becoming comfortable, Sylvie came over with some water in a pot when she also yelped out in pain. She also gave a look towards Lurk hinting that she was also getting ready. Lurk began to sweat slightly.

("Come on! both at the same time?!") When he looked over to Sala who did not yelp but instead had a gigantic smile as she felt her stomach giving an affirmative nod towards Lurk.

(" ALL THREE AT THE SAME TIME?!!??!") Lurk panicked as all three went into labor at the same time.


Author announcement

Thank you for reading! And sorry for the extremely long time release difference.

I had slowly begun to burn myself out on writing plus a lot of real-life issues as I mentioned in my other posts had piled up around me - draining my creativity and desire to keep writing.

It also changed how I felt while I was writing as when I began I could barely contain myself from stopping writing having great fun doing it, which actually hurt the writing as I did not take time to properly check it or think more about "how" to write it.

As I just had a story in my mind and I just wanted to write it out - this made me giddy and happy having great fun while doing it. It also gave me an incredibly good feeling seeing a lot of people liking and giving me friendly comments which really helped and boosted my desire even more to write! which it still does today! I have also gotten some reviews that were very honest about my grammar and some that were not pleased with the story/protagonist/system/etc./etc. which I have tried to take into consideration as I keep rethinking my story and how to improve it! I am happy with the critique - (some of it is a bit -out there-) but it is not a big contributor to my bad mood since I knew from the beginning this mantra (this is the internet - there will be anger).

But, right now I am struggling to get that -same- desire and happy sense but instead I get more of a -this is a chore- So it's hard to get me going - normally though once I do get going I get a bit more into it.

So I am just writing this to explain that I am sorry for the horribly long delay between the recent chapters. It will continue like this for now.

My real life is slowly recovering as I am just in a bad mood slump right now which takes a lot out of me.

I will not stop writing this story!! I have so much in my mind planned out for this! It is just hard to get it out of my noggin and onto a computer. But I might begin to write a bit on my other story - Living Core. To try and change up my writing style a bit. But I will still write on this when I can!

Again! Thank you for reading and hopefully understanding.