Hikari Okami: Kitsune Prince

"You are the first person that I have ever invited into my room."

Miyako wondered why Hikari was acting in such a manner.

"Or maybe he's jealous that I allowed any man into my room?" she thought to herself.

After she said that, Hikari felt a measure of relief wash over him as he could not imagine any human male coming close to her.

He wondered where such strange emotions were coming from for he never fought over anyone, not to mention a human at that.

"It was not like she possessed the beauty that Kayo had ,so why am I getting anxious over her?" he asked himself.

One of the first things Hikari noticed about her apartment was the size, the space seemed small to him. He saw she didn't add any personal touches to the place, almost as if she was going to be moving out at any time.

"Why is it that you don't have any flowers, ornaments or paintings? This doesn't look like a place anyone lives in."

"I don't have time for that, I work long hours and after that, I can't wait to sleep in my bed."

"You could always make time to add something colorful, as a way to show my gratitude, let me give you something to brighten the place."

Hikari released his kitsune no maho into the air, it began to work its way into creating the things he wanted to give to her.

He was puzzled as to why they were no longer the light blue color he was accustomed to.

Instead, it was now the color of white. He wondered if it was because of his stay in jigoku that brought about this change.

Slowly, the painting of the senbonzakura tree, which reflected the bright pink hue of the flower began to appear on her wall. Afterward, a small ikebana "living flower" appeared; to finish it up, he created a lime green vase for the flower.