
The flight without incident was a very short flight of 30 minutes and Jay landed at the airport in Rome at 11:13 am.

His grandfather had fixed everything during his stay in Italy, had arranged a driver for him. The assistant that his grandfather sent with him, to his trips to Italy, helped him get up from his help and keep the luggage.

When they left the plane, they found a luxurious Rolls-Royce waiting with a well-dressed man waiting outside the car. He approached him, Mr. Matthews?, asked.

Frey nodded and the man smiled. "My name is Antonio, and I will be your driver during your stay in Italy, if you need something, do not hesitate to ask, I'm here for that."

"Could you please help me carry my bags to my room? I'm a little tired, I'll probably sleep until tomorrow."

Antonio just nodded and helped him get comfortable in the car, they headed to Tivoli, where VILLA D'ESTE was staying where he would stay for the next 8 months.


When Frey woke up the next day, it was 7:10 am. He had gone to bed early the previous day.

He could not help thinking how luxurious VILLA D'ESTE was. When he arrived, an assistant told him that his villa was ready, that when he arrived he could not help thinking how beautiful this place was, it was all that nature seemed to be. In one story, Fairy should not be exaggerated, but the place was really beautiful.

He sat on his bed and saw that there was a pineapple juice in front of him, it seems that they brought it to him when he was asleep, he smiled and he drank it, he felt fresh.


[Showing the current state of the host]

Frey Matthews - Male - 14 Years

Level 1. Exp 0/10.

- Attributes -

Appearance: 18

Intelligence: 25

Charm: 12

Strength: 3

Agility: 3

Health: 3

- Skills -

computer (low level)

Singer (high level)

Mathematics (high level)

Performance (middle level)


English: 100% French: 95%

Spanish: 90% German: 40%

System points: 0

He had asked the system to analyze what he needed to learn perfectly the languages ​​he already knew, that's why they now appeared on the statistics screen.

He left his bed and looked around, really luxurious, he thought

Little by little he went to the bathroom, he could call some of the staff to ask for help, but he was really embarrassed that unknown people help him in things of intimacy.

The bathroom was the size of his old apartment and he could not help but laugh, the rich people were different.

But he would be here for 8 months and he thought his family was really rich, at least he had to enjoy now that he was in rehabilitation, because then he would be very busy making his plans, well it was time to take a shower, he thought.

He opened the shower and jumped, washed quickly but was careful not to slip.

She went out, put on a bathrobe and went back to her room wondering where the staff had put the clothes when she noticed the dressing room. He approached his entrance and turned on the lights; His clothes had been stored and carefully arranged by color, season and brand. He sighed, the rich ... they were really different.

He put on a sports set that looked very like, slow to change, you could see drops of sweat on his forehead

His body was seriously made a mess, making a simple change of clothes, in his condition was like running a marathon. Now he only had to wait for his driver to go to the rehabilitation center.

When Antonio arrived, Frey smiled, sat down in his wheelchair, while Antonio guided him.

"Mr. Matthews, we'll have breakfast at the resort restaurant, then you'll be free until we meet with Dr. Kidman this afternoon to plan his rehabilitation. Is there anything he wants to do in the meantime?"

Frey thought, it would be nice to have a computer to do some research, about the plans I had, Antonio you know where I could buy a laptop, I ask.