Aremu Is Missing

"What do you mean he's gone missing?" Akeem demanded as he sat up from his chair. Naaji sighed as he crossed his arms at his long-time friend and charge. Akeem frowned deeply at his adviser. "Naaji."

"The shadows said once Lady Lulit and my cousins left the house someone cast a misdirection spell. They couldn't even get to it." Naaji said. Akeem frowned deeply. And by the time they got there."

"Aremu disappeared." Akeem said while he rubbed the bridge of his nose. He looked at Naaji with a glare. "And the guards and servants that were placed in the house."

"They appeared to have passed out. Including all of my Uncle's wives." Naaji said. Akeem looked as if was going to curse as he started to pace back and forth. " Relax your Highness."

"It's that shadow, isn't it?" Akeem said to himself. Naaji sighed and nodded his head. Akeem groaned as he rubbed his forehead. "Any word from the Shadow Unit yet."