The flying beasts attack

CH: 5

What welcomed his eyes - was the sight of thousands of dark silhouettes flapping their wings crazily, and heading toward this direction, as though they were starved predators, rushing after seeing their preys.

Seeing this sight and understanding the implication behind it, Ramie's heart instantly fall into the bottom of abyss, as his face became completely ashen.

His mind didn't even hesitate a moment in dismissing the fact that these flaying figures were birds!

For what led these things – was a gargantuan flying silhouette with a size, way beyond what any living creature on earth should have! Also, small figures followed the large thing, and they came in a very large numbers!

And worst! These creatures did not dive down and go for the military forces; but flew right above them, coming directly for the large concentration of people

At once, cries of fear and alarm rose everywhere like a tide, causing a chaotic scene to break out at once.

Almost all of these people were evacuated from nearby cities, witnessing the initial onslaught of the creatures and the atrocities with their own eyes, the horrifying scenes were still fresh in their minds!






Immediately, the situation exploded with chaos, and witless fear soon overwhelmed the hearts.

At once, all the people in the street started running in the camp direction; discarding everything they carried, wanting to leave this place as soon as possible.

With so many people, frightened out of their minds, and charging at one direction, soon, a human wave was formed.

The frenzied human wave momentum skyrocketed in a moment, inducing a tsunami of running people that wanted nothing more than to get away from here, as everyone here had either seen or heard of the tragic fate that befalls whoever gets caught by the clutches of these things.

The wave started swallowing the weak, the young, the old, and tramples them to death. Whoever trips, or is pushed down, will be trampled to death by the hysterically running people, thus lose his life even before these things gets here.

The soldiers responsible for protecting and maintaining order couldn't do anything towards this huge mass of running people. In fact they themselves started running toward the camp.

The horrible situation at the military defensive line was no secret to the civilians, let alone these soldiers. And the collapse of the defense line was only a matter of time. As such, these soldiers were not stupid enough to stick around.

The military field commanders stationed a bit behind the defense line, also saw the flying beasts.

But, instead of attacking, they gritted their teeth, and ordered the soldiers no to shoot at the flying creatures, and let them pass over.

They themselves were already in way over their heads, having to deal with abnormally strong beasts.

At this point, if they were to shot at these beasts, and attract them to attack the defense line, then, they'd be involving themselves in inescapable situation, as they were already in way over their heads. This rout of action that was nothing short of bringing their own doom upon themselves.

The flying beasts also sensed the pressure of battle at the front line, sensing that these preys were hard ones, they didn't dive down, choosing instead to go after the easier, larger concentrated preys further ahead.

Ramie didn't hesitate not even for a moment, charging for the camp direction with his maximum running speed. Eric was even faster, overtaking him in moments, and running at speed that left ramie startled.

Only seconds later; a soul shattering, miserable cries started coming from behind in quick succession!

Incalculable sounds of inhuman, high pitched, excited screeches started coming from behind.




Ramie didn't even need to look back to know what was happening.

The desperate, mournful screams volume kept getting louder and louder, getting closer and closer.

The large flying figure landed on a large building, and issued an ear-piercing screech that caused the running people's ears to whistle in daze. Then it started overseeing the massacre committed by its kin bellow.

At this point, ramie's panic stricken heart was pumping more and more fear with every further beat, shooting up his Adrenalin level insanely.


His current running speed reached a completely new level, making him overtake the people ahead of him.

The more he feared death, the faster he ran.

In these moments, his imagination started running wild, promising him a gruesome, despicable death, if got caught by these things, making him run even faster.


"Help me!!"


The massacre soon reached him, and the sorrowful cries of despair exploded all around him.

Suddenly, a creature like nothing he'd ever seen, appeared in his field of vision. The creature was covered with a black-red colored feather, long snout with very short bone at the tip of the upper jaw, like a tip of spear, as well as a mouth filled with savage looking, outwardly protruding teeth.

it dived down, grabbed a youth appearing to be at his early teen who was running few meters ahead of Ramie, sinking its sharp and bended claws into the youth's shoulders in a grabbing motion, then with a flap of its wings, it soared back into the sky once more.



The youth issued a horror filled scream, with a childish tone that seeped deep into the souls of the people around, like stabbing needles, giving them an urge that welled up from the very foundation of their souls to risk their lives to protect, to save him from the inevitable gruesome death.

Ramie was frightened by the scene, his heart almost seizing on the spot, making him forget how to breathe.

Unfortunately, before anyone could react, the flaying beast was already tearing apart the teen's neck, killing on the spot.

Blood splashed down, as the beast carried away the corpse to the top of nearby building, and started his feast!

The scene caused the hearts of the nearby people to shudder, losing their senses to a dominating, utter fright!

As the high pitched screeches kept ringing nonstop from multiple sources behind, Ramie snapped back to his sense.

In seconds, a storm of thoughts flashed across Ramie's mind processing the situation, and leading him to a frightening conclusion!

There was no way to reach the camp in time!!

Not alive!!

Even though the remaining distance could be traversed in less than 30 minute, if he kept sprinting at his current speed, but there was no way to get there on time. Not with these things picking people up at this speed. Not at this pace!

Immediately, ramie acted upon these thoughts, decisively rushing to the side.

He struck Eric on the back, exerting a considerable force in the blow, and shouting atop his lungs: "ERIC! THE ALLEYWAYS! HEAD TO THE ALLEYWAY!! WE WON"T MAKE IT IN TIME TO THE CAMP! WE HAVE TO HIDE! NOW!!"

Ramie didn't charge directly to the side, or else, if he was to collide with someone and fall to the ground, he would be trampled to death right there and then.

Thus, after seeing that Eric responded to him, he kept running forward while moving closer to the side, a bit by bit.

All The While, the mixed sounds of the screeches issued by the excited beasts, as they picked up their helpless preys, unhindered. And the frightened humans, as they ran frantically for their lives; created a symphony of death and despair that made people wish they were long dead, over witnessing this hellish sight! And living through these horrifying moments!

As ramie inched closer to the right side of the street, a sudden wave of people came between him and Eric, pushing him to the left side, and separating him from his friend.

The pushing force was irresistible, and Ramie couldn't force his way against.

He tried shouting, but the chaotic noise around was too loud, swallowing all other sounds.

Gritting his teeth, ramie knew that he could only go with the wave.

After reducing his running speed a bit, and after colliding with few people, he finally managed to dash out of the human mass.

But, by this point, Eric was running over ten meters ahead of him, entering the alleyway.

However, just as ramie headed for the alleyway,




Abruptly, five flying creatures descended at the right side of the street, on the sidewalk, blocking the entrance to the alleyway that Eric had just ran into, pinning few people to the ground, and starting their feast while screeching excitedly, not even bothering to kill them first.


A hellish, blood curdling screams of pain and sorrow rang nonstop, overflowing from all directions.

At this point, the flaying creatures no longer cared to kill and carry the prey to safe places then start the feast, instead, and upon seeing the abundance and the weakness of these easy preys, they started hunting and feeding on the spot, not even bothering to finish the whole thing, but only going for the delicious parts of these soft prey before moving to another targets.

Right now, between Ramie and Eric, stood five beasts, feasting.

The people that were running ahead of Ramie, stopped in their track. Upon seeing the five beasts tearing apart the still alive humans under their claws, they went insane with fear, turned around, and charged to the other direction frantically.

Seeing these people running toward him in frenzies, Ramie's heart almost seized.

Eric kept sprinting further and further, madly, not even turning to look back! Ramie gritted his teeth to the point of making clattering sounds, and clenched his fists!

He knew that this was the right call in this situation, but he couldn't shake away the bitterness he felt!

There was no way to Eric not to hear the commotion right behind him; he also knew that Ramie was running behind, right where these beasts descended and attacked, but he still didn't look back!

Having no other choice, Ramie turned and dashed to the other side, with a very bad taste in his mouth.

At this point, flying beasts descended everywhere, killing indiscriminately!

Everyone at this moment reached the same conclusion! Reaching the camp a live at this rate was an impossible dream!

Thus, people scattered everywhere, and ran to the buildings, shops, and to anything with a ceiling and walls that can hide them.

Ramie managed to enter a branch street; tenths of people were running in the street in frenzies. Trying to get into buildings and shops, basically, any enclosed space would do at the moment.

However, as people went, so did the beasts, that covered the sky.

Death kept descending from above, wantonly harvesting lives!

The problem was that most these building were closed, as for the stores; they had a glassy front that couldn't even keep a man from entering, let alone these creatures!

As Ramie was running toward a building, a flying beast descended at a woman running few meters ahead of him, picking up yet another poor soul!

Ramie responded rapidly, turning to the side, toward a narrow alleyway.

At this moment, a shrill inhuman cry sounded behind him, not too far away!

He increased his running speed to the point that he could hear nothing but his explosively beating heart that was thumping so hard that it was a hair width away from rupturing inside his chest! As for his lungs, they were absorbing the air is short rapid gasps as if they were a thirsty man on the brink of death and had just discovered water.

At this moment, he located in the alleyway two policemen trying to fully open a door to get inside, while few hands were extending from the inside, trying to pull it shut!

Screech! Screech! Screech!

The heart gripping screech sounded again, closer this time!

A sudden feeling of unease exploded momentary inside his mind! Like a premonition of imminent doom!

This was unquestionably the most intense feeling of imminent danger he had ever sensed in his live, to the point of almost seeing the dreadful face of death staring at him, anticipating harvesting his soul at any moment.

Without any further thought, like lightning, he charged for the two policemen's direction, grabbed the edge of the door with them, and pulled with all his might!


He thundered like a wild beast, fueled with fright, his muscles exploding with the whatever left of his strength, straining his muscles beyond their limit, for every little bit of power he could muster.

The two policemen also roared with anger;

"Low lives!!! Open the DOOR!!!"

"If we die, YOU WILL DIE TOO!!"

Pulling at the same time, the three of them finally overpowered those who wanted to close the door shut, and the door was finally forced open.

Ramie jumped in like a cheetah, crushing against someone who was standing behind the door, to the ground.

The two policemen followed in. And just as the door was closed by someone, a fierce sound of collision came from behind, making the door vibrates violently due to the violent force!


SCREEEEECH!!! Screech!! Screeeeech!!!

The inhuman, high pitched screech of the irritated beast kept resounding outside the door.

It lasted few moments, before disappearing.

The creature had probably located and was going after some other unlucky souls.

Ramie was at this moment gasping madly, inhaling massive amounts of oxygen in rapid, short breaths, as though this was the first time he discovers air!

He was at his physical limits, his head buzzing with waves of pain, all his muscles sending crazy signals of ache.

Collapsing to the ground, his lungs struggled to pull as much air as possible with every breath.

Regaining his focus, he lifted his head, to see if there was another entrance that might allow these things to get in.


The man he had crushed into, pushed him to the side, got up, and charged toward the stairs in frenzy. Other two men that were with this guy followed him.

Those three were the ones trying to close the door shut.

The screams outside kept ranging nonstop.

At this moment ramie realized that he had gotten into a residential building from the side service door.

"Follow us!"

Just as ramie was getting up, one of the two policemen shouted to him in haste before following his colleague to the stairs.

Ramie jumped up, and charged after them, as they made their way to the second floor, running like madmen. Even overtaking the man that ramie had crushed into, the one that started charging up the stairs before them.

Run! Run! Run!

Despite his exhaustion, Ramie folded the stairs in few jumps. Fear was a very strong motive after all.

Right now, only one thought dominating Ramie's mind.

'Will I live beyond this day…?'
