The humanoid creature (4)

It was only now did Ramie got to see the creature that had almost claimed his life.

And he was beyond shocked, almost losing his composer!

In fact, all of them stared at the creature with terror in their hearts!

At a height of 2 meters, stood a humanoid-shaped creature at the entrance of the floor, where Ramie and Neil used to stand.

Its upper body was hunched forward, with arms that were very long, as they dangled downward, almost reaching the ground. Its groin area was covered with animal or beast fur that was wrapped around its waist.

The body of the creature was in thin proportions, with relatively large human shaped hands that had long fingers.

The creature stared at them with amber-colored, scrutinizing eyes that rested on its snake-like head.

Its body was covered with scales, like crocodile. A short tale was swinging in agitation behind the creature.

But it wasn't its human like body that terrified them!

It was instead the intelligence that shone in its eyes, cunningly, and the long, pointed bone that the creature held in its hand, pointing it toward them in a challenging provocation!

What did that mean??

It meant that now, they were facing a creature with high intelligence...!

How could they not be frightened?

At the moment, more and more questions appeared in Ramie's mind, adding to the mystery of what was really happening in the world, and complicating things even further.

But this was no time for contemplation.

Standing together, Ramie, Lance and Neil tightened their grips on their weapon, as they sensed that this confrontation was even worse than the one back in the apartment in the third floor.

That creature was basically acting impulsively on its basic instinct, but this creature was different.

If this creature was smart enough to cover itself, use weapons, and provoke them into a fight… Then chances are that it also was capable of fighting according to a strategy.

Ramie felt a great sense of crisis wells up in his heart, as the pressure this creature was exuding was even greater than the previous creature that they had fought.

Thus, he steeled his mind, and tried to maintain his composer, as to not lose his cool and make a similar mistake to the one that Neil had made, which had almost cost him his life!

Staring at the creature, suddenly, the artifact around his wrist vibrated slightly.

Following which, information flowed to his mind:

Tier-1 Beast

Name: Forest Snakeman

Innate Spells: none

Special notes: Descendant of the snake ruler! Adept at hunting its preys through ambushes!

Ramie was taken by this sudden reading!

He had speculated that this artifact only displays readings of those who had life energy or other artifacts!

But now, it seems that it also includes the creatures

'Forest snakeman…wait! Tier-1 beast!'

'It should be its level… But… what does it exactly mean…?'

At this moment however, he remembered that the reading he got from Lance said Lv.1 warrior!

'Does it mean that this thing is at the same level as Mr. Lance…?'

'WAIT…! If I got the reading, then…'

Realizing something, Ramie turned his gaze to Neil who was standing close to him.

He saw that Neil was just turning, and looking at him as if wanting to say something.

Ramie immediately understood that Neil's too seemed to have gotten the reading.

Thus, after nodding to Neil in understanding, he turned his gaze back to the creature, watching alertly, while saying: "Neil! Speak up the readings you've got!"

Ramie said so because he wanted Lance to hear it, and he also wanted to hear it himself.

He wanted Neil to report the reading he got, because there seem to be a bit of a difference between his artifact and Neil's.

As when they checked their artifacts, he got a reading from Neil while Neil didn't get any reading from him.

So, he wanted Neil to speak up the readings he got for Lance to hear, and also to see if there was any difference between the reading he got and the one that Neil got.

Neil immediately spoke up: "it says; Tier-1 Beast, Name: forest snakeman, Innate Spells: none, Special notes: Descendant of the snake ruler! Adept at hunting its preys through ambushes!"

Lance expression changed a bit, surprised by this revelation.

But he didn't say a thing, as it wasn't the time or the place for discussion.

'So, we both got the same reading.' Ramie thought, while observing the creature, vigilantly.

Seconds ticked by slowly…

But neither of the two parties moved.

The creature was scanning them with its intelligent eyes, while standing motionlessly, like a statue.


Rattle! Rattle! Rattle!

The creature let out a ratting sound similar to snakes as its forked tongue flickered in and out. Its snake eyes flashed with a dangerous glint of killing intent.

As just as they were assessing the creature, it too was scrutinizing them!

At these sounds, the trio's hearts tightened, as the intensity of the atmosphere multiplied several times.

Among the three, the creature's eyes rested on Lance, then…


Suddenly, the creature dashed toward them with a terrible speed!

In a mere moment, the creature had already traversed the distance between them, and was now in front of Lance, stabbing at him with the pointed bone!

Almost in the same time that the creature launched itself, Lance rotated the life energy inside his body, and immediately, his physical capabilities soared.

Then, as he stepped forth toward the creature, with an equivalent speed, he grabbed at the creatures hand that was holding the bone, and in swift movement, he pushed it away, while simultaneously stabbing at the creature's chest, with his other hand that was holding the knife.

In no time, Lance had neutralized the creature's attack, and counter attacked at the same time!

This creature was moving in a manner similar to humans, which meant that the fighting skills that Lance had learned in the military were applicable this time.

Thus, he made a full use of this fact.

As he stabbed at the chest region, the creature shrieked and twisted its body in unnatural angle, resulting in the knife only making a flesh cut.

Then, as the creature twisted its body, successfully evading the lethal attack, on the same time, it rotated its body and made use of the momentum of the evasive movement to swing its other hand at Lance's head, wanting to finish off this confrontation in the next attack!

By now, the creature realized that even despite the fact that the aura this enemy was exuding was weaker than his; but its abilities were too terrifying.

His prey was simply too dangerous, thus, it had to use its craftiness to end him as soon as possible!

Shocked by the unexpected counter attack, Lance twisted his body to the side, violently…

Unfortunately, it was too late to dodge…


The heavy smash landed at his head, slamming him to the ground, fiercely, like a bug!

In no time, the battle started, attacks exchanged, and concluded with Lance smashed to the ground with a heavy strike.

Just like that... the winner was decided.


Ramie was stupefied.

Just a moment ago, they were in a standoff, and now… Lance was squashed violently to the ground with a violent thud!

While on the other hand, the creature only had a flesh wound on its chest which was dripping blood.


Recovering its stance, and swiping the blood on its chest with its long fingers, the creature looked at his bloody fingers, and then hissed furiously at the fallen Lance.

The creature's instincts kicked in, as a deep wrath rose in its heart due to this humiliation.

Its pride didn't allow it to accept the fact that it was injured by an inferior, weak enemy.

Thus, it took a step toward Lance, whom at the moment was lying on the ground, dazed.

The earlier attack of the creature had crushed him to the ground violently, and he received the ground, head first.

If someone without life energy was subjugated to this kind of attack; then they would have joined the world of the dead by now, regardless of their strength!

The creature had more developed upper body with thin, long arms and large hands.

This made the creature's hand look like a sledgehammer when he makes a fist.

Thus, when the creature smashed with its large hand at Lance, the power in that hit was too much for the fragile human body to take, even despite the fact that Lance had used the life energy to withstand the blow!

And that's resulted in Lance ending up in his current state!

However, in truth, the real factor that brought about this kind of outcome - was the fact that this creature had more flexible body than the humans! Which is why it was able to move its body in that impossible angel, which allowed it to evade Lance's lethal attack and counter attack in unforeseen manner, thus bringing about this result.

So, it could be said that Lance losing this battle was attributed to one single fact - he lost because he didn't know that the creature could twist its body in such impossible angel at the last moment; which allowed it to both evade Lance's attack and counter attack at the same time.

Although judging by the aura alone, the creature was stronger than Lance!

However, when considering the battle capabilities and skills, Lances was an experienced soldier who knows how to fight in close quarter combat, as opposite to the creature's crude, direct manner of fighting that was far from being comparable to the refined martial art skills that Lance had mastered!

And this fact, didn't escape the creature, which is why he wanted to finish Lance off right now.

As the creature took another step toward Lance with blazing fury, intending to finish him off... Lance on the other hand was on the verge of losing his consciousness, as he struggled on the ground to regain his focus, fully aware of the fact that if he blacked out now, then, he won't get to wake up… ever again…!