The two survivors

Minutes after going into the building and closing the entrance door, Ramie started feeling an aura descends down the building from the floors above, toward them. This aura was similar in nature to his own aura and to Neil's.

'A human who possesses artifact is coming down!' He concluded.

The sign outside didn't write and place itself there, which meant the presence of people inside

Raising their guards up, the three of them prepared themselves to meet another artifact holder with a possibility of hostile attitude, similar to the earlier group in the bakery store.

Locking his alarmed gaze toward the stairway, Ramie could sense the aura getting closer and closer. He felt that it was stronger than Neil's aura, and even a bit stronger than his! And judging by their experience with the earlier group, he did not rule out the possibility that this group too might hold hostile intentions toward them.

In preparation to such scenario, and considering the stronger aura of this individual; Lance hid himself behind the stairs, preparing to react in a moment notice upon Ramie's signal. As for Ramie and Neil… they too hid behind a corner, while watching the stairway in alarm.

At this point, Ramie had told them a minute ago that he could somewhat perceive the hostility of humans too. He told them that this was the reason why he had warned them back in the bakery store. He told them so the moment he felt the aura in this building, so they'd use it to their advantage.

Lance's response toward that was calm, nodding in acknowledgment and accepting his words without questioning. Only Neil was taken a bit by this revelation, but he soon connected the dots afterward. As so far, Ramie proved to have very sharp perception, even before he acquires his artifact.

As such, if this individual was to harbor any malicious intention toward them, then Ramie would signal Lance to beat him up before he gets the chance to make a move against them. And if Lance was to fall in a dangerous situation, or is unable to beat the opponent, then Neil would interfere, and resort to using Fire Burst to restrain the target.

The earlier experience had taught Ramie that shouting out would not only alarm his friends, but also the aggressor, which would lead to a fight that might not necessarily end up in their favor.

So, he devised this strategy to make the best use of his perception by neutralizing the threat before it proceeds to make a move on them.

Locking his focus on the stairway, he saw a man walks down, slowly, while holding a rifle, and pointing it around, alertly.

He was a middle aged man with a light beard, and sharp eyes. And judging by his uniform, he appeared to be a soldier.

"Is there anyone here?" the middle aged man spoke in a low, deep voice.

Seeing him, Ramie answered from behind the corner: "Yea, there are two of us here!" Ramie didn't want to reveal Lance just yet.

"Oh! Thank god!"

Hearing the answer and contrary to Ramie's expectations; the soldier expression took 180 degree change, from a wary expression to joyful in a moment.

Lowering his rifle, he walked down the stairs with a warm, enthusiastic smile on his face.

"Come out! Come out! Don't worry, this building is safe!"

As the soldier said so, a girl who appeared to be 17, emerged from the stair way. She was looking at the corner where Ramie's sound came from. And she appeared to be excited to see other survivors.

Ramie emerged from behind the corner first. As with his monstrous vitality, even if he was attacked right away, he'd have the best chance of surviving among the three of them.

But he didn't fear such scenario, as judging by how fast he discovered the intention of his opponent back in the bakery store, he was certain that he'd have enough time to avoid the attack.

Naturally, as he shown himself to the soldier and the girl, nothing of his face could be seen.

He had raised the collar of the t-shirt he wore below the hoodie to cover half of his face, up to his eyes, while lowering the hood to cover the other half, only leaving a very narrow slit for him to see.

As both the soldier and the girl's eyes fell on him, he was on high alert, with His entire focus on the girl, instead of the soldier. Since the aura he felt, was not coming from the soldier, but the girl!

Ignoring the look of joy on the soldier, and the curious, somewhat relieved look on the girl's face, he stared at the soldier first, briefly, and then shifted his gaze toward the girl, paying an extra attention to her. He tried to discern any maliciousness emanating from the two.

Gazing intently at the two, a status reading appeared in his mind when his gaze landed on the girl.

- Lv.3 Magic Artifact (4%)

- Path: Summoning Magic

- Class: Beast's Summoner (Rare)

"What…?! Lv.3 artifact…?!"

Ramie was greatly alarmed by this revelation.

Although he had no idea what do these levels represent… But he couldn't forget the bold man in the earlier group of survivors, where his higher percent of life energy ignition which was 38%, made him stronger than Lance that had a life energy ignition of 15%...!

So, since this girl has a higher level of artifact, which was Lv.3; it was only logical to assume that her artifact was better in some way than his low leveled one, which was still at Lv.1.

Sensing the danger in this situation, he maintained his guard up, while seizing the girl up, wanting to discern any malicious intent coming from her…

However, and unlike the earlier group of survivors in the bakery store, he couldn't sense not even a shred of the murderous intent that he had perceived back in the earlier encounter. In fact, he could not sense the slightest ill intention… which was a far cry from the previous group.

Apparently, unlike the other group, these two expressions completely matched their intentions. They were genuinely happy to see other survivors in this creature infested city.

Ramie felt relieved. And he waved Lance and Neil to come out. He added a mental note to ask this girl on how she had leveled up? And on what kind advantages did she gain from it?

After eating and drinking to their full, as well as taking some rest, Ramie and the other two recovered to their prime conditions for the first time ever since the flying creatures attack.

The promise on the sign was fulfilled, even the one regarding the safety. As apparently, this building was really free from any creature. And those two were the only inhabitant at the moment.

This seemed really inconceivable? As in the building that Ramie and his two companions had came from; they confronted two creatures directly, and barely evaded third confrontation. As for these two, they moved in this building freely? And for some reason, they seemed quite certain that nothing will sneak here?

Ramie intended to inquire about it, and also about this girl's artifact. He wanted to know if her artifact was similar to his or to Neil's, or was different.

However, before he could do so, Lance took the initiative to inquire with his own questions.

"Mr. Jeffry… can I call you Jeffry?" Lance spoke, addressing the soldier.

As they served the three of them with food and water, they had exchanged few words with them. And from that, the three of them learned that this soldier was called Jeffry, and the girl was his daughter, Reem!

"Of course, of course! Whatever makes you comfortable!" The solder responded with smile, appearing to be in a cheerful mood.

From the moment that he and his daughter hid here, this was the first time they meet other people. As for the past two days, this city had become playground for the creatures, and death ground for the humans. It had given him and his daughter an overwhelming sense of loneliness and desolation… it made them feel as though they were the last two remaining humans in this world.

Which was why receiving those three made him and his daughter so elated, and brought them a lot of warm feelings, as though these guests had descended from heaven.

"Jeffry! Let me thank you two again for your extreme generosity, and apologies for imposing on you, and for consuming your supplies! Thank you!" Lance spoke in respectful, apologizing tone, while showing a very humble attitude toward the two.

"No harm! No harm! Let me tell you. It is I who should thank you for being here. After all, if you three hadn't showed up, then I really had no idea on how long we'd survive this loneliness here?"

Saying so, he stole quick glance at Neil's artifact, and appeared to be extra relieved.

As for Ramie, his artifact was hidden beneath the hoddie's sleeve. So, it couldn't be seen.

"Can I ask you something, Jeffry?" Lance expression became stern as he proceeded to ask.

"Ask away" Jeffry responded, in a carefree manner.

"Did you participate in the battle against the creatures?"

"Yes." Jeffry answered.

"So far, we had fought and defeated two creatures. Although, I can testify that these things are very strong, and hard to kill. But the military had a variant arsenal of deadly weapons that can even level up an entire city. So, how in god's name did the military suffered such crushing defeat? And lose so badly? Unable to even hold his own! Can you tell me the reason?" Lance asked the question that weighted hard on his chest.

Although he had heard some stories, but having served in the elite unit in the army, he was very clear on how devastating the heavy tier weapons can be. He found it hard to believe that all of that power fell helpless against creatures made of flesh and blood.

With a bitter expression on his face, Jeffry responded in helpless tone: "You think the military lost to these creatures?? You're wrong! The military lost to only a handful of creatures!"

Saying that, Jeffry smiled bitterly, before continuing: "At first, when we joined the fray inside the city; we annihilated the creatures in a terrifying rate. And if we were to continue at that pace, then the situation wouldn't have necessarily ended this bad! And we might have actually killed all of these creatures before they came here. Unfortunately, at the time, four creatures emerged, and came at us attacking. Then, just like that… the table was turned. Afterward, it was simply one sided massacre! A tragic battle by all standards!

Their speed, their strength, their defense, and their weird attacks… nothing about these things was logical! And regardless of how many times we hit them, how hard, and which weapon we used, it didn't matter. It was as if we were using firecracker and not destructive bombs! So, you better believe it! It only took four creatures to completely demolish the modern military might in the city! Don't try to imagine the scene. You wouldn't even get close! If I told you that we even fought a fire spitting dragon… a lightening shooting giant ape… an oversized crocodile… would you believe me?"

As Jeffry said that, a long silence followed.

His words made the atmosphere very heavy.

Not a week ago, Ramie was on a vacation on the sea, enjoying his time. At that time, the heaviest thing that was on his mind; was the political situation of the country and finding a job… But now, he was trapped in a city infested with man-eating creatures that even the military couldn't defeat!

He wasn't even sure he'd ever get to leave this city alive!

Odds were… this city was highly likely to end up as his grave.