Escaping the city (2)

Waking up from sleep, Ramie lifted his head and glanced at the clock hanged on the wall across the room: "8 Am!!"

Ramie was taken by the indicated time. The five of them had stayed awake throughout the night, not daring to sleep. They were afraid that the tier-2 wicked dog beast might make a move at Reem's summoned while they were sleep.

The entire night was filled with beast cries and battles. So, they only slept the moment the sun shined on the city, when the beasts hide in their territories.

Ramie was the last among them to fall asleep, which was around 7:20. However, he was feeling so invigorated right now that made him feel as though he had slept for an entire day, even though he had dozed off for less than an hour to completely restore to top condition.

'This bloodline is really something…!'

He couldn't deny the massive advantage this bloodline had granted him.

Today was the fourth day since this city fell completely to the beasts, and it felt like a vivid nightmare.

Four days ago, he was on the boat, wanting to come here as fast as possible, to get himself checked out by a doctor. He also was worried about the political situation of the country. But now…! He was strategizing ways of using his 'magical spells' and coordinates with another 'magicians' and an actual 'summoned monster' to escape a monster infested city so as not be eaten alive!

This twist of turn was beyond imagination not 4 days ago… now however, it was reality!

Yawning and stretching out his body, he got up from the most comfortable sleep he had gotten during this period of crazy events.

Standing straight, he closed his eyes, and started sensing the magic energy flowing in his body. He moved it about… and it followed his will, moving as easily as him moving his hands.

Unlike Lance's description of his life energy, which was warm and invigorating, this flowing energy inside him felt a bit cold, with no strengthening effects.

After a while, a certain childish thought flashed through his mind, putting an amused smile on his face.

Executing this thought, Ramie assumed a kamehameha energy blast shooting posture. Concentrating this magic energy inside him, he channeled it to his palm, and tried to lunch out an energy blast, hoping to see something extraordinary.


However, to his disappointment, and aside from the sound of of water drops falling into the kitchen's sink from the loose faucet, nothing happened… and no physical manifestation of any sort appeared.

Looking at the rest to see if any of them saw him did the moves; he felt a tinge of embarrassment. Luckily however, everyone was snoring, in a deep sleep.

Letting out a sigh of relief, he focused on his body. He could feel that the magic energy inside him had decreased by a quarter, which was the volume he had just channeled it and discharged it out.

To make sure of it, he summoned his stats.

- Name: Ramie

- Lv.2 Magic Artifact (7%)

- Path: Bloodline Magician

- Class: Subterranean Ghost Tree (Special)

- Magic Energy: 21/29

- Innate Spell: Unknown

- Spells: Morphing (permanent), Green Vine (Rare)

- Unused skill points: 0

As if conforming his doubts, his magic energy value had decreased by 8 points.

'I should be careful from now on, and maintain this energy at full value in all times. Otherwise, it wouldn't be funny if we're attacked and I only have a meager magic energy reserve!'

Adding this mental note, he moved to the kitchen.

Taking out a small bottle of milk and similarly small pack of biscuit from the large bile of food that was stacked on the kitchen's floor, he started having his breakfast.

Under the protection of Reem's summon, Jeffry had brought this food in few days ago from a nearby store.

After finishing his breakfast, Ramie patiently waited for Reem and the others to wake up.

Walking up the stairs that lead to the building's roof, Ramie could feel the aura of Reem's summon magical beast intensifies with every further step he takes.

Alongside him, were Lance and Neil. They were following Reem and Jeffry as they led them to the building roof to see her summoned magical beast for the first time.

Since Ramie was the only one that can feel the overbearing aura of the beast, only he was feeling tense.

Although he asked Reem for this chance yesterday… but it was nighttime at then, and the others can't see well in the dark. So, they left it for today's daytime.

Reaching the door leading to the roof, Reem pushed it open and waved them to walk out, Ramie and the other two stepped out, while Reem and Jeffry followed suit.


The moment Ramie walked out of the door, and his line of sight fell on the large figure ahead, lines of information surfaced in his mind.

Tier-1 Beast /summoned

Name: Azure Gazelle King

Innate Spells: lightening shield, lightning beam, lightening ball, lightening shock-wave

Special notes: A mild-natured beast that only attacks when provoked.

The artifact only displays the tier and not the mini levels (low, mid, high and peak). however, with Ramie's bloodline path, he could easily sense that although this beast was also tier-1, which was the same as the snake-headed, humanoid beast they had fought before… but the dominating aura of this beast easily outstripped that beast by a large margin.

Also, his aura didn't fell by much when comparing to the aura of tier-2 wicked dog beast they had encountered back in the bakery store.

This naturally conformed Reem's story regarding the imminence of this beast advancement to the next tier.

Having seen the number of innate spells this beast had, Ramie was astounded.

But then, that stun turned into a sense of relief. After all, this beast was on their side. In his heart, Ramie thanked god that they didn't face a beast with so many innate spells.

Ramie took a careful look at the creature.

Standing on its four limbs at two meters tall and almost one and half as that in length, was an azure colored beast that looked awfully like a Gazelle!

With eyes that exuded loftiness and pair of crystal-like, translucent horns atop its head that glistened as they reflected sun light. The summoned magical beast stood proudly, oozing with a majestic pride that was hard to conceal.

The beast looked at them with uninterested gaze. The intelligent reflected in his eyes was too bright. It gave them the feeling that this beast was as smart humans, if not smarter.

In a complete contrast to the savageness and cruelty that the beasts they had so far met exuded, this beast had the refined bearing of a king, naturally radiating a strong aura of nobility.

Ramie and the other two stared at the beast, taken by his presence. If the mythical creatures in the legends existed, then this beast was definitely one of them.

The beast scanned them with a pair of unimpressed eyes, not even Jeffry was spared from that condescending glance. However, as the beast eyes finally fell on the high spirited Reem that was walking toward him excitedly. In that moment, the beast's prideful eyes shone with excitement as the radiant superiority disappeared away in a flash. He walked toward her and lowered his head toward her with affection, so that her hand could reach and pat his head.

Unlike the vivid haughtiness in this beast's eyes when looking at them, he acted completely different and obedient around this short girl. He even took the initiative to rub his head against her stretched out hands.

Ramie was a bit speechless by this beast attitude. After all, all of the beasts he saw thus far were savage, ferocious and were oozing with tangible blood thirst. This beast however was… very different.

Remembering Reem's previous words, Ramie shifted his gaze toward the beast's translucent, crystal-like horns. According to Reem, this beast had a lightening affinity, and thus, was adept at lightening based attacks.

That pair of horns atop its head were his natural weapons, where his innate spells are casted from. These horns were his competitive advantage, like fangs and claws in the wilderness animals.

At this point, Ramie felt some sense of confident welling up in him, alleviating some of the deep concerns that were weighting heavy on his heart. After all, all of the people here including himself had means to defend themselves, whether it was firearms, the domineering life energy, or the mysterious artifacts... not to mention an actual magical beast that was on the verge of advancing into the strongest tier of beasts in the entire city!

All of that together had caused a bit of hope to sprout in his burdened heart.

Now... he could finally see a possibility of leaving this city alive…! And not being torn apart and devoured alive by some savage beast.

Standing close to one of the strongest beasts in the area, and standing beside other people with extraordinary capabilities… a four days missed sense of security surged back to his constantly on edge mentality, soothing away a lot of his worries.

The strong line up beside him wasn't something to be trifled with. Even if they were attacked by a strong beast, with the current cards they have in hand, they definitely won't be completely defenseless.

With that thought in mind, Ramie felt a sense peace. He was always the type who liked to plan everything ahead. Now however, if he tried to do that, his mind would simply be overwhelmed by the countless bleak and dark possibilities lying in wait…

Right now, he decided that just leaving this city alive is the objective. As for later on… he decided to deal with developments as they come.

It wasn't that he didn't want to plan things ahead, but it was just that he could longer afford to divide his attention, and prepare of every possibility.

As he assumed this type of thinking, he felt released, as though a giant bolder was lifted from his mind, clearing his thoughts. He as a result took the most refreshing breath in days.

With the power they had in hand, the bleak situation around had finally started to brighten up a bit.

Unknowingly, he had already accepted the new reality.

This moment... marked the beginning of the strongest soul path magician...!