Escaping the city (4)


As the five of them ran from one street to another, the commotion of the bestial confrontation far behind seemed to be about to reach its inevitable conclusion.

The already injured dog beast was definitely not a match for that thing from the coast area. However, that dog beast was the vengeful type, and didn't want to retreat before at least inflicting some damage on his adversary, regardless of how small it is.

This particularity was a god sent opportunity for the group of five. Otherwise, if this dog beast was as cowardly as the other tier-2 beast that had retreated in a sorry figure, then they wouldn't have the chance to reach this close to the harbor safely.

Ramie could almost not believe it – they had actually reached this point and the harbor was in their sight, yet, that dog beast was still preserving on against that monstrosity.

This was an exceedingly good luck!

That battle not only held off the strong tier-2 beast that controlled the coast area, but also prevented the strong tier-1 beasts from stepping out of their occupied areas, and remains in the hide, cowering out of fear of the big 'bosses' fight.

As Ramie maintained his speed of running, he started thinking that this good luck might be due to Reem. After all, he never considered himself to be a lucky person. Things were proceeding way too smoothly. And it was even making him feel nervous.

This city was nothing short of death trap for humans now. Yet, he was actually only few steps away from actually escaping!

His heart was palpating with nervousness, fearing that something bad might happen any moment now.

This feeling of his wasn't out of hunch, but merely because everything was simply going just too well!

Green Vine!

Green Vine!

Not even waiting for any lurking danger to reveal itself, Ramie caste Green Vine spell twice, projecting two vines out of his upper back to deal with anything that might pop up on them in a moment notice.

Reaching the harbor, and seeing the large number of boats, Ramie scanned them with a quick glance, wanting to find a boat similar to the one that Eric had rented before.

He had no knowledge of how to operate a boat. And the only things he knew about them, came from observation when Eric operated the fishing boat that he had rented for the vacation.

Luckily, after few seconds, he saw a fishing boat that was very similar to the one Eric had rented.

Among the group, Ramie was the only one with the slightest knowledge regarding boats. So, the rest silently followed his lead on the matter.

Having located his target, and without a delay, Ramie boarded that fishing boat to see if the control panel was similar to the fishing boat Eric had rented.

Luckily, it was the case.

Waving for the rest to come aboard, he signaled Lance to untie the rope and board the boat quickly.

Reem's summon jumped into the boat at her command, causing it to sink into the water by bit, due to his weight.

Then, starting the engine, a loud commotion sounded out. Ramie was feeling very anxious, fearing that something might be attracted by the noise.

With restless heart, he steered the boat away from the harbor as the engine roared, propelling the boat further and further away.

Neil and Reem's expression were exceedingly pale, and their hearts anxious. They were scanning the area with alarmed gazes, while wishing that the sea could just pull them away from the city faster.

"Everyone, look! There are people there!"

Suddenly, Reem spoke in urgent tone, while pointing at a certain direction.

Not far away from them, a group of over a hundred figure emerged from behind a corner, running toward the docked boats.

"This many people actually survived thus far…!" Reem blurted out, while staring at the running figures.

Everyone on the fishing boat was taken. Then, a warm feeling of happiness washed over their hearts, driving away some the gloom of desolateness that filled their hearts for the past few days.

The level of danger in this city was truly insane for humans, making them think that there were only a handful of survivors other than them in the entire city.

However, the large number of people in that group gave them hope, a hope that humans could somehow survive this disaster.

The people in that group were running together and not separated, which most likely implied that they had come from a single place where they were hiding.


As this group started boarding a certain boat, a car sized beast came at them charging from behind a corner. he was radiating a brute excitement, wanting to devour this cluster of preys that he had developed a taste for through the past few days.

The beast was few hundreds of meters away, so Ramie artifact didn't perceive the aura of the beast, which meant that the artifact can't display the beast's information.

At the scene of the beast charging at the people, the five in the boat felt their hearts quiver.

There were children, women, and elders among that group. The five on the boat did not wish to see the scene of the flying beasts descending from the sky and feasting on people few days ago to repeat itself here.

Lance grip tightened as his life energy rotated in his body violently, signifying his desire to go help these people.

Reem and Neil's countenance went aghast and colors drained from their faces as they realized what kind of gruesome fate was about to unravel upon these people.

Their fishing boat was already few tenths of meters away from the land. So, even if they wanted to help… there was no time for that.

However, just then, a weird scene happened.

Around eleven figures dashed out from the group that was trying to board the boat. They stood forming a line between the group behind and the beast that was charging over.

Behind them, another nine came; some were holding firearms while others were unarmed. They stood behind the eleven.

Afterward, a stunning scene happened, a one that explained why these people had survived thus far.

Three figures from among the nine stretched out their hands, and then, a fire arrow, ice spear, and lightning bolt were shoot out off their stretched hands and streaked through the distance, eventually landing and exploding on the beast's head. Forcing it to cut its momentum short and howl in pain.

Things didn't stop there; the eleven men and women rushed toward the beast in speed that average human shouldn't be capable of, and then used the white weapons in their hands to stab, slash, smash at the howling beast.

The table was turned around in a moment, and the beast started thrashing about, trying to get rid of these abnormally strong preys. While they on the other hand were trying to finish him off.

The scene was almost comedic, as the hunter became the hunted, and the prey became the predator.

"They actually have eleven individual with life energy and three with artifacts…!"

Not only Ramie, but the other four in the fishing boat were in daze…

Now, the mystery of how had these people survive thus far was resolved.

The eleven men and women were relentlessly attacking the beast, trying to finish it off as soon as possible, and extract its core.


However, and seeing his impending doom looming over his head, the beast let out a resounding roar, a one that shock the entire harbor.

In a second, the azure gazelle king grew very agitated in the boat, and lightening sparks started flickering off his two crystal-like horns, expressing his restlessness.

Reem's complexion swayed in fright:"That's bad! This beast is the young-ling of the coast beast! He's calling for his parent!!"


The moment these words fell, everyone on the boat broke in cold sweat.

The oppressive roar of the coast beast on itself alone was more than enough to install fear and trepidation in their hearts, not mention the beast itself! That thing dared to face two beasts on the second tier consecutively after all!

They weren't sure that they could ward off one severely injured and weakened tier-2 beast, not to mention two healthy ones.

None of the five on the boat, not even the summoned beast wanted to be here when that thing arrives.

However, not everything ones wants go as desired.


As the group of eleven started dissecting the corpse to extract the core, an earth shattering angry roar resounded throughout the city, shaking the soul of every living thing in radius of several kilometers.

Death – was on the way!

The group of eleven immediately let go of the corpse, and rushed to the boat that was starting to move away slowly. Apparently, those on the boat did not waste time and did nothing during the fight with the beast, but instead prepared to sail even as the confrontation with the beasts was ongoing.

The twenty figures caught up to their group, and leapt in the moving boat. It was unknown if they managed to get the core or not.

The boat wasn't small, but it wasn't big either. And now, over a 100 individual were packed on it. It was so cramped that some of them had to hold onto the boat's side-rails from the outside and have only one foot on the boat! The boat even sank in water a bit.

From the distant, Ramie hoped that they manage to get far before that monstrous thing arrives.


However, the next moment, another ominous and menacing roar reverberated in the air, causing the wind to vibrate. Then, following which, a massive silhouette dashed from behind a large building toward the beast corpse.

The large beast looked like an exaggerated sci-fi version of an over-sized crocodile in a horror movie!

Everyone was paralyzed at the sight, and witless fear shrouded the hearts.

It wasn't the giant thing figure, the many columns of razor-sharp bones protruding out of its head, body, and tail, nor was it the unmatchable savagery it gave off, especially with that thick tail and strong, wide jaw… it wasn't that what made them fall in this state of fear and despair…

Instead, it was the fact that this thing was crocodile!

The implication behind that wasn't something one would miss.

It was only now did the group of five understand why this thing had chosen the coast area as his territory.

Immediately, Lance was filled with regret for coming up with the boat idea as a way of escaping.