Leveling up: unsealing the ghost path (5)

Absorbing all of the cores from the low tier-1 magical beasts, his stats were refreshed many times. When he was done absorbing all the four of them, his magic artifact advancement percent rose by a very small margin, which was expected. After that, he held the magical core from the high tier-1 beast in his left hand, and started absorbing the magic energy inside.

After a while, lines of information that he really wanted to see for some time now finally popped up to him.

< Your magic artifact has gained a level! >

< Your magic energy has risen by +20 units >

< You have gained 1 skill point! >

< Your innate spell has been identified! >

"What! My innate spell…?"


Ramie's eyes widened in realization… Finally, his artifact was able to read his innate spell.

He did not stop the absorption process, and kept absorbing until all of the magic energy in the core was completely absorbed.

< Reassessing status… >

- Name: Ramie

- Lv.3 Magic Artifact (10%)

- Path: Bloodline Magic

- Class: Subterranean Ghost Tree (Special)

- Magic Energy: 49

- Innate Spell: Soul Perception

- Spells: Morphing (permanent), Green Vine (Rare)

- Unused skill points: 1

"Soul perception…? What kind of effect does it have?"

Focusing on the innate spell, information appeared in Ramie's mind.

< Innate Spell: Soul Perception (Passive) >

< Effect: A soul based spell that perceives the intents aimed at the host. >

'No wonder…!!'

'It seems that it was my innate spell all along…!'

Finally, the mystery of his ability to sense the intents was revealed now. And apparently, it wasn't one of his bloodline advantages as he had though before, but instead was his innate spell all along.

'But why has the artifact only detected it now…? Wasn't that supposed to happen the moment I got the artifact, like the other's artifacts did?

He really did not understand the reason behind it. One of the artifact's functions was to detect the user's innate spell the moment it is activated. However, in his case, the artifact was only able to detect it after he leveled the artifact up twice!

'Anyway, I'll think of that later. Now, I should unlock another spell…'

'God I hope its offensive or defensive spell…!'

Making up his mind, he shifted his intention on the unused skill point. Following which, information appeared in his mind.

< Skill points can be used to unlock new spell or to advance an existing spell! >

< Unlock new spell… >

< Advance existing spell… >

As advancing existing spell was only available after he ranks up to the second rank, thus he ignored it, and chose 'unlock new spell.'

< Choose one of the following criteria! >

< Ghost spells! >

< Plant spells! >

Having seen that the term sealed was removed from the ghost spells, Ramie was overjoyed.

He started thinking that the ghost path spells being unsealed might have something to do with his innate spell being identified.

< Do you want to exchange your [1] skill points: Yes/No >


Commanding in his mind, he gulped down his saliva in nervousness.

< You have obtained the spell: Ghost glare (Special) >

< Reassessing status… >

- Name: Ramie

- Lv.3 Magic Artifact (10%)

- Path: Bloodline Magic

- Class: Subterranean Ghost Tree (Special)

- Magic Energy: 49

- Innate Spell: Soul Perception

- Spells: Morphing (permanent), Green Vine (Rare), Ghost glare (Special)

- Unused skill points: 0

Not wasting time, Ramie focused on the spell immediately.

< Spell: Ghost glare (Active) >

< Grade of the spell: Special >

< Effect: A soul based spell that causes the target to fall in a trance like state, leaving him defenseless! The duration of the effect depends on the difference between the soul force of caster and the target, the larger the difference, the longer the effect lasts. If the difference in the soul force is small, then the spell can only cause the target to fall in a confused state. Severe, or minor, similarly depending on the difference of the soul force >

< Special note 1: This spell can only be used on living targets. Soulless targets are unaffected >

< Special note 2: This spell can only have effect on targets with soul force weaker than the caster >

< Special note 3: This spell ignores physical defenses >

< Cost: 20 magic energy units >

Up on seeing the grade being special, ramie's heart fluttered with joy. This meant that this spell will be a very powerful one.

Then, and having seen the term 'soul base spell,' the joy only increased. As, it meant that the ghost spell did indeed belonged to the soul category, which by extension meant that he'll be able to cast it with max potentials, unlike the green vine spell.

Heaving a sigh of relief, ramie skimmed through the description of the spell.


Going through the description, Ramie was so stunned that sucked in a cold breath of air.

"This… this is… too powerful!!"

A spell that causes the target to fall in a defenseless state!

Just how powerful of an effect this was!

Wouldn't that mean that he can just attack the target beasts without worrying about them even retaliating against him!

With this spell, he can render the beast an idiot and kill it! Just like that…!

This spell was definitely worthy of becoming his ultimate move…! His killer move!

And when he got to the part where it says that this spell ignore 'physical defenses,' he almost jumped up from the joy.

This spell exceeded his highest expectation. It was indeed worthy of being a special grade spell.

For the first time, he understood how lucky he was for getting this special grade artifact.

An artifact on a certain grade can unlock spells from lower grades, but never from higher ones.

For an example, a special grade artifact can unlock spells with rare, or even common grade, but never epic.

So, when Ramie got the Green vine spell which had the rare grade, he knew that it was normal occurrence. Nonetheless, he felt worried. Which was completely understandable, as he was in a very dangerous place, which was the city? So, even if he knew that his artifact can unlock special grade spells, there was no guarantee that he can live long enough for that to happen. As such, he needed the strong spells right from the get-go, to help him survive his meantime crisis rather than the later ones.

As such, he had a lingering fear that this time; he might get another rare grade spell, or worse, a common grade spell, rather than the powerful special grade.

Luckily, that did not come to be.

Then, as he saw the cost of magic energy units to cast this spell…


The light in Ramie's eyes dimmed a bit… the joy in his heart started wearing off.

'I guess you can't have it all…'

Although the magic energy cost for casting this spell even one time was twice the total magic energy points that Neil had, but still, the effect of the spell was very powerful, which made sense for it to have such a large magic energy demand.

'Mn… I guess I can use this spell only twice in my peak condition!'

'But still… 20 magic energy units are way too much! I have to be careful when deciding to use this spell. Otherwise, I might end up in a sorry state…'

Although, as a magician with special grade artifact, he had a lot of magic energy at his disposal comparing to the magicians with rare and common grade artifacts, but… this massive advantage was downplayed by the large magic energy requirements that the high grade spells have.

Anyhow, there was always a cost and effect balance of some sort when it comes to the higher grade spells. It can come in the shape of massive magic energy requirement, such as in his Ghost glare spell, long time to cast the spell, or long time of cooldown after casting the spell, such as the brown-clothed man that had attacked ramie back at the borders.

That man's two offensive spells had a long cooldown time that only allowed him to cast any of them only once in battle, which had ultimately coasted him his life in the fight with Ramie.

Restriction came in other forms as well. Such as the invisibility spell, which had a unique restriction that made it so that the spell could only be used in nighttime, or in dark places… otherwise, it could not even be casted.

Although Ramie wished to get offensive or defensive spell, but he wasn't disappointed at all with what he got.

However, having yet another supportive spell did make him wonder if he'll ever get an offensive or defensive spells in the future?

Although his green vine did have secondary offensive and defensive aspects to it… however, in the end, it was supportive spell in its core.

His ability to sense aura, his green vine, and ghost glare spells made him a very powerful supportive magician.

'Since am already part of a group, my lack of an offensive and defensive spells shouldn't be a problem in the short run… I guess the green vine and the ghost glare spells made me a group fight specialist…'

'Hmm… I wonder if I'm on the way to become a supportive magician…'