Lightning inscriptions (1)

- Lv.4 Magic Artifact (99%)

- Path: Bloodline Magician

- Class: Silver Wind Bird (Common)

The stats screen of the women conformed that she too was a bloodline magician, just like him.

It was probably the reason why she covered herself to this degree.

Having seen that there was another bloodline magician other than himself; Ramie started feeling more relieved. After all, this meant that others too had this type of artifact, which naturally meant that when he finally reaches the capital, he wouldn't have to convince the military that he's just a magician, and not some beast disguising as human or some other crazy theories. In other words, he wasn't the only freak out there.

Right now, Reem, Etta, and Neil had already finished their dinner, and were chatting among themselves, while Ramie on the other hand remained silent, thinking of when would Lance returns to bring them news about this group, and specifically about the two magicians.

Ramie was very curious about these two magicians. He wanted to know what kind of spells the bloodline magician has, and what kind of inscription can the scholar magician make.

His curiosity toward the scholar magician was more than the bloodline magician. As the scholar magician had the 'Rare' grade, which implied a better spells… or inscription in this case.

Lance arrived several hours after dinner time, bringing the news that Ramie wanted.

Apparently, this group of survivors wasn't actually one group from the start, but was gathering of the remnants of other groups that managed to escape cities or were originally inhabitants of rural areas.

This group was formed from survivors that had their original groups annihilated by beasts, 9 groups to be exact, but they managed to escape death due to luck or due to their own capabilities. And after that, they came across each other and formed this group.

Along their road, they kept absorbing every survivor they see until the group reached its current size.

This meant that this gathering was the crux of many other groups, which explained why they had so many warriors. After all, they were the most capable of their previous groups. Otherwise, they wouldn't have survived thus far outside.

Anyway, after seeing the horrors outside, these survivors understood the importance of unity, and understood that individually, there hopes of survival were next to nothing. As such, they huddled together to form a group powerful enough to raise a level.2 warrior and survive many deadly encounters. Of course, having two magicians, one with powerful perception magic, and another capable of inscribing any object, and turning it into a magical weapon, played no small role in them staying alive till far, and even killing a tier-2 beast, while not have any second level individual.

Anyhow, it turned out that them coming here was not a coincidence. Apparently, among them, was a survivor who had a distant relative living in the compound. As such, he informed about the existence of the secluded compound.

However, on the way, they faced a problem… which was that they didn't know exactly where the compound was….

But, just then, luck smiled to them. And it came in the form of a warrior that was being attacked by a beast.

That warrior was exactly the one that fled the compound upon the attack of the bear beast.

Afterward, Lance got to the part where the survivors leader negotiated with the compound leader the terms and regulations regarding them staying here.

For place of settling, the compound leader gave them the other side of the compound, which made sense, considering that the other side was uninhabited.

Both sides agreed that they live in two separate groups, which was very normal, considering that neither side trusted each other.

In the first place, the compound leader had accepted that they settle here because he was made aware by the bear and the flying beast's flock attack that alone, the compound inhabitant's chances of survival were not looking bright at all… as evident in their losses in the previous battles. As such, he felt that it was for their own good to accept this massive fighting force to settle here with them.

In the beginning, this group of survivors didn't use the logic of power with them, and their leader expressed their willingness to offer certain compensations in exchange of allowing them to settle inside the compound. He did not show any hostility or make any threats. And he really looked sincere in his intentions.

Also, the compound leader wasn't sure what this group would do if he was to deny them from settling in the compound. After all, they were indeed stronger than them, and looked very desperate. So, he wasn't willing to bet on how desperate this group of survivors was. And he didn't want to fall out with them, as in all honesty, he didn't think that they can be their match. Not to mention that if they were to settle in the compound, then the total fighting power of the compound would rise by a lot, leading to every ones survival chances increasing in the face of future beast's attacks.

Anyway, even if they didn't trust this survivors group, it did not mean that they couldn't coexist with them, especially when considering that the stronger the total force of the compound, the safer it is for everyone.

The final form of the deal was; the compound leader would allow the group of survivors to settle in, teach them how to hunt for food, and make the water mission a daily mission, a day for them, and a day for the survivor's group, and also make some bone weapons for them.

In return, the survivors group would give them 3 light armored vehicles from the 5 in their possession, and third of the fuel in the tanker truck that they had.

As for the other compensation, it was a rather interesting one…

The deal stated that the inscription magician in the survivor's group would inscribe 10 weapons for them, which would greatly increase the offensive powers of these weapons.

According to the survivor's leader, this process would turn the weapons into magic weapons, by inscribing a spell with offensive nature in each of them.

This was something that made Ramie very interested, as right now, his greatest weakness aside from not having any defensive spell; was his lack for an offensive mean.

Although his vines did have an offensive side to it, but it was mainly a supportive spell in nature, with offense as only secondary aspect…

As for his bone spear… it wasn't very useful to him. The problem laid in the fact that unlike warriors, Ramie's strength was only a bit higher than an average adult man, which naturally meant that the spear in his hand barely allowed him to barely fight an average tier-1 beast, not to mention tier-2 beast.

As such, the concept of having a magical weapon that allows him to fight beasts much stronger than himself had a great appeal to him.

Coupled with his ghost glare and green vine spells, it would allow him to better protect himself and even kill strong beasts, all by himself. And this way, he would be less dependent on others to protect him.

Thus, he decided to pay a visit to that magician, the moment the chance allows. And make an exchange with that man; after all, aside from the five magical cores that he had gotten by killing the five magical beasts, his team gave him four life energy cores, two of which belonged to low tire-1 beasts, one belonged to mid tier-1 beast, and one actually belonged to high tier-1 beast.

Also, during the meeting, the compound leader had made use of their group's strength by bringing it into the table, to strengthen the compound's stand, and to gain more benefit from the other party.

This much was fine with them, as the compound leader promised that four of the ten inscriptions that he gets from the deal would go to their group.

Lance also told them that after the compound leader mentioned Reem and Ramie's accomplishments in the last battle, the survivor's leader was greatly awed by them, especially by Ramie's spell that could even impact a tier-2 beast.

As a result, the survivor's leader expressed his will to meet the two of them, in order to lay the ground for future cooperation with their group.

Afterward, Lance proceeded to tell them the rest of the meeting results.

The night went by peacefully, and the sun started rising from behind the horizon, sending its rays everywhere.

Lance headed off for the daily hunting mission along with Neil. As for Ramie, he stopped partaking in these missions due to his injury. His shoulder has almost healed back to normal, and judging by the growth sprouting down from his shoulder, his body seemed to be in the process of re-growing an entire new arm, throwing him in awe again at his extraordinary bloodline vitality.

Today, their group was going in a joint hunting mission with some warriors of the survivor's group, in order to familiarize them with their hunting routine.

As for Ramie, he walked out to the front yard of the house, to start his daily training of his green vine spell, to increase his degree of control.

With a single vine, his degree of control was the highest, and it was precise to the point that when he throws a very small rock, he could still catch it with the vine every time it fells. But after projecting the second vine, his accuracy drops sharply. So, he set a goal to himself to train until he could control two vines as good as he controls one.

As for the reason… it was so that he could use the vines to catch a high speed moving targets and to defend against high speed attacks.

This problem first sprung forth after the fight with the flaying beasts. As during that battle, he was attacked two times by the feather spell from two flying magical beasts that he tried to catch.

At the time, he could tell that if he had only one vine, he could have blocked most of the feathers coming at him. But since he projected two at the time, his control suffered greatly, leading to him being hit a lot of times.

That made him understands that only having the spell was not enough to protect himself, but he had to be proficient at using it.

After all, anyone could use a rifle if got the basic instructions, but not as good a professional. By pulling the trigger, one could easily fire a shot, but to actually hit a target… that needed a skill, which comes from continuous training.

For that purpose, Ramie started this routine.

After only a short while of using his spell, Ramie's eyes suddenly lit up. And he put a stop to his training.

In front of the house, two guests have arrived. And coincidentally, they were the two people he wanted to meet the most, ever since yesterday.