Hunting for cores (3)

Even though ramie and the rest of the group lived in the compound, it was a temporary situation, and they had already made their intentions to leaving the compound in the future known to everyone.

As such, the two leaders couldn't just order them to partake in this mission and follow their orders, but instead, they had to ask them to do it, and it would be up to them to accept or refuse.

This mission involved taking a risk for the compound, while they were outsiders, and had no real stake in the compound.

Also, their group had the azure gazelle king with them. And even although Reem had said that his advancement to the second tier was imminent more than month ago, but he is yet to advance till now… however, they knew that it was only a matter of time, and even if it was delayed further… it will definitely happen in less than two months.

Anyway, the moment the azure gazelle king advances, and considering his high order bloodline, which made him very capable of killing beasts on the same level, then, getting their hands on tier-2 cores afterward wouldn't be a problem, and without having to risk their lives at all

As such, they could totally refuse to partake in this mission, and it wouldn't affect their plan.

However, the group decided to keep an opened mind, and first see the details of the mission and the level of risk in it, and if it was doable or not, then decide whether they wanted in or not. Also, the compound has to offer them some benefits befitting the risk they were going to take.

After all, to head for the capital, they obviously needed a certain equipment and preparations for that purpose, such as a vehicle for instant, as they can't just traverse all this distance on foot. Also, with beasts roaming the outside, obviously, not just any vehicles would do.

After seeing the Infantry Fighting Vehicle and armored personal carriers, Lance installed the idea that only such vehicles can give them the best chance of making it to the capital. As such, they waited for a chance to exchange for one of these vehicles from the compound. As even though these vehicles no longer had any ammo left to use for their guns, but the protection of armor was still very attractive considering the type on threats they might encounter in the trip.

It wasn't just the transportation problem, but also the fuel, inscribed weapons, and many other minor but yet important material.

So, this might be their chance to get all of these things in one go.

Also, even when the azure gazelle king levels up and they send him to bring cores, there was no absolute guarantee that he wouldn't come across stronger beast with higher order bloodline than himself, leading to his death. As such, if they agreed to help the leaders in this mission, then they can ask them for help when needed, such as using Nora to locate low tier-2 beast for them, instead of blindly sending the azure gazelle king to find and kill beasts. Also, they can ask the two leaders to help the summon beasts in his battles, if the opponent is too tough.


After the meeting was concluded, Ramie and the rest headed back home with serious expressions.

After knowing that the target beast was mid tier-2 beast, and was severely injured in its leg, they had agreed to join the mission after some considerations.

Of course, they did so after some negotiations for benefits.

The benefits included an armored personal carrier and fuel enough to reach the capital, and many inscribed weapons; which included two bows, 20 arrows with half of them inscribed, and all the minor materials they might need in the trip.

It wasn't only that… as what started as a single mission, had turned into an agreement for a future collaborations on a series of missions.

On their part, they agreed to help the compound in the missions to hunt beasts, but on the same time, they'd act as an independent group. They put forth this condition so that if at any time they deem the situation to be too dangerous during any battle, then they can just withdraw at any time without needing permission. Also, they asked for at least two warriors with life energy ignition percent above 75% to join their team during these missions for protection, and follow their instructions.

The other condition was that the core from this mission would go to the compound, but the next core from the next mission would go to their group, as opposite to the leader's suggestion that they get the core from the third mission. Apparently, the two leaders wanted to get one core for each one of them, before dedicating the third mission for Ramie's group. However, after some discussions, they rested on the second mission core. After all, they knew that the Nora had more than just one location of tier-2 beast memorized.

Also, the two leaders agreed to not obstruct anyone from joining their group and leave with them, even if he/she was warrior.

As to why do the two leaders accepted such terms almost easily…? It was obviously due to Ramie's spell ghost glare. After all, this spell had already proven its worth against the mid tier-2 bear beast. And frankly, this spell was the major reason why they had agreed to go after this beast in the first place, as no matter how strong this beast is, with a spell that can render him defenseless for three whole seconds, and could actually be casted twice! It would be easy for them to inflict lethal damage on the beast during this while.

Anyway, even if the spell did not work on this beast… with his injury, it would be no problem for them to escape away.

In Ramie's group, Lance understood this logic well. As such, he played that point to full extent.

The compound was in dire need to raise the power levels, as it was related to the present and future security of the people in here. As such, this mission was of utmost importance to them. For that reason, they met the demands of their group, albeit after some back and forth negotiation.

Anyway, to the group, this way they can get tier-2 cores without having to risk the summoned beast's life. Thus, this agreement was a win-win situation.

Not all of the group members agreed to partake in the mission. As Reem refused immediately, saying that 'Whity' was close to advancing. So, she didn't want to partake in this mission or any other mission before her summon advances his tier. Lance and Ramie supported her decision, as it was in every ones best interest if her summoned beast stayed alive until he advances. Etta didn't want to leave Reem's side, so, she was also out too.

In the end, from their group, only Ramie, Lance, and Neil decided to join this mission.

Taking advantage of the time before setting off for the mission, lance started training with the new bow. Ramie on the other hand continued his training with his vine spell, his control over two vines in the same time has only improved by little. He estimated that it would take him long time to control two vines in the same time as good as controlling single one.

The two leader's decision was to set off after few days, and not immediately. As to give Brent enough time to inscribe enough arrows with his lightening inscription. After all, the process of making these inscriptions was very exhausting, mentally wise.

Before, Brent was able to only make a limited number of inscriptions, each week, before feeling a severe headache that would render him bedridden for a while. However, after few head-splitting headaches, he came to learn that he could only inscribe a certain number of these inscriptions each week. Thus, he stuck to the quota, and no longer tried to overdo it.

Apparently, the process of inscribing exhausts the mind energy as well as the magic energy. As such, before raising his mental energy, he shouldn't consider mass inscribing these inscriptions.

As the two days passed, finally, today was the time where the hunted becomes the hunter, and reverses the trend that has been ongoing ever since the descent of the disaster