Path of collision (1)

"My son…! My son…! Has he returned yet? Is there any news about him…?"

Pushing the guard the stood in front of the door to the side, a woman forced her way into the meeting room, while frantically shouting. Her hair was disheveled, her clothe messy, and there were two dark bags under her eyes. It was obvious that this woman hadn't gotten any rest for a long period.

Seeing her, Curtis's expression underwent a subtle changed, as he thought: 'you crazy woman, get the hell out of here…! Do you want to get people killed again or what…?'

It wasn't only him, but every ones expression turned ugly upon seeing her.

This sort of reaction wasn't actually due to the woman herself, but to the catastrophe her sadness can bring.

This woman was the leader's wife, Derek's and Jonah's mom. She was the person that Derek cared for the most. Every time he sees her wallowing in sadness and pain, and shouting frantically, his fury brews. And with his growing agitation, comes an overwhelming blood thirst. Without a target to pour his fury onto, he becomes extremely unstable, and goes into killing spree inside the prison.

Apparently, the creature which his bloodline came from was extremely blood thirsty beast, the carnage dragon, explaining why every time that he's provoked; he can only balance his emotional state by giving a vent to his anger. Otherwise, he'd become like a ticking time bomb that could go off at any minute and goes into an indiscriminate killing spree.

Few days ago, and effected by his frenzied mothers, his bloodline threw him into a raging state, and 4 people were killed as a result. Three were Lv.1 warriors and one was actually a magician. After the incident, the leader prevented her from getting into the same place as Derek, not unless she controls herself.

However, in the end, she was a peak Rank-1 magician herself, with a rare grade artifact. So, if she really wanted to go anywhere in the prison, then aside from the leader, there weren't anyone stupid enough to try stopping her with force.

Seeing her dash into the meeting room while shouting frantically, the leader knew that if he didn't act quickly… then the prison would probably lose another few assets. As such, he rushed over to receive her, while making all kind of excuses to ensure her that her son was only momentarily missing and not dead.

Noticing that the older son's mood didn't spiral out of control, everyone in the meeting room let out a secret sigh.

The disaster has been avoided.

Curtis was leaning at the wall, at a certain side of the room. Currently, his face was expressionless. However, in his heart, he was laughing out loud.

This was a maximum security prison, which meant that the prisoners here were among the worst in the entire country. However, and comparing to the Baldwin's family, these vicious individuals were butterflies of peace.

Prior to the disaster, the Baldwin's family head, the current prison leader, was a politician, and a very rich one at that. His connections extended far and wide, and using this network, he kept on expanding the family's wealth nonstop. Even despite that his corruption was no big secret, but he somewhat managed to survive through three governments, without being taken down. In fact, many of the protestors prior to the catastrophe held signs with his picture on them, next to words like die or rot in hell.

Simply, that how much hated he was. However, even despite that, his position remained unshakable.

This served to show just how capable and cunning he was.

This was the reason why Curtis was this happy. As now, he had set this ruthless leader and his vicious family onto a path of collision with his enemies.

'Hehehe…! I cannot take revenge myself. So, I've unleashed monsters on you. Let me see how will you survive this…?'

After sending his wife back to their place, the leader came back with a dark expression, and announced: "Expand the search area again! And if needed, we'll keep expanding it to the end of earth! Before his corpse or a trace of him is found, no one will rest, or object! Otherwise…"

Saying so, the leader scanned everyone with a dangerous cold glint in his sharp eyes.

The compound…

In the past few months, many things have changed…

After Brian absorbed the Rock lizard's core, his life energy ignition percent rose to 30%, making him a mid Lv.2 warrior. This rise of his strength boosted the total power of the compound, and made the people feel a bit safer. Also, this meant that his power level was now equivalent to mid tier-2 beast! Of course, this didn't mean that he could beat a mid tier-2 beast by himself alone, as generally, beasts in the second tier were a stronger than warriors of an equivalent level to them.

Anyway, this meant that low tier-2 beast were no longer a problem for the compound to handle. As such, Nora started actively searching for low tier-2 beast for them to hunt. As for mid tier-2 beasts, the battle with the Rock lizard showed them clearly that beasts of that level are still something out of their league… at least for the time being. They decided to first raise few warriors to the second level before thinking of going after the mid tier-2 level beasts.

As for ramie's team, and after a long wait, the azure gazelle king finally advanced to the second tier!

Upon his advancement, the azure gazelle king acquired yet another powerful spell – Lightening Bolt barrage!

With this development, their small group no longer held back.

According to their agreement with the compound, they went out in another hunting mission to acquire a tier-2 core. And with that, lance finally broke through to become Lv.2 warrior!

With this development, the only thing holding them from leaving to the capital was

The time required for getting few other tier-2 cores and magical cores to further boost their team's strength.

With a third hunting mission, the compound got yet another tier-2 core from low tier-2 beast. This core however, an unexpectedly, was also seized by Brian. The deal was that this core goes to Gregory. However, Brian broke the agreement with Gregory and gave this core to one of his followers, which successfully broke through to become Lv.2 warrior.

With that, Brian revealed his ambition. And from that point onward, the compound had only one leader instead of two. Gregory calmly accepted this arrangement, and he didn't try to kick up any fuzz. He afterward accepted his rule of a subordinate instead of a leader.

Gregory was pragmatic man. He knew that creating conflict was bad business for everyone. Hence, he didn't resist.

For the forth mission, Nora was tasked to search for a low tier-2 magical beast, as per Ramie's group request.

Ramie had a special graded artifact. So, if he was to raise his level to the second rank and get more spells, then, there was a great chance that he could unlock yet another special graded spell!

His ghost glare spell was great trump card for the team. So, they wanted to see if he could unlock yet another similar grade spell to join the team's arsenal. Also, the same could be said on Reem's case.

As for Neil, they wanted him to progress to the second rank so that he could advance his Fire ball spell, to increase its destructive effect.

However, after a week of a continuous search, Nora still didn't manage to find any tier-2 magical beast.

This showed how rare these beasts were in comparison to the normal tier-2 beasts.

Luckily, and as rare as tier-2 magical beasts were, tier-1 magical beasts on the other hand weren't.

After fruitless search, ramie's team settled for a small horde of about 20 tier-1 magical beasts. These beasts were small foxes, and they had the innate spell of frost attacks.

However, in front of three Lv.2 warriors, the azure gazelle king, and another group of Lv.1 warriors and magicians, the group of fox-like beasts had no chance of surviving.

As such, Ramie, Reem and Neil finally managed to upgrade their artifacts to Lv.4, which pushed them up to become peak rank-1 magicians.

To them, the next step would be becoming rank-2 magicians.

Anyway, by upgrading his artifact by another level, Ramie acquired another skill point. And without hesitation, he exchanged it to get another spell.

With his special graded artifact, the spells he unlocks can either be common, rare, or special, but never higher grade. As things stood, he already got one rare graded spell and one special graded spell. His hopes was that the next spell either be rare or special graded, and not common.

However, and to his dismay, the spell he got wasn't common, rare or special graded. In fact, it wasn't graded at all!

His new spell had no description, cost, or effect… only a name.


And when ramie focused on the spell's name, to get information on it, only a cast choice pops up:

< Cast: yes/no >

This option made Ramie very uncomfortable. As the last time this kind of option popped up to him, he turned into his current form. Not having any sort of description on the affect of this spell made him very skeptical.

This lack of crucial information conformed that these artifacts were really flawed products.

'The last update provided many missing information, so, I should wait for a while, maybe the next update can give me the missing info. Anyway, if it doesn't come in the near future, I might cast it and see the effect myself…!'

Ramie decided to avoid casting this spell for the time being.