Destruction of the prison and the compound (6)

Before Curtis left the compound, he had shot a meaningful glance toward Billy… wanting him to wait for him in the pre-determined place.

Now, and being the main culprit behind the whole compound disaster, Billy had no choice but to do as asked.

Truth be told, Billy had hoped that Curtis would die in the hive, to but a closure on the whole matter. However, things don't always go as one wishes to.

Anyway, now that Curtis is alive, Billy had no choice but to fully cooperate with him. He didn't have the ability to kill him after all.

If Curtis was caught, and was left to rot to death in the prison, he might spill out the whole thing, dragging him and his family to the hell that was the leader's fury.

Hence, he spoke the truth.

Curtis stood in his place, his face twisting and contorting several times, morphing to one demonic expression after another.

Although he had expected such route of action on the leaders' end… however, hearing it directly from Billy who was with them… and hearing that they devised this scheme the exact moment he was suffering in the hive… a towering rage was spiked in his heart.

Curtis expected the leader to back-stab him, however… faced with certain, agonizing death by the poison, one would grow desperate to grab onto any chance to survive.

This was the reason why the leader knew that Curtis would return to them in case he pulls it off, as this was the only way for him to live. In fact, the leader was right… even if there was a chance that he'd get back-stabbed; Curtis inwardly decided to go back to the prison, to get the antidote.

Actually, in the first place, Curtis knew that the leader was almost sure that he'd die in the hive, and not make it out alive.

Throwing his head backward, he laughed agitatedly: "Hehehe… how ruthless…! Even beasts can't match your brutality…!"

Billy, who was standing to the side, shook his head in remorse…

When the whole disaster descended on the world… when death and suffering prevailed… and when the savage beasts run amok… he had felt that the world was unjust toward humanity…

However, the things he saw in this period, the things that people committed… made that line of thought of his greatly diminish: 'Maybe, we really deserve this… maybe, our unspeakable actions toward the world, and our each other, is what summoned this catastrophe…!'

Regaining his composer, Curtis said:"Go back to the prison, and take some food, water and necessities. You should take one of the vehicles as well. You have only one hour, NOW GO!"

Understanding what Curtis had in mind, Billy's expression underwent a drastic change. However, it returned normal quickly: "is there no other way, there are a lot of innocent people there…?"

Curtis threw him a condescending glance: "This is the only way I can get my hands on the antidote – over their dead corpses."

With a heavy heart, Billy turned and dashed toward the prison.

Curtis grinned as he looked at the prisons' direction. He got into the flipped over armored vehicle, and took out one small veil.

The veil contained a glowing blue colored liquid.

Drinking the content, an arc formed at the edge of his lip:"I bet you didn't expect such a turn of event… Too late, your reign of terror ended the moment I knew that you're intending to never give me the antidote… that you're planning on going back on the deal, now… weep in despair…!"

"You didn't give me any magic recovery potion, so that my magic will only be enough to accomplish the mission, so that I'll have no choice but to return back to the prison. You didn't want to give me any chance to play any trick on you.

Also, you have no idea that I have an accomplice inside the prison that doesn't have any choice but to follow me."

"Hehehe… too bad for you… You have no idea that I was the one that led your son to death by a tasteless, odorless plant poison that I discovered in one of the missions you sent me to carry out … that his two magic energy potions are now in my possession

This feels so good…! I never expected my chance for revenge to come this quickly…! I wonder… is it my good luck, or just your own bad fortune? Your strength had blinded you to the fact that your son had been killed by one of your own men. The prison cowards have submitted to you so hard, kissed your ass so hard that you overlook such possibility. You didn't think that anyone would dare to harm your son. Your destructive behavior of enabling your son to do what he wants is the reason for your fall."

After killing the leader's son and his party, Billy was too afraid to bring the stuff on them back to the prison, for the fear of someone finding them. Hence, he had hid them here in this flipped over armored vehicle.

The leader didn't want to give any magic energy recovery potion to Curtis, so that in case he actually pulls it off, his magic energy should only be enough for him to take the bait and throw it at the compound. Afterward, his magic energy would be exhausted, and he wouldn't have any room to play any trick at them and escape away.

Next to the compound, few men sent by the leader were waiting to pick him and bring him to the prison.

This was the plan.

However, what the leader didn't account for… was that Curtis was the killer of his son. And that his son's two magic energy recovery potions were in Curtis's hands.

Also, the leader didn't account for the fact that Curtis had a death grip on one of his direct followers, Billy, enabling him to learn of their plan to deal with him.

Curtis smiled widely, as he thought of the kinds of looks the prison group would have when the death army marches right into their lair.

Trapped in the ground, and unable to stand up, Ramie watched disinterestedly as forty spike shot from the ground, penetrating his limbs and pinning him down.

He was completely trapped, and unable to move, as the ground weaved itself around and swallow him down. However, he didn't display any expression at all, as if these happening had nothing to do with him whatsoever, as though they were happening for someone else.

Lance, Reem, Neil and rest were calling out for him nonstop, while the ground was swallowing him.

When he was completely submerged in the ground, a force pushed him upward, throwing him above the ground. Around him, everyone had disappeared… only Reem and Neil could be seen.

'Sight… this dream again…'

Ramie let out a tired sight, as he waited for the dream to come to its end.

Even though he was dreaming, but after seeing the same dream everyday for the past few days, he was now able to tell that he was dreaming. He no longer engaged himself in trying to intervene in the dreams' 'events,' but merely allowed the dream to progress on its own pace.


Wake u…!

Wake up…!!


Suddenly, ramie started hearing a faint voice echo from the distance. The voice kept getting louder and louder, clearer and clearer.

"Someone is calling for me…"

Ramie felt strange, as after having the same dream for the past few days, he couldn't remember hearing these voices not even once before.


With a sudden jolt, the entire scene around ramie blurred and then shattered.

Ramie instantly opened his eyes, waking up.

Rising his head, trying to get up, Ramie's mind instantly went in daze, frozen…

The clamoring sounds he heard, and the shocking sight that his eyes just perceived was utterly terrifying…

In his shock, Ramie realized that he was pulled from his bed to the middle of the room.

A human sized ant-like bug was grabbing him with its frontal, hairy limbs, crushing his left arm with its powerful mandibles, and swallowing his arms' mush. The bug has already eaten his arm down to the elbow, and was now continuing its way up to his shoulder.

Ramie stared with utter shock at the bug beasts' large compound eyes that were only a foot away from his face.

Crunch Munch! Crunch Much!

The bug stared at ramie without care, as it continued crushing and devouring his arm… it was as if the creature was sure that Ramie wouldn't be able to struggle away and denies it its meal.


Processing the horrifying situation that he had just woke up into, Ramie bellowed with explosive will, like a wild beast.

He had literally waked up while this beast was in the process of devouring him.

As he casted his strongest spell, the bugs large compound eyes dimmed, and its body went motionless.


Kicking the bug with his leg and pushing himself away from under the beast, Ramie got up with haste.

Standing up, he burst in motion without hesitation, passing by the bug, dashing out of the room and down the stairs.

"What is happening…? How could this beast sneak all the way here without anyone noticing? Where are the rest…?"

Ramie's heart was now beating like a war drum. Uncertainty downing on his though process…

When he went to sleep, everything was fine, now however… things seem to have escalated beyond reasonable explanation. It was as though there was a time gap.