Destruction of the prison and the compound (10)

Tier-2 Beast

Name: Dream weaving arachnid

Innate Spells: dream weave, minds network, minds synchronization, mind control.

Special notes: a dangerous creature that has the ability to weave dreams to entrap his victims. This ability can only be used on the insect type beasts. The creature usually controls a large number of insects to do his bidding, and is also highly territorial in nature, once his territory is trespassed, the dream weaving arachnid will go to any length to eradicate the intruders.

Seeing the popping screen, Ramie's heart tensed.

This was the first time the artifact gives so many details on a beast.

The azure gazelle king had a good bloodline, however, even his stats' screen didn't have this many details.

'This beast has mind type innate spells… No wonder I couldn't feel any type of intent from these beasts. Turns out they're all under mind control spell…!'

Ramie started at the creature with grave expression.

This arachnid had four spell that belonged to the mind path magic. They enabled him to create dreams, trap these bugs in them, and then control them to form his own army.

Alone, this arachnid wasn't much, due to his very weak physic. However, his innate spells which allowed him to control insects, enabled him to control an army of soldiers that didn't even fear death. This beast was the most dangerous opponent the group has ever faced till now, as he had his own tier-2 beasts solders.

'No wonder we have all been driven to the corner…'

When ramie looked back at the details of the battle, he immediately noticed the pattern.

Lance was strong and was making use of his fighting experience to launch fast attacks. But, the bug that was fighting him had an even faster attacking power, and it confronted him without care for its own life, going all out to kill him at all expense.

The bug that was fighting Gregory had strong defense, and low speed, as he himself wasn't fast, and didn't have strong offense. The bug slowly overwhelmed him with power.

The azure gazelle king had good speed, and strong offensive spells. Against slower opponents, he could utterly demolish them with his attacks. However, the two bugs that were attacking him were very fast, and were constantly jumping around, denying the gazelle from landing any attack on them. More ever, the two small bugs were in an utterly flawless coordination, as if they were two bugs with one mind! They didn't leave the gazelle any chance to retaliate at all.

This match up was not coincidental at all.

It wasn't only that, but even the bugs that were attacking the formation were coordinating between themselves.

The weak types of bugs were spread out all over the compound, attacking the people and the isolated warriors, while the strongest two types of beasts were all gathered here, surrounding the main force in the compound.

The large and slow type of bugs was fighting as a vanguard, surrounding and relentlessly attacking the formation. Behind them, were the small, jumpy, and that fast type of bugs! They were observing, and launching sneak attacks at the worst possible moments. They were the ones responsible of inflicting the most casualties among the defenders.

The warriors were defending according to certain formation; however, on the other hand, the bugs too were attacking according to a formation.

Even though Brian and the escapees fled away, they still fell to the ambush of three tier-2 bugs and a massive swarm. It wasn't a coincidence that three tier-2 beasts attacked them and not just two or one. Probably, two of the three tier-2 bugs confronted Brian, as he was the strongest, with the third bug annihilating the rest.

There was even more to it; if the flying bugs in the air were to launch sudden attacks on the formation, they'd be able to harvest some lives… however, the freighting thing was that they didn't attack, but only stayed in the air, spreading their poisonous dust.

Weakening the defenders by spreading the dust was definitely more efficient their just attacking.

The frightening realization made ramie's heart go cold.

These bugs weren't fighting randomly, bur according to well planed battle tactics, a one that made full use of their advantages to completely entrap and slowly overwhelm the compound fighters.

"If there is any chance for us to walk out of this situation alive, then killing this arachnid it is!"

The moment ramie though of this, the football sized arachnid moved out of his sight, disappearing behind the swarm of bugs.

However, the killing intent locking at Ramie started intensifying, indicating an imminent action.

Following which, many of the small fast bugs started gathering at one specific side of the formation, standing above the large slow bugs, in a scene that had never happened before in this battle.

Ramie immediately knew that the mind arachnid was going to eliminate him. Apparently, the action of Ramie killing large number of the small bugs had started changing the balance of the fight toward the defenders. Hence, the small arachnid decided to take action.

The large bugs were being continuously killed by the warriors, and had no way to attack someone inside the formation, hence, the best way to kill him would be for the arachnid to mobilize large number of the small and fast moving bugs to attack and deliver a killing blow in one go.

Ramie immediately felt the pressure; the number of the small bugs that were preparing to attack him was increasing nonstop. There was no way for him to deal with that number of bugs all at the same time.

Not hesitating, Ramie willed, and discarded one of the vines: 'If you won't to aim at me, then I'll be come to you!'

He finally saw hope of salvaging the situation.

Gazing around, Ramie roared:" Darryl, Millard, Fred, Terrance, Philip! Buy me few second! Don't hold back! I have located the enemy."

The moment his voice sounded, five warriors looked over immediately. They were part of the ten warriors that had joined the team.

The fight at formation perimeter was intense, and if they were to leave their positions, the pressure on the others would increase exponentially. However, hearing the last part, hope was ignited in their hearts.

It was known that Ramie had a very strong perceptive ability in the compound. Hence, the moment they heard the shout, they knew that he was going to make a move that will impact the course of the fight.

Truth be told, they had no idea, as the rest, that there was a manipulator behind this bug tide eruption, that these bugs were controlled. Aside from ramie, no one had the ability to detect if these bugs were controlled or not.

However, for past few weeks, every time Ramie took action, the situation usually overturns toward their favor. Hence, they answered his call.

The five went all out with their energy, dashing over and surrounding Ramie.

Closing his eyes, ramie poured his magic energy into the green vine spell without restrain. He had discarded the second vine, as he's most proficient at controlling single vine, and also to lessen the magic energy consumption.

The vine started curling and curling, increasing in length nonstop.

The killing intent locked at him suddenly exploded! The cunning arachnid was making his move.




The small bugs were all railed up. Next, they all leapt in the same time at the surrounded figure in the formation.

"What in gods' name is happening…?"

"So many bugs, and on the same time..?"

"Stop your nonsense, just punch and kill."

Two warriors started shouting in shock, as the bugs were all coming for ramie. However, a third man roared at them. Next, they recovered and started throwing their attacks at the suicidal leaping bugs.

For the bugs to be stirred this much over Ramie, something must have happened?

The five warriors swung their fists wildly, smashing the attacking bugs frantically.

The number wasn't small at all.

Few of the formation warriors were about to shout at the five warriors, and curse them for leaving their positions. However, and seeing the weird occurrence, they were all startled.

What could have railed up these small sneaky beasts this much?




The leaping bugs were all slapped to the ground as corpses. However, the reckless mass attack did not stop.

More of them were jumping and attacking, as if this loss of numbers meant nothing.

All of sudden, ramie's eyes snapped open, intense eerie yellow light glowing from within his eyes.

"Found you!"


A dark, thin shadow was shot out from ramie's back, toward a certain direction.

The shadow moved with astonishing speed, tearing its way through the wind, and slithering like a snake, while dodging all of the bugs in its way, nimbly.

The arachnid hiding amidst the bugs let out a shrill, air piercing cry, as he sensed the aura of death descending upon him.

He knew that he was the target of this shadow.

As the shrill cry split the air, the bugs were all railed up, turning the situation chaotic.




The bug swarmed a certain direction, as if trying to protect something.

"Trying to escape, no chance…! This is for the lives you've taken away today?"

All of sudden, another piercing cry sounded out; this time however, it was a different sounding bug cry. It was faint, and didn't seem to mean much amidst the clamoring of the chaotic fight, however, to Ramie, this was a breakthrough in the compound's desperate situation.

The dream weaving arachnid – has been killed.

Next, Ramie let out a sigh.

Even though many beasts surrounded it, the arachnid was still caught by the slithering vine and was crushed.

Due to his killing intent, the arachnid was like a glowing beacon of a dazzling light in a dark night to ramie.

The large figures of the bugs and the sight obstruction were no hinder to ramie, who can perceive the intents.

The bugs around the formation all stopped their attacks, and started scurrying away. The scene was like a migration on a massive scale, causing the ground to rumble.

Breaking way from the arachnid's control seemed to have awakened these bugs.

The people's screams that were coming from all over the compound throughout this fight finally stopped.

Everyone stared stupefied around: "has the nightmare come to an end…?"

"Is it over…?"

"What is exactly happening…?"

Amidst the five warriors, ramie heaved a sigh.

The cause to all of this endless chaos was a tiny, insignificant looking bug!

Now that it has been killed, the dire situation should be resolved, to some extent.

Although the mid control has been broken, there was a possibility that the tier-2 beasts wouldn't just scurry away like the rest.

Ramie patted one of the five warriors that had answered his call, the one named Millard. He wanted to warn them not to let their guard down, however, all of the sudden, Ramie's heart gave a jolt, shuddering.

Several different, overwhelming killing intents stabbed at him like sharp knives, from various directions!

"Mr. Ramie, what is exactly happe…"



Just as Millard was asking Ramie, the ground beneath them suddenly rumbled, caved in, and then exploded outward, violently. Two pincer-like crab claws were shot out of the ground, hacking at the six of them.