Recruitment camp (1)

In the mean time, the entire earth was covered with a global magic formation, but it wasn't the one that restricts magic energy. This was the reason why the artifacts could choose the user with the suitable aptitude to wield them, and why when artifact holders die, the artifacts could vanish and leech onto the next individual with suitable aptitude. Basically, the artifacts were connected with the formation. Of course, although it looked like as If the artifacts had a consciousness of their own, but in truth, it was more like that that's how they were programmed.

Anyway, in regard to the hidden function conceal, Ramie learned that it was possible to fuse the artifact with his body in a way that renders it undetectable by any outer mean.

With such way to hide the artifacts, one would assume that the arch-mage didn't want the top forces to continue stealing other artifacts. And give the artifacts holders that didn't belong to the top forces a chance to hide. Unfortunately, it wasn't mentioned why the arch-mage didn't try to spread these hidden functions after the top forces concealed them or why hasn't he forced them to spread the knowledge.

In any case, the new information mentioned that through the global formation, the artifacts are all connected with each other, forming a network. This network was used to connect the artifact holders to each other, through the function store.

Now, this store purpose was to enable the artifact holders to sell and buy things to each other through the artifacts, no matter where they were on the planet. This function directly transfers the merchandise through the magical formation, from the seller, to the buyer.

'This is just…!' Ramie was really stunned by this function.

The prospects… the application for this function were simply unlimited.

To actually teleport things across the planet…! Wouldn't this eliminate the issue of transport between cities!

Although living things could not be transferred, and there were limitations on the size, the mass, and the number of the sold and purchased elements, but still… this would be extremely beneficial for the artifact holders.

However, this particularity might be a contributing reason why the top forces across the world were so adamant on seizing all of the artifacts to themselves. As this way, the restricted magic knowledge and resources could not be traded outside the realm of their control.

'CONTROL! It all boils down to the need to control! This was the reason why the top forces were so determine in their action, and so ruthless!'

In the world, whenever a person, a company, an organization, or a country reaches the peak of power in their zone or in the world, they'd always try to control others and keep them in check, and strike them down when they grew powerful, to prevent others from surpassing them and taking their throne.

At the peak, a force would start seeing everyone else as a potential enemy. Even if others try to grow stronger to protect themselves, the top force would just perceive them as trying to take their throne; hence, they do everything possible to strike them down, to send others a message.

Across history, this how the top forces always treaded.

This made ramie's dissatisfaction grow toward the top forces attitude.

This was a world controlled by beasts! The stronger the human grew, the better it is for them. However, what did the top forces do? They simply choke down everyone else, to maintain their superior position, to ensure that resources flew toward their pockets.

Unfortunately, Ramie could only start using the store function after ranking up to the second rank.

'This is unfortunate…'

The inventory function on the other hand enabled him to store any none-living matter in a space that didn't exceed 3m3, as his artifact had the special grade.

Ramie had no idea how this small bracelet could have that much of space: 'Is it some sort of internal magical space, or does the artifact teleport the stored objects elsewhere, and summoned them back when I extract them?'

This function too was endlessly useful.

Resting on a cushion within the room he took for himself, Ramie was grinning from ear to ear, as he fiddled with a small stone.

The room was small with no furniture or decoration. Aside from a thick mattress on the ground to sleep on, a blanket, and small table and chair at the corner, there was not much else in the room.

A small high window was opened for ventilation. The light that was similar to the sun's light was coming from the window, indicating that it was 'daytime' inside the underground city. Of course, this meant that it was daytime too outside, over the ground.

Standing up, ramie willed: 'Conceal!'

The moment he did so, the artifact around his wrist disappeared. This was the conceal command that he had learned.

Ramie felt a sense of comfort wash over at him. From now on, he wouldn't have to fear being found out, and could move freely.

The most important thing was that now he could start gathering magic stones without holding back.

Stretching out his right hand, Ramie willed: 'Inventory!' Next, a pillow appeared on his hand out of thin air.

This was the inventory function, allowing him to store and bring out things from a space that according to the information didn't exceed 3m3. This was a pillow he had stored away a while ago.

'This is very convenient. Also, it seems that hiding things this way would completely seal off their aura from leaking. In other words, others shouldn't be able to tell that I'm hiding things.'

Ramie was pretty satisfied with these functions, especially the conceal function.

'Next, I should check the things that have been exchanged with the core. Afterward, I have to have Cyril tell me about the best organizations in this underground city, and how to join them. This way, I should be able to gather magic stones at a fast rate.'

Making up his mind, Ramie pulled out a small box from under the blanket. This box contained all of the items that he had gotten in exchange of the core.

Opening the box, Ramie pulled out a black ring with small red gem embedded on it.

This was a low-grade synthetic artifact. It was capable of summoning a 1.5 tall earth servant once a day to do the bidding of the caster. Basically, it was an automata created from soil. It has battle capabilities slightly better than average adult man, and could serve as a bodyguard for the summoner.

The ring could summon the earth servant in two ways. The first was by consuming the magic energy in the ring. This way, the earth servant could remain active up till the point where its magic energy runs out. The second way was be consuming the magic energy of the caster. This way, the casting uses up 10 magic energy at the initial cast, and further consumption for the duration of the summon.

Now, unfortunately, the earth servant's defense wasn't much, and it could collapse with relative ease. Practically, any punch from a warrior or any ordinary offensive spell could demolish the servant. Hence, this synthetic artifact wasn't considered a powerful one, but way below average. After all, the mage could simply hire a powerful warrior and have him work as his body guard.

However, still, the idea of acquiring this synthetic artifact was considered, to the vast majority of the magicians a dream that can never come true!

It wasn't that this particular synthetic artifact has potential or anything of such… merely, it was that synthetic artifacts were things that were so rare that any synthetic artifact, even the trashiest one, were considered by the vast majority of mages a treasures that they could never lay their hands on!

As to why is that… it is simply because having a synthetic artifact means having an additional spell in the pocket, a spell that could be casted anytime. Anyway, considering how hard it is to get a spell suitable to ones path in the first place, the time required to learn it, not to mention if one could learn it or not in the first place… the idea of having an additional spell, of any path, that could be casted at anytime, was simply way too attractive to mages.

The demand for the synthetic artifacts was an ever increasing, while the supply was as short as ever. Hence, these synthetic artifacts became a highly demanded commodity.

Basically, the moment an artifact is put on sale; it'd sold in no time at all. And it could even prompt chaotic fights.

'One could never have enough synthetic artifacts;' was a famous saying in the world of mages. Even those that possess many synthetic artifacts would still rush and pay any asked price for an artifact when it comes to the market. That was how sought after these synthetic artifacts where.

Afterward, ramie took out the second item from the box.