Hidden Room (2)

'Now what the heck does this all have to do with House Stark!?'

He knew that the answers to his questions would most likely lie behind the double door. He tentatively placed his hand on the golden doorknob, after which he felt something prick his thumb.

"Ow!" Torrhen immediately jerked his hand back and saw some of his blood left behind on the doorknobs. However, it was quickly absorbed, leaving the doorknob unblemished.

With a loud boom, the doors unlocked and slowly began to open. Air with the satisfying smell of aged books blew into his face as the black wolf on the doors separated from the white wolf.

When the doors were fully opened Torrhen saw absolutely nothing as there was no light. With the dim greenish light around him, he could make out that there were very tall shelves of books in his immediate vicinity.

As he walked in, candles started to light up all across the room, shedding light on the interior. He was surrounded by tall bookcases roughly 100 feet in height from what he could gather, all filled with an assortment of books. He slowly walked along the bookshelf, tracing his index finger along the spines of the various books level with his eyes and reading the runic titles written on the spines.

"A Biography of The Red Grass King...The Various Clans of the Chaos Empire...I must be in some historical section...Records of the Final Emperor...Earth: The First Epoch...The Lineage of the Barbarian King...The House of Mayne-wait a minute!"

'EARTH! There's news about EARTH!'

He frantically took a few steps back until he reached where he saw the word Earth. With shaking hands, he pried the book out of the bookcase. The book itself was as thick as his face and heavier than it let on.

"I would put that back down if I were you."

Torrhen jumped as he turned around, evidently startled by the sudden voice.

"Whoa, can you not be so sudden in your approach? Who are you anyway?"

In front of him stood a man with pristine white skin and robes to match. He had flowing blond hair cut at his shoulders, a bright blond that accentuated the deep blue of his eyes. He had a noble disposition about him, one not too dissimilar from scholars.

"I am the Librarian. That's all you need to know about who I am. Given that you have arrived, I assume you must have passed the Lord's examination, So I am now here to serve you."

With that, he made a respectful bow, confounding Torrhen.

'Okay, what the heck?What exactly is missing from my memory!?'

"Alright, then. Rise," Torrhen could do nothing but act as naturally as he could. "Could you perhaps enlighten me with your name?"

"My lord, this humble servant bears no name" He said as he stood up. "I beseech you to bestow me with one."

"Okay. How about Alfred?"

"And no family name, my lord?"

"What would you have as a family name then?"

"Something elegant would be nice."

"Hmm, let me think."

'Elegant surnames. What would count as elegant? Rockefeller? No...Eisenhower? No...Montgomery? No...What about Fairfax? I dunno, let's just go with it.'

"What about Fairfax. Alfred Fairfax, what do you think?"

"Hmm, interesting choice. A surname from the First Epoch. Interesting."

'There it is again. First Epoch, what does that mean?'

"I'm sorry, but what do you mean by the First Epoch?"

"I apologise, my lord, but I cannot allow you to know this information. These are the orders of my last master. Not yet at least."

"When can you tell me?"

"You will know when you are ready. As such, I must confiscate this book."

With a sweep of his hand, the book disappeared into thin air and another book took it's spot on the shelf titled 'Memoirs of a Broken King: The Life of Eswick Bloodgroove'.


"What is your purpose here. anyway?"

"My purpose here is to serve you and help you become a ruler of humanity. But before that, I recommend you leave temporarily. Your family outside is quite distraught."

"Hmm, my family? Do you know how long I've been away?"

"Well, a week has past outside since you came here."

"Dammit! How do I go back!"

"We are quite far from the exit, but with my help you could leave from where you are."

"And how would you accomplish that, exactly?"

"The same way I replaced the book that was in your hand."

"And how would I come back here?"

"Just think it and you will return."

"Okay, let's go."

"Just a slight warning, you will certainly feel very dizzy and lightheaded, you will probably feel a sever headache, you may begin vomiting, and there is a chance of dismemberment. Farewell."


Before he could continue, the world distorted around him.


Torrhen appeared in the library, where he stumbled around in pain. The whole world was spinning around him and his head felt like it was going to explode. He fell to the ground and started vomiting everywhere, with some of it getting onto his hands and knees.

"Ah, fuc-blargh"

It was completely uncontrollable. All the blood rushed to his head, so the veins in his forehead were all popping out and his eyes had become bloodshot. His body was shaking uncontrollably as he continued to retch everywhere.

After a while, when he'd finished spilling his guts everywhere, Torrhen slowly got up and made his way to the door, staggering and stumbling. He fumbled his way through the door and tripped on a stone, causing his to fall down the stairs. It didn't help that he started vomiting again in free fall.

After tumbling for a few seconds without dying, he came to a halt halfway down the tower. He was sure that he'd broken a couple bones just now and was covered in bruises from head to toe. He just wanted to get out of here, and fast.

For the next few hours, attempted to slowly roll his way down the stairs, stopping after every step due to his body feeling immense pain all over. When he started, there was still some light coming in from the outside, and when he finally reached the door at the bottom, he could barely see his hand in front of his face.

Biting his teeth to ignore the pain, he started banging on the door. His arm felt like it was about to explode in a show of blood and gore and his bones felt like they were on the verge of shattering.

It took a lot of banging, and a lot of pain, before someone finally noticed. Torrhen saw the door open, and a giant stood in the doorway.

"Hodor...could you...help me up?" Torrhen's lips began bleeding as he spoke, his burning throat draining him of any will to speak further.

"Hodor! Hodor hodor hodor!"

With a single motion, Hodor scooped Torrhen off the ground and holding him in his arms.

"Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor!" He began running through the courtyard, gaining the attention of everyone nearby.

"Dear Gods!"

"It's Torrhen!"

"What happened to him!?"

"Someone call Lord Eddard!"

"Idiot! He needs to see the Maester!"

"Why is he so bloodied?"

Everyone was shocked by his battered appearance, his broken body soliciting gasps from everyone.

None of this mattered to Torrhen, though, for he was already unconscious within Hodor's arms.