Chapter 7 : The Sudden Office Visit

The articles and threads regarding the romantic dinner of Xing Hongqi and the mysterious lady have now disappeared. Some netizens were still connecting the dots since a few days ago Hongqi revealed that he was getting married.

Fans and non-fans are now speculating that Hongqi and Yuming's relationship might has now come to an end.

That's why the topic regarding Hongqi and the mysterious woman is now buried by the new hot topic; #HongqiYumingBreakUpParty.

Netizens started posting different kinds of memes and witty posts with the hashtag.

"Am I late for the party? #HongqiYumingBreakUpParty" a netizen posted with 1500 hearts and 50 comments.

"No, we're still setting up the buffet table. #HongqiYumingBreakUpParty" A netizen replied to that post with 777 hearts.

"Free drinks for the first 20 person to come in XX Street Building 001! We're here to celebrate our God Hongqi's prosperous marriage. #HongqiYumingBreakUpParty " a startup restaurant posted.

"Hongqi really made the best decision in marrying an IT company president. I don't know her but she's really pretty in the pictures. It's really a huge plus that she's nerdy! +11111111 #HongqiYumingBreakUpParty" a famous comic fanboy posted.

"We are giving away 100 pieces of one hundred yuan gift checks here in XX01 food court! Please visit! #HongqiYumingBreakUpParty"

"I really feel bad for Yuming but at the same time she deserves this. Her karma really hit her hard. #HongqiYumingBreakUpParty" an neutral fan posted.

"Please post more free stuff. I'm willing to trend this hashtag so we can get a lot of free food and services. #HongqiYumingBreakUpParty"

That hashtag has been trending for the whole day. Yuming's Manager Yan can't help but to laugh at the hashtag and the thread. She never thought that netizens can be funny and savage at the same time.

Manager Yan can't stop laughing so loudly inside the car. All the people inside gave her an annoying look.

"Manager Yan, can you please stop laughing? Our Yuming is getting bullied and you're here laughing at a very sensitive matter." Their long time female driver scolded her.

Manager Yan can't stop laughing at the posts so she tried to suppress it.

"I'm sorry. The comments are just too funny and witty." She apologized but shortly after she snorted so loudly.

Yuming was in her earphones so she didn't heard Manager Yan's annoying laugh. But deep down, she knew that Manager Yan was laughing at her for being too arrogant a few days ago and now her situation.

Yuming gloomily and coldly looked at Manager Yan. She also removed her earphones.

Manager Yan stopped laughing when she felt Yuming's cold stare. She suddenly fixed her sitting position and cleared her throat.

"Are you happy now that Hongqi is dumping me?" Yuming bitterly said to Manager Yan. Her eyes are now glistening. She looks like she's about to cry.

Manager Yan avoided Yuming's gaze and bowed her head. Well she wanted to add more salt to her wound but she won't do that anymore. Her little talent looked really pitiful.

"Do you know who the woman was? My fans can't track who the bitch was." Yuming angrily muttered in her seat.

"People who are familiar with her didn't want to talk. They seem to respect her so much." Manager Yan seriously said. She stopped checking the thread and became serious.

Yuming aggressively clicked her tongue. "They respect her so much that they can't even revealed her name? Who the fuck that person is?!" She angrily said to herself.

"Hongqi 's last message to me was the message I showed you before. I know he's a busy man and rarely replies but it's been days already." Yuming sadly said. "He's getting married." She whispered.

"Obviously." Manager Yan sarcastically said. But she immediately pursed her lips for her sudden sarcastic remark.

"I will work hard." Yuming softly muttered.

Manager Yan gaped at Yuming. Did she hear her right?

"Really? You will work hard from now on? You will attend the acting workshop?" Manager Yan can't help but be happy with Yuming's sudden decision.

Yuming was so silent for a few seconds before grinning like an evil witch.

"No. What I meant was I'll work hard in becoming Hongqi's mistress. He's getting married right? I'm now promoted from girlfriend to mistress." Yuming snickered.

Manager Yan aggressively coughed from Yuming's daring declaration. Is this woman crazy?!

"Yuming-ah… " Manager Yan was having a hard time in collecting the right words to say at this situation. She doesn't know what to say so she closed her eyes and slightly hit her own forehead. She's really frustrated over Yuming.

"Please be careful in whatever endeavors you are planning. Because right now, you're not making any sense at all." Manager Yan gritted her teeth. She really want to smack Yuming's head so she can wake up from this delusion of hers.

"Thanks. But I know what I'm doing. So you better not stop me." Yuming gave off a murderous aura when she said that.

Manager Yan shook her head from disappointment. She must hinder whatever Yuming is planning.


Hongqi was overly frustrated with Xiulan's one liner message replies. There wasn't even one emoji in her replies! He has been messaging and flattering her everyday with gifts and overly sweet messages but all he received was one liner messages.

Hongqi angrily threw his phone. Never in his life had a woman messaged him with such low enthusiasm.

He suddenly angrily called Yang Bo.

"Master Hongqi, you called." Yang Bo respectfully greeted Hongqi.

"What is Xiulan doing right now?" Hongi's anger can be felt and Yang Bo doesn't know why. He looked okay a few hours ago.

"According to her secretary, Miss Xiulan is currently very busy with one of her personal projects. She has been vigorously trying to finish it. She still ate the food you sent to her. She just didn't have much time interacting to people." Yang Bo politely reported.

Hongqi nodded. He kind of calmed down now. He thought that Xiulan was ignoring him, she was just really busy.

"What's the name of the client of that project?" Hongqi asked. His eyes were sharp and there was a glint of annoyance in it. He's really angry that a mere project has Xiulan's attention than him. For pete's sake he's Xing Hongqi!

"Secretary Dandan told me that it was a personal project. It's Miss Xiulan's own project." Yang Bo said.

Hongqi nodded but sighed heavily after. "What is he going to do with this nerdy future wife of his? She's so hard to flatter!" he can't help but be frustrated. He must get her good side or else his plans will not work.

"I want to visit her. Let's go." Hongqi declared and swiftly left the room. Yang Bo slightly panicked. His boss was so random today. Awhile ago he was calm then his mood became really angry. Now he can't read him anymore.

All the employees and random people in the first floor, where Xiulan's company was residing, were creating incoherent noises when they saw Xing Hongqi in the building.

They were all shocked that he's currently here. He just sent a huge cake and boxes of tempura meals for Xiulan and her employees this morning and now he's here. Their suspicion who Hongqi's wife is now answered with his sudden visit!

He was wearing a new collection of Tom Ford black suit. His hair was slick and clean. His face was fresh with no stubbles and pores! Everyone was gawking at him like he's some kind of godly being. He was really handsome!

The ladies and the gays tried to snap a picture of him while the men worshiped their idol Xing Hongqi.

When Hongqi arrived in Xiulan's floor, every employee was standing near the entrance of Xiulan's office. They almost ticked off Secretary Dandan since she was really busy with paperwork and they were very noisy beside her.

The employees already captured the news that Hongqi arrived in their building that's why they were all waiting there to have a good look. They all have a hunch that he will visit their beautiful boss.

"He's here! He's here!" one female employee announced.

Hongqi with Secretary Yang Bo walked the hallways of Xiulan's company floor.

Hongqi flashed a million dollar smile at the female employees who were waiting for his arrival before talking to Secretary Dandan. He was like a celebrity giving fan services.

"Is Xiulan present?" Hongqi asked in an approachable way. Everything about him is dapper and alluring. With such a friendly aura, the female employees gave him more manly points.

"Y-yes, Young Master Hongqi. You can enter." Secretary Dandan stuttered. She also forgot to ask if Boss Xiulan was fine in taking in some guests today. She was really busy on her laptop and Hongqi was only visiting her so Dandan guessed it was fine to let him in.

When Hongqi stepped inside Xiulan's office without closing the door yet, the women outside can't help but praise his good looks and ethereal aura. They created a very loud sound that made Xiulan look at the door.

She was so surprised to see Hongqi inside her office. She immediately got up from her seat.

"Oh my, what's with the sudden visit?" Xiulan's question was really informal but it was really cute in Hongqi's ears. He also thought that her reaction was very genuine.

"Your short replies made me really sad so I'm here to visit." Hongqi said and let his eyes scrutinize every inch of Xiulan's office.

"Ah. I'm sorry; I'm not really good in messaging." Xiulan apologized and went near Hongqi. She was so small and she was wearing office slippers. Her dress that day was a baby pink fitted knee-length dress. Her skin was rosy milk so the combination of her skin color and her dress made her look really fresh and young like a flowering cherry blossom.

Hongqi stared endearingly at Xiulan. Even though he had bad intentions, he can't help but be amazed by her natural beauty and sex appeal. Most of the women he had a relationship have their faces splattered with make-up and unnecessary plastic surgery adjustments.

Since Xiulan was surprised by the sudden visit, her head was a little hazy and didn't know what to do first. When she was near Hongqi, she gave him a sudden hug and patted his back as greeting. Xiulan usually do this kind of greeting to male friends.

Hongqi was bewildered by the sudden intimate greeting. He didn't saw that coming. He knew Xiulan has a very aloof personality and the way she greeted him made no sense for him. It was really out of her character, he thought.

Xiulan's soft body and alluring smell got Hongqi's attention. It was a faint smell of Gucci's Bloom perfume. He smelled this kind of fragrance so many times from women but this time, he wanted to smell it more from her.

Xiulan let go and gave him a gentle smile. Hongqi was a little frustrated; he still wanted to smell her.

"Please sit." Xiulan said and gestured him to sit on the sofa. Xiulan sat on the chair in front of Hongqi. Her skirt was pulled a little when she sat and Hongqi got a glimpse of her milky legs. It didn't even have any spec on it, her legs were really flawless.

Hongqi coughed while he sat on the sofa. That sight made him uncomfortable. He somewhat wanted to let his hands feel those legs.

"Ah, do you want some water?" Xiulan asked when she saw Hongqi coughed. Xiulan thought that he might be thirsty since it was pleasantly hot outside.

She went to get some water and gave it to him. When she handed the glasses with water to Hongqi, her fingers slightly brushed his skin.

Hongqi is now really frustrated. He doesn't know if Xiulan was teasing him or she's just naturally charming. He's used to women who try to get his attention. So this kind of gestures were not new to him. But the woman who's doing it right now is not that type of leech.

He eyed Xiulan suspiciously.

"But this woman… she gave off a very caring aura right now but the way she treated his messages and gifts were really bland. Does she have some kind of split personality?" Hongqi questioned himself.