Chapter 9 : The Confrontation

Hongqi was definitely surprised by Xiulan's sudden dinner invitation. He just got back from K city when his secretary reported to him that Xiulan booked his 7 pm slot to have dinner with him. He still has 45 minutes until 7 pm.

He finds it cute that she has to talk to Secretary Yang Bo just to have dinner with him. Usually, women will directly invite him to have a date but his future wife has to book a schedule like it was a business meeting.

Hongqi pouted. If only Xiulan asked him directly, he could have enjoyed teasing her.

He went to his personal room and took a bath. He changed to a more flamboyant suit from Thom Browne's new collection. He wanted to look handsome for Xiulan so that woman will not think of cancelling this marriage.

He already has a feeling that Xiulan was wavering, especially how she treats his messages and flirtations. That was not a normal reaction from women he flirted with.

He knew that his relationship with Gong Yuming was the root of it all. He hasn't ended directly his relationship with Yuming but his cold treatment was already an answer that he's not interested with her anymore.

When he arrived at the restaurant that XIulan booked, everyone was shocked that he suddenly appeared. It was a rare sight to see Hongqi in that district.

The restaurant was still in the vicinity of district Y, which is a place for middle class people. Though the restaurant was a five star, it was still a miracle for a prominent person like Hongqi to appear there.

He majestically walked towards the private room and the people can't help but admire him. He was only walking but people felt that they saw a top model or an actor.

When he stepped inside the room, he immediately saw the petite woman wearing an emerald fitted short dress. Her skin was glowing under the chandelier. Her face was scrunch up while reading something on her phone. Though her expression was like that, she was still very attractive.

"The future Mrs. Xing…" he called and went towards her.

Xiulan glanced at the door when she heard that familiar voice. She didn't have any time to react when he suddenly hugged her while she was sitting and kissed the top of her head.

"Your face had a sour expression, care to share why?" Hongqi teased then sat at the chair beside Xiulan. He didn't sit on the chair parallel to Xiulan since he wanted this dinner to be intimate. He wanted to get closer and get a hold of her waist if there was a chance.

"Good evening, Young Master Hongqi." Xiulan stiffly greeted Hongqi. Xiulan became stiff due to the narrow space between them. She thought that he can hear her breathe and that would be awkward.

"Relax." Hongqi said and he squeezed her shoulders to playfully relieve her tension. Hongqi was just trying to score some points in skin-ship that's why he did that.

"Hehe…" Xiulan gave an awkward trembling laugh then cleared her throat to remove the awkward atmosphere.

"Uhm… I ordered some seafood and pasta. Please tell me if you are allergic to the food I ordered. And also I asked for some wine. I will not drink but I think you will." Xiulan said and tried to smile at Hongqi. Her sudden head turn almost cause her to bump Hongqi's nose with her nose. She immediately faced her front.

"Uh… I think our seats are kind of close?" Xiulan implied and tried to move her chair.

Hongqi stopped her and said "Isn't this better? I wanted this night to be intimate."

Something suddenly triggered inside Xiulan's heart. It was not the fluttering of the heart or butterflies in the stomach rather it was an annoyed feeling and anger. She got ticked off by Hongqi's informal behavior. She lightly pushed him away from her and coldly glared at him.

"Young Master Hongqi, I would like to be honest here. I would like you to refrain from acting so casually with me. We are not yet married and I would like you to respect my personal space whenever we meet each other." Xiulan coldly informed Hongqi. She moved away more from him to have a proper distance between them.

Hongqi had an amused look on Xiulan's daring honesty towards him. He didn't expect that. He thought that she would submit to him easily since her reactions this past few days were really bland and she would nonchalantly agree to whatever he says. This was a first for a woman to bluntly tell him something like this. Hongqi mischievously grinned.

"Ah… I apologize for my rudeness. I'm just really used to being friendly with everyone especially to beautiful women like you." Hongqi cheekily smiled at Xiulan.

Xiulan gave off the expression of 'I'm not buying that bullshit' face. She wanted to roll her eyes at him but that would be rude. She's not rude like him so she must maintain her composure.

"Young Master Hongqi… can I be direct to you?" Xiulan suddenly asked.

"Yes, that would be better." He immediately replied and deeply stared at Xiulan. His gaze were really intimidating since he was extraordinary handsome. He's the type that makes women sexually unconformable on their seats.

But since Xiulan was not feeling anything for him, she just finds his stare really suffocating.

"There's no need for you to act so friendly towards me. I already know your transaction with my father. I'm pretty sure you're only acting to get some favor from me for our upcoming marriage." Xiulan bluntly said and sharply looked at him while she waited for Hongqi to reply.

Hongqi grinned.

"Busted." Hongqi muttered and playfully licked his lips.

"But don't you worry. I will not refuse or cancel our wedding. The penalty is too big to pay." Xiulan said in a matter of fact tone. She didn't break her stare at Hongqi. She wanted to read him as much as possible. She must put an eye on him from now on. She will not let this man betray her and her family.

"That's good news then." Hongqi said, still has that grin on his face. Since Xiulan already knows his transaction with her father, he will keep an eye on her more. He is now suspicious of Xiulan if this woman would try to do something to make his plans fail.

"Whatever your plans in this marriage, I hope that it will not bring any unfortunate events to the Song family. If you wanted to use our family, please use it in a positive way." Xiulan seriously said without breaking their eye contact.

"I definitely will. No need to be cautious of me. Since we're in the stage of being honest to each other, I will tell you my plans." Hongqi said and reciprocated the same intensity of stare that Xiulan gave off.

"Go on." Xiulan waited.

"I'm planning to run as a mayor in S city. If you didn't know, besides my entertainment empire, I'm planning to put up a security agency and weaponry. Since this type of business needs absolute approval of the city government, the current mayors in both S and T city refused to let me put up this business. They were afraid that I would go against them and they hindered extending my power. I don't have plans in illegally building that kind of business. So I wanted to run and oust the mayor in S city to make my security agency possible." Hongqi explained. He doesn't know why he suddenly exposed his dark plans to Xiulan but he felt that it was fine. Xiulan seemingly nodded to every word Hongqi told her.

"Your family has one of the best political image out there. Marrying you will be the biggest benefit to my plans. I apologize for using you like this but I will work hard in maintaining your family's company. I might also make it bigger than before." Hongqi suggested.

Xiulan hasn't said anything until now. She's trying to weigh the pros and cons of his plans and the impact on the Song family.

Hongqi was slightly nervous. He just exposed his greatest plans but this woman was mum about it.

"Alright, I understand." Xiulan finally said something. Hongqi sighed in relief. He was waiting for her to talk.

"But… since you are running as mayor, I would like you to protect my family from your enemies. Running for politics is the most dangerous thing. I'm counting on you." Xiulan nonchalantly agreed. She still has that cold poker face.

Hongqi can't help but be amazed by Xiulan. She was a little feisty awhile ago and now she's back with that aloofness.

"Of course. I'm building the best security. I will not fail in protecting all of you." Hongqi affirmed. He will not let them be harmed. Yeah he might have some selfish plans but of course he still has the heart to protect the innocents. It was a blessing that Xiulan favored his plans and didn't say much or argued. She only asked for her family's protection. Her genuine love for her family is really incredible. What a filial daughter!

"Right, you better be." Xiulan uttered and faintly smiled at Hongqi. Her smile was not that evident but it gave off the feeling of support.

Hongqi smiled widely. He never expected this. He thought he has to do something extreme just to make her agree. He'll make sure to take care of her. She was kind enough to let him user her family like this.

"So, when do you want to get married?" Hongqi suddenly asked. He felt like they should get married soon before she changes her mind.

"Let our parents plan the wedding. They know much better and also the feng shui stuff on the right dates and other auspicious related things. I'm not really good in planning events." Xiulan suggested. Actually she was only lazy to plan her wedding. Hongqi can plan it by himself since he's the one here who was desperate but she understands that he's a busy man. So she suggested that their parents should plan it instead. They are far more excited for occasions like this.

"Yes, you have a point. So it's traditional then?" Hongqi agreed.

"Well it should be traditional, right? Since both families are prominent." Xiulan thought that the elders will definitely push the traditional wedding. So they should at least put it in default.

"Then… see you in the next few days?" Hongqi playfully asked. He has that boyish grin on his face.

"Yes, see you." Xiulan genuinely smiled at Hongqi.

Just like that, Hongqi and Xiulan's wedding are now settled.