Chapter 27 : Playboy Casino Heir Or A Dumb Man?

Xiulan grimaced when she saw Mo Dejiang's very provocative way on bidding farewell to this young pretty girl outside Blends Café. He kissed the young woman torridly before letting her go. The infamous casino heir really holds his playboy title too dearly.

Xiulan can't help but compare her playboy husband to this playboy old classmate. They are both scum of the Earth but her husband still has that secretive mysterious aura while this old classmate outside the café was so sexually liberated.

Both types of bad men yet different. It amuses Xiulan so much.

Xiulan saw that cheeky sneer on Mo Dejiang's face after he left the young woman and went inside the café. Now she can't help but look at the past.

"How perverted... How did he become like this? Who hurt him to become so annoying?" Xiulan asked herself. She didn't notice that she was frowning at Mo Dejiang while he approaches her.

"What's with the long frown? It's been since we have seen each other yet you're looking at me like that." Mo Dejiang lazily accused before he sat on the chair in front of Xiulan. He had this handsome lazy expression that gives off the bad boy vibes that everyone woman seems to like.

Xiulan still didn't let go of her frown and bad judgment over Mo Dejiang. "I can't help but think of the Mo Dejiang during our university days. Very different." Xiulan commented before she sips the third tea she ordered tonight. She was two hours early before their meeting time.

When she received the message from Mo Dejiang earlier, she hastily went to the mall to buy some disguise she will wear when she meets Mo Dejiang. But she ended up buying Mo Dejiang's favorite strawberry cake instead. The cake was for thanks and also for bribing.

Now she's wearing her bare face and the office attire she has worn for today. She thought that if she disguises herself, she'll look more suspicious and guilty. So she ended up with just a cake and full honesty. Besides, she's just meeting Mo Dejiang, she's not cheating or doing something shady.

"Hmm… do you like that kind of Mo Dejiang? I can change to that but you're now married. I don't like snatching another man's woman." Mo Dejiang arrogantly teases and then he signaled the waiterress to get his usual order.

He even winked at the waitress.

Xiulan grimaced again. "In all honesty, you were cuter before." Xiulan genuinely said.

Mo Dejiang was drinking a glass of water, which was given earlier before he arrived, when Xiulan said that. He suddenly coughed so hard from Xiulan's unexpected comment. His pompous poise disappeared and he looks like he's gonna die from coughing too hard.

Xiulan was taken aback by Mo Dejiang's reaction. "Are you okay? Why did you suddenly choke on water?" Xiulan worriedly said and she gave him her expensive flowery handkerchief for him to wipe off the water from his mouth and hands. She wanted to help him soothe his back but she must not get close to him. She's not sure if there are paparazzis around or someone may take her kind gesture out of context.

"I'm fine." Dejiang gracefully took the handkerchief from Xiulan and wipe the water from his mouth and hands in a very suave way. Though the way he spat the water from his mouth was so unfashionable, he quickly maintained that handsome demeanor he had awhile ago. He can't believe that he spat water in front of Xiulan, his ultimate and long time crush or more like love. He wanted to kill himself from such embarrassment.

But before wanting to kill himself, he can't help but smell the handkerchief and its fragrance was so nice for his sensitive nose.

"…" Xiulan remained silent and waited for Dejiang to finish wiping the water.

"I am cute before?" Dejiang suddenly bashfully remembered Xiulan's unexpected comment. His ears slightly redden because his long time crush and first love said he was cute. He quickly wet and bit his lips out of sudden happiness and giddiness.

"Anyway, enough of that. It's bold of you to agree to meet me, I'm in awe. Lately, women are hostile to meet me especially those who have reputation to take care of. As Mrs. Xing, aren't you scared of a scandal and fake accusations?" Dejiang decided to change the topic and also to hide his giddiness. He was also curious of the reason why the aloof Mrs. Xing decided to agree to meet him. He really thought that this mysterious woman would not agree because of his image. But here she is, talking casually with him and even handed her handkerchief. He was on cloud nine.

"Yes, I am afraid that a weird headline will come up tomorrow morning. But the matter with the terrorist and this country's safety are more important. Also this meeting is not shady or we are doing anything ambiguous." Xiulan confidently said and she didn't break her sight away from Mo Dejiang. She wanted to let him know that she's here to have an honest and clean transaction.

Dejiang nodded in agreement. "As usual, she's really cool." He secretly commented and he's infatuated by her coolness again. He really likes her. He's an idiot for not confessing or didn't take any chances in pursuing her before. He was the only male specie in their university who was so close to her yet he didn't even pursue her because he was so shy and stupid to ask her out. He really regretted it until now and might be forever.

He fully knows that Xiulan didn't like the dandy type of men that's why when he became the ultimate handsome playboy casino heir, he already completely erased in his system that he will pursue the innocent Xiulan. But when he received the news that she was getting married to Xing Hongqi. He felt different types of negative emotions.

"Yes, you are right. Who cares about them anyway? Though, me and my mom will be so happy with this news." Dejiang agreed and whispered the last sentence he said.

"Huh? What did you say?" Xiulan confusedly asked since she was having problems in hearing clearly Mo Dejiang's words.

"Nothing." Dejiang said and broadly smiled to hide his deep secrets. "So did you say to your husband that you'll be meeting me?" Dejiang curiously asked.

"Ah… no. I actually forgot to tell him. I was so excited to talk to you regarding the terrorists." Xiulan admitted. Now that she realizes she forgot to tell it to her husband, she has to call him later or the next morning.

Dejiang silently rejoiced again. "This is like a secret affair. She even said she's excited to talk to me." He was stupidly rejoicing over his own assumptions.

On the right moment to hide his secret affection more, Dejiang's Americano coffee arrived. It was also a perfect chance for Xiulan to give Dejiang's favorite strawberry cake.

"Ah, here your favorite cake. You can eat it now or later." Xiulan smilingly said and gave Dejiang a white box that contains the scrumptious cake.

And again, cupid's arrow shot Dejiang's heart again. "How can this night be so good?" I'm not getting laid yet I'm so happy!" Dejiang happily said to himself. He was indeed on cloud nine and he doesn't want to get off this mood yet. He was beaming so much.

"Anyway, about the terrorist… My family has a newly built online casino and we've been getting suspicious players." Dejiang introduced to change the topic. He was beaming so much; he must hide his stupid dog smile.

Xiulan's attention is now on Mo Dejiang. Her beautiful clear eyes were staring seriously on his face and Dejiang felt the ultimate happiness again. He sure gets super happy with Xiulan's attention on him. Unbeknownst to Xiualn, she has been giving an ultimate effect to the handsome man in front of her.

"They were all using the same IP address and according to their user accounts, they are exploiting the stolen information from the rural universities. They used the students' bank information and sensitive personal data. They are pretty stupid to play in an online casino while they are being hunted. Since I'm aware of the issue with the terrorists, I have blocked these accounts and their IP." Dejiang carefully explained.

Xiulan nodded and seriously listened. Every word Dejiang will say tonight will be helpful for her.

"I see. Why didn't you report this to S university or to the police instead?" Xiulan confusedly asked. Such information should go directly to the authorities.

"I just knew that it would be better if I give this information to you. I have a hunch that these terrorists might have an intel or a spy inside the national security or military. They might accuse me for something troublesome. I also don't want to associate myself with S university anymore. I don't want them to pester me about national issues just like what they are doing to you right now." Dejiang nonchalantly said and sips his coffee. His handsome face illuminated from the sudden brightness of the cafe. The cafe suddenly turned on more lights to make the ambiance brighter.

"Dejiang, thank you so much for this information." Xiulan was so thankful to Mo Dejiang. He lifted a huge weight on her piles of problems. At least she has a good starting point now.

"Anything for you my love." Dejiang quietly uttered while he lovingly stared at Xiulan.

"Huh? What did you say again?" Xiulan didn't manage to hear what Dejiang said since her attention was still on Dejiang's terrorist information.

"It's nothing important. I was just mumbling something." Dejiang gave off that stupid dog smile again.

"Regarding your thanks, its fine. No problem. Such information should be used wisely. I have here the flash drive that contains the necessary data so you can start tracking them." Mo Dejiang assured and handed a red flash drive to Xiulan.

"Again, thank you so much." Xiulan said her thanks again. Mo Dejiang only smiled as his response.

"There's no spy virus on it right?" Xiulan playfully asked when she got the flash drive. She wanted to joke a little since Dejiang was really nice to her. From their university days until now, he's still helps her unconditionally.

"You witch, of course none! Why would I want to spy on you?!" Dejiang aggressively exclaimed. Though he didn't put any spyware on it, his reaction was like a guilty man who got caught.

"Just kidding! What's with your over reacting expression?" Xiulan playfully said and smiled brightly. It's been awhile since Xiulan smiled beautifully and brightly like that.

Because of Xiulan's smile, it causes shockwaves over Dejiang and the secret guard that Hongqi assigned to follow Xiulan for the rest of her life.

The guard was dumbfounded by Xiulan's smile that he almost forgot to take a picture. He hastily took a picture and sweated whether he will report this part or not. He never saw that smile on Mrs. Xing's face when she's with his boss. It might cause unnecessary problems but he must still report it.

Also at that moment, the shockwaves of Xiulan's smile made Mo Dejiang felt a splash of regrets why he didn't pursue Xiulan during their university days. "I was the only man who was so close to her that time, why did I not take advantage of it?" His heart was full of regrets. He wanted to die on the spot.

"Tsk. Smiling beautifully like that is not good for the heart." Dejiang silently muttered.

"What?" Xiulan didn't hear Dejiang's mumbling again. She suddenly thought that she should get her ears checked. Her hearing was so bad tonight.

"I said you should be careful with this mission. If you need help with man power or who can protect you, just ask me okay? I will give the best guard I have to protect you." Dejiang proudly said.

"It's okay, Dejiang. That will be my husband's job. Thank you so much for all the help and concern. I truly appreciate it. Even the help you gave to me back then." Xiulan genuinely said and brightly smiled at Dejiang.

This time, Dejiang is annoyed. "Ugh! The mood is getting better but why does she have to include her husband? Ugh. Really! Just thinking about that man became my Xiulan's husband makes me mad! Dejiang furiously ranted in his heart.

"Hmm…" Dejiang coldly nodded and gave a thin smile. He was on cloud nine just a few minutes ago. But the realization that Xiulan will never be his made his mood fall like the stocks of a failed business.