As Xiulan went near the dome, she was about to call Hongqi if was fine and if he was in a safe place when she suddenly halted and stared at the live CCTV footage on her tablet.
"What the hell?" She mumbled as she saw two men, who looked like college students, on top of dome. They seem to be trying to extinguish the fire on dome's rooftop with a huge cloth.
Xiulan shook her head in confusion. She quickly ran towards the hall and checked the people around her. She got more confused when they looked so calm and not threatened at all.
"Did you hear the fireworks awhile ago? Who was the artist with such extravagant stage performance?" Xiulan heard from one of the women from the fan goods kiosk.
"Ah, I'm really not sure but I heard it's one of the top girl groups from South Korea. I'm not sure of the name since I'm only here for Andy Gao." Another woman replied.
"It was really loud. It must have been a very expensive firecrackers." The first girl cited.
Xiulan got more confused. "What firecracker? The top of the dome is on fire!" She panicked in her head. She wanted to scream at everyone but she was hesitant since they were all so calm.
Xiulan ran back near to the exit gate of the dome to check the rooftop since the footages in her tablet were getting murky from the poor signal. Xiulan was so surprised that the fire was gone and there was only a tiny bit of smoke coming from the rooftop.
"Did I just imagine it? But the old driver also saw it… It was impossible to put out a huge fire like that very quicky." Xiulan carefully thought.
The dome consists of a huge garden surrounding it and a long road before anyone can get to the main hall and parking space. No other buildings are around so only people who are quite far away from this place have seen that explosion. If it was just an ordinary firecracker, it wouldn't have smoked like that.
As Xiulan tries to deduce the situation, she went outside of the hall and sat on the mini stairs so she could check the footages on her tablet comfortably when she heard bunch of men who were whispering very suspiciously as they exited the fire exit outside the hall.
"Idiot, why the hell did you ignite the grenade so early? Be thankful that it exploded the same time with the performer's fireworks. You could have killed us instead." A very tall man with a yellow complexion lectured a guy who is smaller than him by a few inches with a very pale complexion. They were both wearing gray hoodies and a white polo shirt inside. They looked like college students.
Xiulan immediately hid her body from their view. She stood there nonchalantly but her hearing attention is on those men. She crossed her arms so that her left hand is hidden with her phone while video recording the two. With this display, she will only look like a random person standing there and waiting for someone.
"I'm sorry. I got careless. This is my first time to use a grenade outside our barracks." The small guy apologetically countered.
The tall college guy sighed. "Be careful next time. I will just tell leader that it was not a good idea to start tonight. We will do it right next time." Tall college guy said. The two men quickly ran to the darkest part of the garden. Xiulan wanted to follow the two suspicious men but she got scared. It was already dark and she doesn't even have any weapons with her or the proper strength to fight. She's not Wonder Woman to be able to fight villainous people that easily.
She sighed and frustratingly pursed her lips. "I think I need a partner on this. I will not be able to solve this problem if I'm all alone. I need someone who can protect me." She thought more of her disadvantages and weaknesses.
Xiulan stayed a few more minutes standing there and planning her next move when her phone suddenly rang. She did not try to answer it yet and only looked at the caller id.
"Xing Hongqi" was written on her phone's screen. Xiulan frustratingly sighed and only answered the phone on its fifth ring.
"Hello." She tiredly answered.
"Xiulan, did you go home already? I'm about to leave the dome soon. Let's go home together." Hongqi offered. He seems to be in a bad mood since he's not using any endearment.
"Yes. I'm already outside the main hall and waiting for a cab." Xiulan replied and stared at the tiles she was standing on. While staring at the tiles' pattern, she suddenly remembered something.
"Wait… you're leaving this early? It's only 9:07 PM. The show and awarding will be finished by 10pm right?" Xiulan confusedly asked.
"I'm finished with my speech and I already awarded the best actor and actress. The next performance and awards are for idols and singers. Also, I can go home whenever I want for your information. " Hongqi arrogantly informed and he even yawned.
Xiulan frowned hearing this man's arrogant words.
"Right. But don't you have an after party or something?" Xiulan vehemently asked. She actually doesn't want to be in the same room as him right now. Her head was full of those weird men and how can she connect this to the terrorists. Her mind has already deduced too many conditions and situations that might happen.
"Yeah, but so what? I want to go home now. Wait for me and don't go anywhere. Also wait for me in a blind spot with not much people. They did not know you are here and they may thought of something that I'm with someone else." Hongqi stubbornly and coldly commanded. He even hurriedly ended the call without waiting for Xiulan's retorts.
Xiulan got surprised by Hongqi's sudden antagonistic behavior. It's been awhile since she experienced this side of him. Lately, he was rather passive in everything and sometimes clingy for his own agenda. But this time his evil and selfish side is coming out again.
Xiulan sighed deeply. She really wanted to be alone right now but the stupid husband must be on his period since his tone was really demanding. She would rather be always in his good mood rather being in his bad mood. Xiulan dreaded that he might suddenly divorce her just because he's pissed. She can't afford to have an additional problem right now.
After five minutes of waiting for the dark lord, a shiny black Maserati Levante stopped in front of Xiulan. Secretary Yang Bo emerges from the front seat and diligently opened the passenger door for her.
Xiulan gave a curtsy to Secretary Yang Bo and thanked him before she sat comfortably beside Hongqi.
The stupid husband was wearing a gray Tom Ford hounds-tooth suit and black pants that gave him a pompous aura. He also has a gold crested brooch on his suit's collar that added more pristine extravagance.
For Xiulan, he looked like a big boss of a mafia family with this getup. He looks so dangerous.
"Good evening." Xiulan greeted Hongqi as a sign of acknowledging his superior presence.
Hongqi did not answer but instead he slowly moved his head and looked at his little wife who's wearing a cheap bright yellow hoodie on top of her pale blue Chanel tweed dress that he bought for her when he was in Hong Kong last month. Hongqi's expression soured more when his eyes caught the yellow baseball cap and flu mask as her disguise.
"What's with the ugly yellow disguise?" Hongqi disrespectfully asked and his sour face was still evident.
Xiulan wanted to roll her eyes. This husband had the audacity to mock her when most of the teenager fans that has been wasting their money on his precious handsome and beautiful talents were wearing the same outfit.
"To blend in." Xiulan shortly and coldly said. She removed the flu mask on her face since it was hard to breathe inside a car with a mask on.
"Don't ever do this again, okay? If you want to watch then tell me. I can give you the best seat out there. I can also give you a VIP pass. It's very dangerous and also quite embarrassing if someone saw you out in the open like this. " Hongqi tediously recited his demands again.
"Husband, just let me be. I like to experience this kind of stuff and I can meet fans that also have the same interests." Xiulan nonchalantly explained but deep inside she was furious.
She has been staking her life out there for the country and yet this man only thought of his image. Well, of course he doesn't know about her secrets but she still can't believe that watching a concert can already harm him. "Heck!" Xiulan's mind can't help but curse the evil husband.
"Are you serious? Tell me, who is this celebrity that you are so fond of that you even have to come with a disguise? Even sacrificing the beautiful image I have nurtured for you." Hongqi's full attention is on Xiulan now and he even scooted more near Xiulan. He's hogging all the space between them and Xiulan wanted to push him away. She was angry that he's spouting such nonsense against her. She might suddenly slap him.
"There's no need for you to know. Dear husband, this is just a small matter. Why are you getting angry? I was not exposed nor did anyone know that it was Mrs. Xing." Xiulan asked and tried to be calm as possible.
"Who? Tell me the name." Hongqi stubbornly persisted.
Xiulan gulped and frustratingly pursed her lips. Why this situation became like this? Heck, she doesn't even have any local idols or celebrities that she likes so much. It's possible for foreign celebrities, especially musicians. But local artist? She was never a fan of any. S
"Xiulan." Hongqi threatened. This was the very first time Hongqi tried to pressure her. "What the hell is wrong with him?" Xiulan irritably asked herself.
"A…. uhm… An… Andy Gao!" Xiulan uttered out of impulse to answer the evil husband so this matter can end soon as possible.
"Andy Gao?" Hongqi surprisingly asked. He can't believe it. Out of all the celebrities, his little wife chose that haughty rookie artist.
"Uh-- Yes, Andy Gao." Xiulan was hesitant to affirm but she already uttered his name. She was also slightly confused why she uttered Andy Gao's name. She could have said another celebrity's name but why that brat?
"Seriously? That Andy Gao? That stupid rookie?" Hongqi trying to confirm if this little wife really likes that haughty rookie.
"Uweh… don't call him stupid ah! Isn't he working under you?" Xiulan tried to act like she was an offended angry fan.
"Ugh. Seriously? Why him?" Hongqi gave a disgusted look. His eyebrows were forming into one line. It seems that he got angrier.
"I'm not really sure why I also like him. Uh… Uhmm… He's handsome?" Xiulan spouting nonsense answers since she doesn't even know what to say. Her answers also came out like a question instead of a statement.
"Seriously? Is that the definition of handsome for you? Look at me. Look at my face." Hongqi suddenly grabs Xiulan's chin and forced her to look at him. His face was so close to Xiulan's face.
"Ah! What are you doing?!" Xiulan exclaimed. She can't believe he's so shameless right now.
"I'm the most coveted man in this country. You even got married to me yet you want that Andy Gao?" Hongqi angrily insinuated while their faces were so close to each other. Xiulan can even feel the hot breath coming out of Hongqi's mouth. It was so uncomfortable. She can't believe just an hour ago she was so worried over this man.
Xiulan was almost close to scratching Hongqi's face. "This idiot, is he getting angry because Gong Yuming was partnered with Andy Gao. According to his fans awhile ago, Yuming and Andy were partners for the red carpet. Now his wife is a fan of Andy Gao. It must have pissed him off so much." Xiulan thought as she tries to understand Hongqi's current behavior.
"Yah! Who told you I want him? Becoming a fan of someone doesn't equate to wanting. The hell are you on? I'm already married to you. Why would I dare to like someone else?" Xiulan angrily retorted.
"Only a suicidal person would dare to find someone else while married to this psychopath husband. And I'm not suicidal yet." Xiulan savagely thought.
"Good." Hongqi smirked. He was satisfied with Xiulan's answer. "Now, find another celebrity to like. Andy Gao is not the right male celebrity to be fond of." Hongqi added before he lets go of Xiulan's chin then he sat back comfortable on his side.
"Why are you slandering your own talent? Isn't he one of the best rookie artists right now?" Xiulan curiously asked while she rubs her chin. She never wanted Hongqi to grab her face ever again. It was so damn uncomfortable to be near his face. Such handsome face could make anyone feel inferior.
"He's not the same guy that people think he was. He's far from the persona he's displaying in front of his fans. In short, he's no good. He's talented and handsome but that's the only thing likable about him." Hongqi nonchalantly slanders his own talent.
"Why does that sound familiar? He's just like you, idiot husband. Birds of the same feather flock together!" Xiulan savagely mumbled to herself again.
"Alright, your highness." Xiulan nodded and just agreed whatever he just said. She's tired and she doesn't want to argue anymore. Arguing with Hongqi was like arguing with a wall. Whatever retorts she says, he will never listen and would still follow his own words. "What a stubborn man, really." Xiulan silently mumbled.
"What did you said?" Hongqi caught Xiulan's mumbling.
"I said I'm hungry." Xiulan lied and put her attention outside the moving scenery of the night. "Damn, this is not good. I need to review the video I recorded awhile ago. My attention should be there, not on Hongqi's stupid demands." Xiulan gravely thought. She must concentrate on that matter.
"Ahh…" Hongqi understood. He fully knows that a woman's hungry tummy will bring wrath to everyone. "Drive to Dragon Paradise. Secretary Yang Bo, please call them and advise them my usual order. I want the food to be ready once we arrive." Hongqi commanded to the driver and his secretary.
Xiulan rolled her eyes. Her husband sure knows how to make full use of his power. She can't wait for the day that they will divorce. It will feel like she won a lottery.
Hongqi and Xiulan were eating their very late dinner at Dragon Paradise when Attorney Go suddenly arrived with a bunch of paperwork on his hands. Secretary Yang Bo quickly gave him an extra seat.
Hongqi and Attorney Go immediately talked about contracts and urgent matters regarding the XRE artists.
Xiulan was enjoying her Chinese meal and sharply observing the two. She didn't pry to their conversation since she was not in the mood anymore; she was only watching how they converse. She was about to munch on that sixth pork dumpling when her phone on top of the table suddenly rang and the name 'Mo Dejiang' was brightly glowing on her screen.
Attorney Go and Secretary Yang Bo saw the infamous Mo Dejiang name and they can't help but glance at their young master Hongqi.
Hongqi also stopped whatever he was saying and he was waiting for Xiulan to pick up the phone. He was weighing if Xiulan will leave the room to answer then it is something suspicious, but is she stays and answer it in front of them then it's nothing to be worried.
The three men know that this Mo Dejiang has been spying on his wife's everyday commute. Thanked God that she's now living in Hongqi's penthouse. Less travel time for Xiulan and more security as well.
Xiulan picked up the phone after the fourth ring. She answered it in front of the men like it was a no big deal.
"Mr. Mo, good evening." Xiulan greeted as she drops the pork dumpling on her plate. Instead of putting the pork dumpling on her mouth, she went with the broccoli instead since it's easier to eat while talking on the phone.
"What's with the formal greeting? Well anyway, I have some news for you regarding the matter with our school. Do you have time tomorrow?" Mo Dejiang informed.
"Really? Thank you! But I only have extra time in the afternoon tomorrow." Xiulan excitedly said and put another broccoli in her mouth. Actually she doesn't have any extra time for another meeting but she will use her lunch break just to talk with Mo Dejiang.
"That's fine. I'll make a quick visit tomorrow. See you." Dejiang said quickly ended the call.
Xiulan didn't have the chance to say good bye or even reply so she just put her phone back on top of the table and quickly grab the pork dumpling using her chopsticks and devoured the food heartily.
XIulan just realized that the three men were looking at her and she suddenly felt conscious of her actions.
"What?" Xiulan shyly asked.
The three men didn't answer and put their attention away from her. Hongqi and Attorney Go were conversing seriously again. But deep inside Hongqi's attention was somewhere else.