Xiulan just got home from a dinner meeting with a new client. She started accepting new clients since that's what the shareholders wanted.
For this week, she has met ten clients already and acquired a huge amount of money. She acquired tons of workload for herself and for her employees these upcoming months.
In the past two days, she concentrated on her company. She will go back concentrating on the terrorist issue once she attends GEA, the Golden Eagle Awards.
The new client was a local transport company that has been in the industry for 50 years. The company has a new president and it's the only granddaughter of the former CEO.
The granddaughter wanted to venture to the digital world since that's what everybody is doing nowadays. The company is really old fashioned and still uses paper for their transactions. So this time, the granddaughter wanted to make use of the evolving information technology.
The client has requested for a user friendly system for encoding, storing, biometrics and transacting for the company. It's a piece of cake for Xiulan's team. But the main problem was that all the new eleven clients wanted the same shit.
That's why this time she might need to closely help her team for added manpower. Whenever she thinks about it, she automatically gets tired.
But her tiredness goes away once she remembers why these clients wanted her company to do the job instead of the other big IT companies.
They said that her company can be trusted and the prices for her services were affordable with the same quality of those big companies. These companies would ask a hefty price that can't be easily paid. It's like a person needs a devil's contract just to fully pay them.
Hongqi texted Xiulan this afternoon that he won't come home again due to he's in another city.
The busy husband was in a dilemma again since one of his artists had an accident and he has to visit the hospital.
Also he was there to reprimand the reporters and paparazzis that were trying to create negative buzz against his artist.
Xiulan's happy that the penthouse was all for herself again. She can do whatever she wants.
Since it was still only 10 pm, she decided to watch a movie while she puts on some lotion for smooth skin and a sheet mask to revive her dead tired face.
She was only wearing a lace white tank top and partnered with white short lace shorts. She's been wearing this kind of fashion for few days now when she's all alone in the penthouse since it's almost summer time and it's hot!
For a male point of view, her getup would look kind of erotic. Thank goodness that she's all alone right now.
She's not sleepy yet and she doesn't want to touch her laptop anymore to work. She's working too much lately and she already forgot to pamper herself. She also has some cheese and wine while she watches.
She was already in the middle of the movie and enjoying the plot twists of the story when the main door suddenly swung open and revealed the very tired yet still handsome Hongqi.
To her surprise, she immediately grabbed a huge pillow to cover herself. She did not expect him to suddenly come home since he already texted her that he won't. She had to cover since her clothes were very thin and short and she's not wearing a bra.
"Oh my gosh! You surprised me! Why are you here?!" Xiulan can't help but ask in a louder and rude way. Her sheet mask also fell off.
"Well… I own this place so I have all the rights to come home." Hongqi arrogantly retorted while he takes off his shoes and changed it to slippers.
"Err… I mean you texted me that you won't come home tonight." Xiulan meekly said and also secretly cursed Hongqi. "This man almost killed me with a heart attack, damn him."
"You do know I can change my mind as well." Hongqi lazily said as he sat beside Xiulan. "What are you watching? It's already late. You're even drinking wine…" Hongqi asked and glanced at his watch.
"I'm not sleepy yet and the movie is Mile 22." Xiulan answered.
"Ah. I'm not familiar. Since you're not sleepy, please massage my head and shoulders." Hongqi ordered and laid himself on the sofa. He also put his head on top of the pillow that covers Xiulan's body.
Since Hongqi's head added some weight on the pillow, the soft pillow's height has reduced and now Hongqi's handsome face was in the same level as Xiulan's chest.
Xiulan can't help but stare at him. Not because he was handsome, but because she was afraid that if he moves his head a little bit, automatically his face will touch her supple breast and she doesn't want that! She was trying to be watchful.
"How come my movie night ended up with this?" Xiulan complained.
Hongqi curled his lips when he heard Xiulan's complaint.
"Hongqi, I'm really tired and I don't want to massage you." Xiulan excused as she slightly pulls the pillow a little bit to cover her chest. Hongqi's head slightly slid away from her.
"Come on, how about just scratch my head or just put a little pressure. Please? I really had a bad day today. Reporters and paparazzis are really a pest." Hongqi pleaded and complained. He was acting like a child.
Xiulan rolled her eyes. If only she wasn't wearing skimpy clothes right now, she could have dashed to her room already.
She sighed heavily before massaging Hongqi's head. She massage rather than scratching so he won't ask anymore demands. That's what she learned from living with this pesky man. As long as you do his first request, he will not request more.
Hongqi smiled and closes his eyes as he indulged from Xiulan's massage. Xiulan's fragrance also added tranquility for him.
"What perfume are you wearing?" Hongqi can't help but ask.
"Huh? I'm not wearing any perfume. It might be the lotion. It's just a regular St. Ives Shea butter lotion." Xiulan confusedly answered.
"It smells so good." Hongqi complimented. Hongqi moved his head nearer to Xiulan's body so he can smell that shea butter lotion more. Also since his head slid a little bit awhile ago, it made him uncomfortable.
Xiulan halted a few seconds to check then continue massaging. She sighed heavily since she was supposed to be lazy tonight yet she's massaging someone's head instead. Add to that they were in a very uncomfortable and awkward position.
Xiulan's eyes concentrated back to the movie again while she massages Hongqi's head. She didn't notice that Hongqi was staring at her and he even glanced at her chest. The pillow was not properly covering it anymore.
"Well… well…well… what do we have here?" Hongqi naughtily thought. Xiulan's snowy skin was illuminating from the TV screen's brightness.
The snowy complexion, the exposed cleavage and the protruding nipples under the garment look so soft. Hongqi was fighting the urge to even touch her skin.
He's been abstaining for too long and seeing this beautiful woman like this was not helpful for his junior down there. He can't help but grunt from dissatisfaction for not enjoying anything sexual for so long.
Xiulan was surprised by Hongqi's grunting. "What's wrong? Did I massage too much?" Xiulan worriedly asked.
"No. It's alright." Hongqi said and he suddenly rises from the sofa. "Thank you for the massage. I feel better now. I'll go to bed first. Good night." Hongqi was monotonous and quickly thanked and excused himself. He walked so fast and disappeared from Xiulan's view in just a few seconds.
Xiulan was left astonished by Hongqi's sudden mood change. He was so stiff and he's acting like someone's chasing him out. Well, it's good news for her.
As soon as Hongqi was out of sight, Xiulan quickly turns off the TV and dashed to her room. Thanked God she has a separate room and also the secret door going to her room. She dreaded sleeping together or even walks past him with this getup. She cringes by thinking about it.
In the morning, Hongqi just finished his one hour and a half of gym time when he stumble Xiulan eating her breakfast while she's in her work clothes already.
He had to fully pull out all the frustrations inside his body by staying in the gym for too long. He doesn't want to create any mistakes. Since he's abstaining for too long, his attention and defense from women's seductive attacks can easily break. That's why he needs to stay in the gym and cold shower more.
"You're early." Hongqi greeted before he sat opposite of Xiulan. "You cooked too." He added.
He grabbed a nearby cup and poured himself some coffee that Xiulan made. He usually likes his coffee without a creamer but this time it was fine and he drank it deliciously.
"I have to go to the office earlier than usual since I have a lot of things to do. I can't wait for Miss Bai anymore since she usually comes by 8 am." Xiulan explains as she bites the scrumptious looking sandwich she made.
Hongqi gulped and felt a sudden hunger. The sandwich looks so good. "Can I have some of that sandwich too? I think I'll go to the office earlier than usual as well." Hongqi lied. He doesn't know why but he wanted to look at this woman's face more than usual. He's like hypnotized and it makes him calm.
Xiulan didn't bother to complain and just made a new sandwich for him. It was not a submissive move. Hongqi kindly asked so she just did it and she doesn't want to be in a bad mood so early in the morning.
As soon as Hongqi bites on the sandwich, he felt like he's on cloud 9. It was so delicious. It's been so long when he ate a snack as delicious like this. He always eats in fancy restaurants or a chef makes something for him. He was deprived of home cooked meals or snacks.
Xiulan was tidying up her plates so Hongqi immediately finishes his first bite and offered to give Xiulan a ride. "I'll just finish this and take a bath. I'll drive you to your office. Nowadays, some people are being brave and don't seem to know their place." Hongqi secretly made a side comment against Mo Dejiang.
"Huh?" Xiulan was stupefied by Hongqi's last sentence. She was washing her plate and cup when Hongqi made some ambiguous comments. She glanced at Hongqi and all she got was the man enjoying his sandwich. "What was that for?" She confusedly asks herself.
While waiting for Hongqi, Xiulan was in the living room watching the morning news yet her mind was somewhere else.
Her thoughts were full of things of what she's going to do today and coming days. Her schedule was packed and all she could think was when will this tormenting busy life will end. Her reverie was interrupted when Hongqi clicked his fingers in front of her.
"Let's go?" Hongqi was wearing Yves Saint Laurent black suit and his hair was down, not even combed properly. He kind of looks like a rock star.
"Mmm… your hair…" Xiulan got up from her seat and noticed his hair. Usually Hongqi will never go out without styling his hair.
"It will take long to style my hair. I will ask the in-house hair stylist in my office later. For now, let me drive you to your office." Hongqi said and winked at Xiulan.
Xiulan didn't think much of Hongqi's words. For her, he was just being extra nice today. He might be in a good mood since most of his artists won an award.
Though the penthouse and Xiulan's office were really near each other. Xiulan didn't feel like walking today that's why she agreed to go with Hongqi.
This will be the first time that Xiulan will ride Hongqi's car without a chauffeur to drive them. Also the time Xiulan will experience Hongqi's driving skills.
"Are you attending Golden Eagle Awards?" Xiulan asked while she waits for Hongqi to turn on the ignition of the car. They were now inside Hongqi's Roll Royce Phantom.
"Hm? Yeah. Five of my artists are nominated and they are performing. I'm there to give them some encouragement. Also of course to talk business stuff with some people." Hongqi explained and started the ignition.
"I have a question. If I use that all pass card you offered before, will I really be able to access any rooms in any events that you are going to attend?" Xiulan curiously asked. She actually has been thinking of getting that all pass card. It will be really helpful for her and Lau Zhu.
"Yeah, of course. It has the same power of face recognition. Like recognizing my face, everyone will give you an automatic pass." Hongqi winked. "And why are you asking? Don't tell me you're planning to sneak in to Andy Gao's room?!" Hongqi started to annoyingly pry.
"Ew, no! Of course not. I'm just asking." Xiulan immediately rebuked Hongqi's stupid claims. Why would she want to be with Andy Gao? Heck.
Hongqi snorted. "Or are you planning to snu snu with me while my artists are performing? Hmm?" Hongqi naughtily teased. He even made his eyebrows go up and down while he grins at Xiulan.
"Oh my God can you stop? Your imagination is wild!" Xiulan freaked out from Hongqi's wild and sexual claims. What the hell is wrong with him?
Hongqi laughed so loudly. Exposing his white teeth and that childish grin made him look younger.
The short ride was full of Hongqi's teasing and laughter. Thankfully they were now in Xiulan's company building. Xiulan can now finally escape from this weird husband.
Hongqi's car managed to get people's attention. It was parked in front of the main entrance and all the people going to work would take a second look at his car.
"Thanks for the ride." Xiulan said. She wanted to get out his car as soon as possible. She was about to open the door when Hongqi stopped her.
"What?" Xiulan frowned from Hongqi's sudden intrusion.
"Thank you reward?" Hongqi naughtily grinned.
Xiulan rolled her eyes. "I already said my thanks."
"Hmm… I think a peck on the cheeks will be a nicer reward." Hongqi suggested.
"You're hopeless. I'm going out." Xiulan was not in the mood to be playful. She wants to get her work done, asap.
"Oops." Hongqi held Xiulan's hands to stop her. He doesn't know why but he badly wants that kiss but can't say it directly.
He's only asking for a peck on the cheeks. Goodness, he never asked such a lousy request. He was never desperate.
Is this the effect of abstaining for too long? He gotten so horny that a peck can solve anything? What a disgrace for him!
"Hongqi, what's wrong with you?" Xiulan can't help but ask. This man is acting so weird. She was fine with him being clingy and domineering. But when he asks stuff that real couples do made her feel like it was wrong for their current situation and status.
"Dear wife, just a peck." Hongqi pleaded.
Xiulan grimaced. If his subordinates saw this, they might think it's already the end of the world.
Xiulan sighed. This man won't stop unless she does it. He was so hopeless and annoying. Xiulan was about to give him a kiss on the cheeks when Hongqi suddenly thought of something.
"Wait." Hongqi interjected again then he let go of Xiulan's hands. He quickly went outside of his car and dashed to Xiulan's side.
Xiulan was suddenly confused.
Hongqi opened the door for Xiulan and helped her get out of the car like a gentleman then he wantonly whispered "Now my reward."
Xiulan's eyes became bigger and shocked. "Are you serious? People are looking." Xiulan angrily whispered. There were people who managed to identify that it was the famous Xing Hongqi.
Hongqi did not listen and he even created kissy sounds before grinning naughtily again. Hongqi waited for the kiss and even angled his face.
Xiulan sighed vehemently and glared at Hongqi for a good 20 seconds before giving up and kiss him on the cheeks.
Since Hongqi was so unreasonably horny and naughty today, he quickly faced Xiulan and the timing was suavely right. Xiulans soft lips landed on Hongqi's lips like a magnet.
Xiulan was so surprised when their lips touched. She quickly regained her stance and move away from Hongqi's playfulness.
"A rogue." She mumbles as she heavily glares at her mischievous husband.
Hongqi bit his lips to suppress his laughter.
"Hmph!" Xiulan weakly elbowed Hongqi's stomach and quickly ran away from him without uttering a word. She was so mad at him.
"How can he be so shameless in broad daylight and even in a public place?!" Xiulan angrily complained to herself. Next time, she must learn to say no to that man. Say no then run like Forest Gump!