Chapter 38 : Xiulan Hates The Socialites

Even though Xiulan's body was aching badly and exhausted, she can't sleep peacefully and her mind was clouded of different concerns.

The fact that she saw a lot of deaths today and the feeling of the dead person near her made her shudder. Also add that her husband confessed that he has people stalking her every everyday! How much does he know about her?! Goodness it made her restless.

It really annoyed Xiulan so much. How can he nonchalantly stalk her life? She's not even harming him yet he had the audacity to monitor her.

"Did he think that I will cheat on him?" Xiulan shockingly thought.

All though this nosy husband was one of the reasons why she was restless and angry, she's still thankful that he's currently here beside her. She can't fathom sleeping all by herself tonight. The events in GEA kept repeating and it's almost like a nightmare for her.

Unbeknownst to Xiulan that she was staring at Hongqi's face. Her mind was somewhere else but her line of sight was on Hongqi. She didn't even notice that he was also staring at her.

"Why is this woman staring at me?" Hongqi sweated and asked himself. He couldn't sleep as well so he keeps on tossing and turning. This will be the second time that he'll be sleeping together with Xiulan and it somewhat made him agitated.

He has this irresistible urge to hug her while they are sleeping. But heck she's currently injured. Cuddling is not the best thing right now. He wanted to feel her but she might get awkward or uneasy.

Maybe because of he was abstaining for so long that he's thirsty for some action or even a skin contact. And the person he wants to do all those activities is with this little wife beside him.

Gosh, only an in denial person will say that she's not attractive! With that innocent face, peerless snowy white skin and soft to touch. He wanted more of it!

"God damn, horny hormones." Hongqi gritted his teeth. He was so sexually frustrated.

Hongqi glances at his wife again and her eyes are now close. She seems to be heavily thinking of something. Hongqi thought that she might be depressed that she's fully injured and can't go to work. A workaholic person hated hospitals and getting sick or injured.

Hongqi tried to calm himself and go to sleep. Eventually when he heard Xiulan's tiny breathing sounds, it made him more calm and sleepy. It was like an ASMR for him.

The next morning, Xiulan groggily scanned the room if someone else was present. She just woke up and her body was stiff. She slept in the same position and she could only move her head and legs.

Seeing that no else is in the room to help her move, she carefully stands up from the bed and made sure that her movements will not stress her wounds and fracture. It was painful but she must endure. She's in this predicament for almost ten minutes.

Xiulan has finally able to get herself sit up properly on the corner of the bed. She sat there to regain some energy. Just moving normally already depleted her energy.

"This sucks." she aggrieved.

She was about to stand up to look for her bag and phone when the door suddenly sprung open.

Hongqi was already in his suit and looking dapper as ever. Behind him were Bai Rong and Lau Zhu. Both women seem to have secret resentment with each other.

Hongqi was holding a glass of water and he went towards Xiulan and stands in front of her. He offered the glass to Xiulan and some vitamins to help her get some energy even without eating anything.

Xiulan took the glass and vitamins. She thanked Hongqi then she drank the vitamins and water while Hongqi talks.

"I have to go to the office soon. Miss Lau is finally here to take care of you and also Bai Rong to give you the proper meal so you can recuperate quickly." Hongqi informs as he briefly gave a glance at the two women.

"I will be in the office later than usual but of course I will still go home and take care of you." He announced like a dotting husband. He lovingly kissed Xiulan's forehead before he proceed to advice the two women to take care of his wife then left the room.

The two women were bewildered by Hongqi's special display of affection for his wife. Though it was normal for a married couple, they did not expect him to be this gentle and sweet. He was ruthless to his exes and peers. It was really a perplexing sight for them.

Xiulan saw the two women's baffled expression. She wanted to smirk at them. "Fools, he's just acting because there are other people present! All for the love of his image." She secretly scolded them. Though his actions last night was rather sweet as well even though there was only the two of them. But Xiulan shrugged that thought and only speculated that he must be really worried.

Lau Zhu was the first one to approach Xiulan. "Missus, let me help you get dressed." Zhu offered.

"Okay, thank you. I'm sorry that you have to do this. It's not even in your job description." Xiulan apologethically said.

"It's okay, missus. I'm fully at fault why you end up like this." Zhu sweated and whenever she thinks about her negligence she just wanted to beat herself.

Xiulan pointed her the pink closet near Hongqi's walk-in closet. She was thankful that are extra clothes inside the master's bedroom. Most of her new clothes were inside the separate room.

Zhu opens the pink closet and rummages to get some clothes for her lady boss.

"Ehem..." Bai Rong coughed to get their attention. Xiulan looks at Bai Rong and Zhu glances but she puts her attention back to the closet's drawers.

"Ah, Miss Bai. Good morning." Xiulan beamed at Bai Rong while Zhu furrowed her eyebrows.

Zhu didn't like the way Bai Rong talked to Hongqi this morning, she was already there by 6 AM and was only waiting for Xiulan to wake up. She waited in the living room while watching the morning news and variety show, Hongqi let her in and told her to wait there and watch the tv. Time to time she would look at her phone to reply to Young Master Mo. Then by 8 AM, Bai Rong came in with such a domineering aura and snobbish look. She greeted her and introduced herself as the madam's new bodyguard but all she got was a snob from Bai Rong.

Hongqi just finished eating his breakfast when Bai Rong came in. Bai Rong greeted Hongqi quite enthusiastically and even initiated boring topics. There was an obvious flirtratious attempt and to think that this woman is working for the wife made Lau Zhu angry. She became on guard to this white lotus. To think she's the personal nutrionist of her boss, this white lotus must have tried to poison the lady boss but didn't pursue by the looks of it.

"I heard from Young Master that you got an accident. I will change the menu for this week and next week so you can recover quickly. I will also advise you to drink and eat dishes with collagen so that your fractured bones can heal faster." Bai Rong informs seriously. Her words seem to be safe and her advises were helpful.

Xiulan happily nodded at Bai Rong and thanked her. Bai Rong excuses herself to leave the room so she can start her work.

Lau Zhu still has that sharp look on her eyes but eventually disappeared when Xiulan talked.

"Bai Rong is a nice lady, she's just snobbish." Xiulan nonchalantly mutters. She knows that Zhu might be warry over Bai Rong. She was like that before but she trusts Bai Rong that she will not do something funny in her food. She can seduce the wicked Hongqi but she better now give her any grievances.

Zhu nodded and understood her lady boss' words. She find it really amazing how this lady boss can read someone's mind by reading facial expressions. She also gave a look at her last night when she was thinking of dirty thoughts about the couple.

To change the topic, Zhu reported her the information she got from her reliable brothers.

"I have here the information of the five dead men. It seems that they are college students that were in tight money problems. They were recruited by the TERRO organization." Zhu started.

Xiulan nodded and listens attentively. "Go on."

Zhu continues "The group was established two years ago and they have been actively recruiting young adults by bribing them money and manipulating their mind. They seem to be a high tech terrorist group. From hacking money through the internet, recruiting new members using social media and they even have extraordinary torturing devices. This group is quite special and we may need a strong back up in case we need to fight them." Lau Zhu sternly reported and handed the tablet with the information of each dead members.

The report on the tablet was already in a pdf format.

"I see... This is a promising information, Zhu. Thank you. But may I ask what about the two people who escaped?" Xiulan asked. She reckons that those two might have also reported back to their boss about their encounter. This will make things difficult for them. Now that they knew that someone was targeting them, they might be wary and will take hiatus on their activities.

"The man with the red streaks on his hair was a butcher for ten years in a poor area in city M. We are not sure when he became a member but he seems to have a high position in the group. His current address is unknown. Then the ruthless brown haired man is a university student, he'll be graduating soon. His parents don't know about him being part of a terrorist. He came from a rich family. I already have one of my brothers following him. He seems docile and harmless but he's sharp and cruel. Scary person to be honest." Zhu informs more and even shuddered while pointing at the tablet's screen with the brown haired guy as the current display.

"I wonder why he would join this group. He seems to be a nice person pre joining this group." Xiulan wondered. "Anyway, I will try to study the information you gave to me. But first I need my laptop. Do you know where my phone is? I need to call my secretary to bring my laptop here." Xiulan said.

"Yes, missus. It's here and your bag." Zhu handed her the bag. Zhu also helped her retrieve the phone inside the bag since she can't move easily with the bandages thightly wrapping her shoulders.

"I also called the Song family doctor to treat and observe you. They will come after lunch. I also advised the doctor not to utter any information to your family and husband." Zhu precisely assisted.

Xiulan was amaze by Zhu's determination in this job. Though Zhu was only a bodyguard but she's working like a personal assistant as well. She should raise her salary.

"Thank you, Zhu." Xiulan smiled. She was satisfied with Zhu's work ethics. Though she was quite disappointed last time that Zhu made risky changes in their plans. But getting injured was inevitable since she charges and followed the enemies all by herself. She shouldn't have done that. Now she's in pain and on bed for the whole week.

Zhu helped Xiulan with the wet towel bath and changing the clothes. Then they went to the dining room to eat Bai Rong's healthy meals.

Bai Rong didn't ask much about her injuries and remained aloof and cold as usual. As soon as Bai Rong making the lunch meals as well, she only notified them that the lunch meals are finished then she quickly left the penthouse.

Zhu was infuriated by Bai Rong's behavior. How can someone be that snobbish towards their boss?

After twenty minutes, Secretary Dandan came and handed the laptop and also some documents that needed some signature. Most of them are HR related documents. Secretary Dandan didn't stay that long since she has a lot of work and her boss is not present in the office. She only wished well for Xiulan and left hastily.

Lunch came and also the doctor arrived quite earlier than expected. It was the long time family doctor of the Song family.

"Oh my, this little princess. The last time I treated you was when you were only this small." The female doctor happily said and inanimately described how little she was before.

Xiulan smiled at the old female doctor. "It's been awhile."

"You sly princess. Why are you hiding this to your parents and husband? Hmm?" The doctor curiously questioned.

"I don't want to make them worry." Xiulan pursed her lips.

"Hmm… same as before." The doctor muttered. She remembers how secretive this youngest Song. She would rather go directly to her clinic than telling it to her parents or sisters whenever she has wounds or in pain. Habits don't die hard, huh?

The old female doctor carefully examined Xiulan's body and her assistant helped her jot down the issues. The doctor also changed the bandages and gave her new set of medicines to drink. The medicines were far more expensive but effective by 80%. In no time, she will be able to go back to work. And that's what Xiulan wants.

The doctor knows how capable and workaholic the youngest Song. She wanted to help her go back to her as soon as possible.

"I advise you to stay at home as possible. Don't do any heavy chores and even stress your back whenever you sleep. You should be thankful that you don't need surgery. I will assign a nurse to change your cast and bandages every day. Though the nurse will only come here every morning and dinner time. Remember to follow the medicine's schedule, alright?" The doctor vehement instructed Xiulan.

Xiulan listened carefully and nodded. She wanted to be well again so she must follow it strictly.

The doctor left and Zhu accompanied the old doctor to the parking lot since they brought a lot of fragile medical paraphernalia.

Xiulan carefully took her laptop and put it on her lap while she sits on her bed. She browses the CCTV footages of last night's event and she was amazed that these terrorists really knew where the blind spots are. They were rarely captured.

Suddenly, her phone rang and it was her good friend Wen Wenyan. It's been so longs since she last heard his voice.

"Wenyan..." Xiulan greeted.

"My dear friend and sister, I'll be visiting the country for a week. Let's meet up once I come back." Wenyan enthusiastically informed.

"Really? Oh my! When!?" Xiulan excitedly asked. Finally after so many years they will finally meet again. She misses this fool so much!

"Next month. I'm not sure of the date yet since I haven't booked any tickets yet." Wenyan said.

"I see. You better book that now! You might forget or you'll be lazy by then." Xiulan joked. This fool better not forget.

"Sister, I know. I will book it once I finish this call. I was about to call you to ask something." Wenyan informs.

"And what is that?" Xiulan questioned.

"When is your traditional Chinese wedding? You know that I must be present there! I haven't heard any news about it. Was it cancelled? I need to know so I can free my schedule during that week." Wenyan bombarded Xiulan with questions.

Now that Wenyan raised that topic, Xiulan almost forgot about that traditional Chinese wedding. They have been married for half a year now and she never heard Hongqi utter any news about that wedding anymore.

Xiulan was not also sure if it was cancelled or just delayed because Hongqi is currently very busy.

"Actually… I am not sure either." Xiulan indifferently said. She was clueless too!

She was never concerned about it. She actually doesn't want to have another wedding. It will be difficult when divorce time comes. But Hongqi promised to her parents and guests that they will have a traditional Chinese wedding. This type of wedding was far serious than the western ones since it's more complicated and has a heavier responsibility.

"Oh no, girl! You better have that ancient Chinese wedding or else people will mock you! The gossipy socialites are already talking about it that's why I asked. They don't still consider you as the official Xing madam since you the Chinese wedding hasn't happened yet." Wenyan panicky informed and gushed like he was so frustrated and stressed. He will never let Xiulan taste the mocking words of these wannabe socialites. He already tasted it before and he wouldn't let Xiulan get bullied.

"I will ask Hongqi…" Xiulan slowly muttered.

"Actually I will never ask him about it. Let him forget it! I don't care if I get bullied. Who cares about these socialites anyway? They don't feed me or give me money. Hmp!" Xiulan angrily thought while her hands are gripping on her phone.

"Hello, Xiulan? Are you still there? Hello?" Wenyan tried to get Xiulan's attention back. She suddenly became silent.

Wenyan didn't know that Xiulan is seething in anger now.

"Who cares about them!? Once I finish this annoying terrorist mission, I will painstakingly ask for the university to honor my efforts! That will be far better than having the official Mrs. Xing title. I think it's about time that people should know her talents and know their limits that they can't easily bully Song Xiulan." She gravely promised to herself.


ASMR - Autonomous sensory meridian response is an experience characterized by a static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine.