The next day, Xiulan felt extreme pain in between her legs and her waist is cramping so much like someone hazed her. She can't even sit properly on the bed.
"O-ouch…" She grumbled as she tries to slowly get up from the bed. She wanted to pee and wash her face but even the smallest movements were too difficult and painful.
Out of frustration, she lay back on the bed in utter defeat and glanced at the digital wall clock. She gasped that it's already 12:45 pm. She slept too long and she rarely sleeps this much.
They overdid it last night so no wonder that she's in this current sorry state. Hongqi had to suck her energy like that, a thirsty demon. Yes, he's definitely a thirsty demon. He satiated on her body and lips until they were sore and full of love marks.
He didn't stop his carnal needs until he was satisfied. He must have been so thirsty that they continuously had sex for six hours straight. Add that it was her first time, the pain and pleasure was too much for a rookie like her. She almost lost her consciousness at one point but her drive to perform well was too strong that she tried her best to stay awake.
Xiulan rested her body for a little while so she could measure if she can bear the pain of moving or not. Suddenly the door opens. The handsome and fresh Hongqi came in with a food tray. The tray's full of bread, fruits and a soup.
"Good morning! Time to wake up, love." He greeted quite enthusiastically and he has that annoying sunny expression plastered on his face. It was obvious that he's in a good mood because of last night's activities. He places the food tray on the coffee table and helped her sit up straight.
Xiulan shuddered seeing his sunny mood. "This pervert… he didn't have to be obvious that he's so happy about their last night's activities." She secretly scolded him and gave him a deathly glare.
Hongqi saw his wife's glare and he could only smile at her. He knows that his happy face was such a give-away that he really did enjoy their steamy situation last night. But he can't help it! He's really really happy that the happiness is spilling!
"I brought some of your favorites. Make sure you eat a lot." He happily said while he helps her put on the white robe. She was still naked when he came in.
Xiulan suddenly felt an abrupt panic since she's naked but it was only for a moment. She realized that she doesn't need to hide her naked body anymore since he has been savoring it for six hours straight last night. She let him dress her and she diligently watches his movements while he moves around the room.
Hongqi stands up to get the food tray again and put it on Xiulan's lap then he went back outside the room to get the glass pitcher that contains water and a glass of pineapple juice. She tried to lift the spoon but Hongqi came back and shoo away her hand. He took the spoon from her. He wanted to serve her just like what he did last night.
"I can do that. I'm not paralyzed or what. No need to be so cringey." Xiulan eyed him and tried to snatch the spoon from him but he easily dodged her hands again.
"No, let me. I didn't know there's this fluffy feeling when serving my woman. I like that feeling." Hongqi said and slips an alluring smile while he mixes the soup.
Xiulan stares at him with a mellow touch in her eyes but mixed with subtle suspicion. She doesn't understand why he's acting like this. She knows that Hongqi's only trying to score sex with her but the way he takes care of her was rather very, very suspicious. It's overly sweet and bewitching. Just like how he lovingly stares at her sometimes. She doesn't know if it's good acting or genuine.
Xiulan opens her mouth whenever Hongqi serves her the food. He has this happy expression again and his dimples kept appearing.
"Since it's already afternoon, what do you want to do today? The sun's scorching outside to swim or lay on the beach. I planned before that we would hike but I think that's not the best plan for today." He inquires and wipes the apple jam on the side of her lips with his fingers and he licks his fingers to totally remove it. While Hongqi serves her the soup, she was also eating the bread with jam.
Xiulan can't help but get flustered by that Casanova move he just did. "What a damn flirt!" She silently cursed him. Had he done this to his former lovers before? She suddenly felt a weird suffocating feeling in her chest.
"We can just rest for today and eat. We were outside the whole day yesterday." Xiulan suggested and pointed at the orange juice that she wanted to drink it.
Hongqi immediately handed her the orange juice and held it for her while she drinks it. He was really extra today and Xiulan felt a little awkward from his close surveillance.
After eating her brunch meal, Hongqi insisted that he will help bathe her but Xiulan is stubborn too. She did her best to shoo him away and let him wait outside. She just wanted to be alone today. She feels like they've been sharing too much couple time together ever since they got married few days ago. She wants her personal space.
Also the most important reason why she wants her personal space; to secretly drink the morning-after pill. Yes, she asked her gynecologist to prescribe her some pills in case Hongqi pounces at her in this honeymoon.
She wanted to have her own child in the future but it's not the right time now. It's not that she cares whether Hongqi wants it or not, it's just that she doesn't need to be pregnant soon. She's very busy working and add that she's very anxious of the future.
It took Xiulan an hour inside the bathroom since she was struggling to walk on the slippery tiles. When she went back to the master's bedroom, Hongqi wasn't there anymore and it seems that he's taking a call outside the room.
She took this opportunity to wear some clothes. Since there are only few decent underwear, she's forced to wear the obscene lacy undergarments then she quickly wore a long yellow tropical dress but with a very daring slit. She sat on the vanity chair to put on her skin care, dry her hair and a little bit of lipstick.
Pronto, Hongqi came in with his phone on his hand. He sat on the foot of the queen size bed and uttered "Does it still hurt?"
Xiulan blushes from his question. "A little bit since you gave me a hot bath last night and I took another hot bath today, I can move around but very slow." Xiulan answers with a straight face but her cheeks are really warm.
"I see... sorry. I wasn't able to control myself last night." Hongqi apologized but Xiulan can't feel any sincerity.
Xiulan rolled her eyes at him and gave him a sarcastic question "Are you really sorry?"
Hongqi made a boyish smile and scratched his head. "No... I enjoyed it very much."
Xiulan laughed at him and made a judgmental look. "Pervert." She uttered and shook her head. He was really shameless that Xiulan can only shake her head.
After applying skin care, she took the hair blower and started dying her hair. Hongqi immediately stands up and offered his help again. "Let me dry it."
Xiulan stopped blow drying her hair and stared at Hongqi using their reflection on the mirror. "You are really clingy. I can do this by myself."
"I want to help you." He was like a puppy following his master everywhere. He has that innocent pleading look on his face that triggered Xiulan's maternal instincts.
"Fine. Do it properly, please?" She surrendered and handed him the hair dryer. Hongqi smiled and happily took the hair dryer from her. He started combing her soft locks and carefully dries her hair.
"Do you want to go to the shopping district? Though we might need to fly for an hour or by two hours boat ride just to get there." Hongqi suggested while he concentrates on drying her hair.
"Really? There's a shopping district? Sure, let's go!" Xiulan excitedly said. She read in an article before that there are a lot of interesting stuff that can be found in Maldives' shopping district. She wanted to buy some souvenirs too. It might be too early to buy some souvenirs but they might not have any extra time to shop some souvenir in the next days since they'll be hiking and skin diving.
The couple went to the shopping district via seaplane. Pretty much they are in the heart of the city and there are a lot of interesting tourist spots. Xiulan also have her mirrorless camera with her this time. She wasn't able to bring this during their island hopping since she forgot about it.
Xiulan kept snapping pictures of random stuff like buildings, local people, street food and Hongqi. Yes, she kept snapping stolen shots of Hongqi since this annoying man kept stealing shots of her too using his very expensive and high-end DSLR. It's a mini revenge.
"Come on, wife. Just pose there." Hongqi pestered her to stand near a small aesthetic house.
"Here, pose here."
"There, there! Stand there."
"Smile, love. Smile!"
He was like a mother that kept pestering her child to pose for the camera. Xiulan heaves a sigh whenever he forces her to smile or stand awkwardly just for a photo. There are times that he approaches random strangers so they can have a couple picture.
They are now inside a luxurious local souvenir shop that sells accessories, pots, masks and dresses. Xiulan was fascinated by the colorful and intricate merchandises. The accessories are not gold or silver but colorful rare stones!
"Wow~" she can't help but be mesmerized by them. But because of her loud fascination, whenever she fancies something, Hongqi would immediately order the store clerk to put in their bill. She had to make herself quiet so Hongqi wouldn't dare to add random stuff anymore.
Though Xiulan was not loud anymore, Hongqi still buys dresses and accessories that he thinks that looks good on his wife. Xiulan kept nagging at him to stop buying random stuff and not to spend anymore. But Xiulan can't stop his persistence. He said that his wife must have all the good stuff in this world.
Actually, Hongqi only wanted to buy a lot of stuff since Xiulan never asked him to buy this or do this. He wanted to satisfy her not just in bed but also he wants to spoil her. He married an incredible and independent woman. Also it's a little tricky since she's rich but stingy. So he's really having a hard time on how to seduce her more.
"This bastard, when will he stop? How many turtles[1] he have to sacrifice before he's satisfied with his ridiculous expenditure?" Xiulan mumbles as she busily tugs the hem of his shirt to stop going inside the next shop.
[1] Maldive's currency Maldivian rufiyaa has a turtle in front of the 1000 bill.
After spending thousands of turtles, they went back to the main island to rest and eat. Xiulan's legs were sore from walking too much. It's incredible that she's still alive until now. They were walking throughout the city and rarely rest since they didn't want to idle while they are in the city.
Hongqi hired professional masseuse to massage Xiulan's aching body and legs while a masseur for himself. After the massage time, Hongqi had to momentarily do some work while Xiulan relaxes and opens an expensive wine bottle that they bought in the market a while ago.
"Ahh~ the massage was so good. I feel like all the burdens in my life are finally gone." Xiulan said as she lays on the rattan sofa with a wine glass on her hands. She's only wearing a white robe and she's unaware that her beautiful legs are exposed.
Hongqi's in his white robe too and busy typing on his laptop, but briefly glanced at his wife's slender pale legs. He has to urgently revise a contract that Secretary Yang Bo sent but he can't concentrate because of his wife.
"What a busy man..." Xiulan thought as she stares at Hongqi. She also has a lot of pending work but for now she didn't feel like answering Secretary Dandan's messages and emails. She already gave clear instructions before she left the country. Right now, she only have to check and study selective documents but they are not super urgent so she can idle for a little while.
"I might melt from your staring." Hongqi teased while he was busy typing on his laptop.
"Aren't you busy? Yet you have the time to tease me." Xiulan nags then sips her red wine.
"I always have time for you." Hongqi smoothly flirts that made Xiulan spat her wine. She wipes her lips and glared at the giggling husband.
"Is he like this with his past lovers too? That would be distasteful in my part." Xiulan secretly asked and coaxed herself. This is her very first official relationship with an opposite sex. Of course anybody can sometimes get bothered that their partner was intimate with someone once upon a time, yet this man had multiple relationships. Add that he was deeply in love with a certain someone before. She wonders what will happen if that person comes back.
Well, there's divorce. Sooner or later they will part ways as long as Hongqi initiates it. Since she's in this very unfair predicament, she must not have any romantic feelings for him. She can give a familial or unconditional love since they are family, but romantic feelings makes someone crazy. She doesn't want to be crazy, ever.
"You stare too much, love. You miss me already?" Hongqi teases her again. He kept teasing her but does he even know what her inner thoughts thinking right now. He closes his laptop and sat beside her. He took her wine glass and gulped it.
He has that promiscuous smile plastered and he held her hands amorously. "Are you ready for another round?"
Xiulan scoffed at Hongqi and quickly pinched his cheeks "I just got the best massage in my life and you want to drill that thing on me again?!" She angrily nags at him. This pervert will not be satisfied isn't he? Are men always hungry?
Hongqi only laughed heartily and caught her small hands. He began raining kisses on her hands up to her arms and shoulders until his wanton lips reaches her lips. Their hot and steamy make-out session started again and eventually lead to angry loud groans and moans.
Xiulan just can't say no since she enjoys this too. It's just that he's too much. He won't let go of her until she passes out or he has touched and tasted every part of her body.
Likewise, Hongqi didn't spare Xiulan again and exhausted her until morning. It looks like their hiking will be postponed again because of Hongqi's high libido. He just can't get enough of her.