Chapter 71 : Pierre and Hongqi's Brotherhood

After spending a good amount of time with Song Yingpei, Hongqi went inside a private room to wait for Han Pierre. He already guessed that this flamboyant man will be asking him tons of questions and proposals.

A waiter went inside and served him a new bottle whiskey. This might be his third drink tonight. He has high tolerance against liquors but he was afraid that once he gets home, he might lose control and pester his wife all night.

As possible he doesn't want to get on her nerves every now and then. Add that they had a heated conversation just a while ago. The topic they discussed still lingers in his head.

The luxurious wooden door of the room suddenly opened and revealed the exuberant Han Pierre.

"Brother Hongqi, did you wait too long?" Pierre quickly said once he saw Hongqi's cold demeanor waiting for him. When Pierre came in, he still has that fake smile on his face that he only plasters to a crowd. 

"Don't strain your face by smiling all throughout the night. I'm the only one here. You can remove that stupid smile." Hongqi mocked Pierre and sips on his whiskey. The night is still young and they have plenty of time to catch up and plan. 

 Pierre only chuckled at Hongqi's crude comments. They've been friends since they were toddlers so saying barbaric remarks to each other were a usual thing. They can't claim that they are childhood friends but more on they are like siblings but with different parents. They are not close but they have tacit understanding.

"I have to make sure that I can still smile for eight hours straight, my dear brother Hongqi. I'll be debuting back to the public soon. I don't want my acting to be exposed so early." Pierre muttered while he pours some whiskey on his glass.

Hongqi didn't replied but only watched him pour that bottle of whiskey.

"It seems that you have good a relationship with the Songs. I really admire your sense of strategic planning, brother." Pierre pointed. He drank a large amount of whiskey and he made a refreshing 'ahh' sound after, then he poured another one. Pierre thought that the whiskey oddly tastes good tonight.

"Originally, the Songs were really not included in my plans. But Song Yingpei approached me and pestered me for so long that I have to think of a plan how to use him and his family name." Hongqi divulge such information to Pierre. They have been scheming together for so many years, it was only normal for Hongqi to spill these information to Pierre.

"Oh really?! I see. I didn't know that General Song approached you first. Why was he desperate? Is his business reaching bankruptcy?" Pierre queried and looked straight to Hongqi. His curiosity over this topic got more intense. He never thought the marriage between Hongqi and the youngest daughter of the Song family started because of Song Yingpei's desperation.

"No. The Song family assets are flourishing as expected. Song Yingpei got married to the family full of scholars, the Fei family. Fei Qingge is an amazing accountant and businesswoman that controls the Fei businesses. She's very lowkey and a full time housewife now. Though she didn't involve herself to the Song family business but she shared her knowledge to her husband and daughters. Look at how successful each of the Song sisters' businesses. Anyway, Song Yingpei was actually desperate to find a good son-in-law to control his business that's why he pestered me to be his son-in-law." Hongqi explained. The mother-in-law might be hostile to him but he admits that his mother-in-law is a smart woman. She might even saw through him already. On the other hand, Song Yingpei is considered over-trustful to him. Until today, he finds it weird for that ex-general to fully trust him.

"I heard that each of them has mastered their field. I didn't know their mother heavily influenced them." Pierre remarked. He already heard the stories of the Song sisters. He was rather baffled that there's a curse rumor going around those women. It was an interesting rumor but he doesn't care about that.

"Yes. They were really good in their field, especially my wife, Song Xiulan. I don't know how good she is in her field but the army uses her skills. Quite interesting, right?" Hongqi felt proud over Xiulan's skills. 

Pierre felt like his brother Hongqi was extremely charmed by the youngest Song just by listening to his stories. He was domineering a while ago but he became warm when he mentioned his wife. Now his curiosity is tingling again.

"I would like to meet this wife of yours. She seems to be an interesting woman." Pierre said and sips on his whiskey again.

Hongqi sharply looked at Pierre. "I thought you hate women."

"Yeah, I hate them, very much. But since she is your dear wife, I should at least know and greet her, right?" Pierre nonchalantly said and smirked at Hongqi. This irritates Hongqi so much. He knew that smile is not good news.

"I think it's not a good plan for you to meet my wife. You are a tricky bastard." Hongqi almost snarled at Pierre. For him, Pierre is a psycho. He may be kind to his friends but once his crazy side gets triggered, all hell breaks loose.

He suddenly remembered ever since they were children, Han Pierre was not good in logical reasoning. He always uses his handsome face and family's power to live in this cruel world. Because of his lack of logical thinking, he was an irrational bastard.

During his three years hiatus, Honqgi found out that he killed the woman, who burnt his face with an acid, and the rest of her family. 

It was quite a shocking news for him since Pierre might be a womanizer, but he was a gentleman towards women. This extreme 180 degree change of behavior really made Hongqi realize that Pierre was definitely a psycho.

Now that Pierre has fear towards women, Pierre has a very creative and torturous ways on how to have sex with women. He may hate women but his sexual preference didn't change.

His new process of having sex with women were quite brutal just to have sexual pleasure. As what Hongqi heard, the poor woman would have her eyes blindfolded and her mouth taped with duct tape.

Her whole head will be covered by a black cloth while her body is fully naked. Her hands are also handcuffed to the bed so that she wouldn't be able to touch Pierre.

Sometimes they are not on the bed, rather the woman is installed on some BDSM type of contraption. 

When Hongqi heard about this, he really wanted to severe his friendship with Pierre. But he can't do that because of the alliance between the Han and Xing family.

Now that this psychotic bastard wanted to meet his wife, if he tries to hurt his wife, it may be the start of a war.