Chapter 101 : A Long Dream, the first betrayal

After Hongqi left, Xiulan lay on the sofa in the living room to rest and take a nap. The morning activity they just did and the amount of meal she ate for lunch made her feel so sleepy.

Just like an enchanting dream, she stares at the cloudless sky outside. It was so blue and bright. It gave of a feeling of walking outside can make a person heavily sweat.

The living room has a huge window and since their suite is on the very top of the building. There are no other buildings to obstruct her view.

This type of sky, an azure, reminded of her childhood for some reason. Looking at it made her nostalgic and incredibly sleep. The same sky usually appears after lunch and it's during siesta [1].

Eventually the sandman put her into sleep and the past suddenly came back as a dream, a horrible dream.

The azure sky made the classroom very bright and it caused the nursery students to be trapped in a sleeping chant except for one little girl.