Chapter 113 : Holding you until you fall asleep [1]

It was still too early to go back to their room so the Xing couple decided to check the shops nearby. 

Xiulan pestered her husband to buy some toiletries, extra clothes and dresses since she left most of her stuff in the Ling family mansion. The items Hongqi's team took in the Ling family inn were just basic stuff. All her expensive dresses and accessories were left behind in the mansion.

Hongqi gladly obliged to buy new stuff for his wife. He even suggested that they buy the whole dresses in one of the shops they entered. 

Of course, the stingy Xiulan stopped her husband's bad habits in spending a fortune on nonsense stuff.

They might be buying luxurious items here and there but Xiulan will never forget the most important item, her underwear!

Xiulan was slightly drunk from drinking expensive wines that Hongqi ordered a while ago. It was so smooth and delicious that Xiulan wasn't able to control herself.