Chapter 120 : Best Weapon Dealers

It's the start of the chilly season in Japan and people start to wear the most fashionable trench coats and same colored puffer jackets.

With all the black trench coats being worn, it's pretty hard to distinguish who are the members of a criminal organization or just plain fashion savvy.

Outside a tall building with very eye-catching gold crested calligraphy with the word 'Honor', a few men wearing thick black trench coats and sunglasses were waiting outside along with their high-end cars. Some have tattoos on their necks and hands which causes some bystanders to quickly evade them and move along.

With their arrogant demeanor and threatening aura, one could already guess that they are part of a shady business.

One of the men with dirty blond hair suddenly burst out and shouted, "Damn! This is a slow day!"

When the innocent bystanders heard the sudden shout, they quickly dispersed and escaped where they can't be seen by the shady men.