Chapter 129 : Fortune-telling

In the next few days, the Xing couple visited more famous restaurants and shopped a lot of unique items. From ancient teas and wares to weapons like katanas and weird-looking art pieces.

As usual, the impulsive buyer Hongqi spent a lot of money on unnecessary stuff. The worried wife can only look at him in disappointment. She asks herself, "Where the hell will he put all of those items?"

Their suite back in S city might be big but they bought a lot of stuff and she's not sure where to even display some of them. 

They also bought a lot and lots of clothes. Heck, she might need another walk-in closet for all of the clothes she shopped here in Japan.

She crookedly looks at the small paper bag she's currently holding. The amorous husband got this for her, a very expensive and ancient hair clip in the last shop they went to before heading to their next destination, which is a 200 years old monastery.