Chapter 140 - Whenever, wherever you are

When the news reached the broadcasting networks, they focus more on the part that Xing Hongqi's bodyguards were there to save his wife instead of focusing on the state of the building and who was the culprit that started the fire. Xiulan heard the news from the loud TV in the living room as she tries to seriously type an apology letter to the clients. 

She actually went home and the same to her employees. She told her employees to take a day off today instead of waiting for the building to clear out the fire. It'll take too long for the building's personnel to verify the status of the building and there will a lot of paperwork reports to handle after. What happened to the building was an emergency anyway, the clients will understand.

"Ah… what a hassle. For sure this will delay a lot of projects. Tsk! Curse whoever started that fire!" Xiulan angrily mutters as she swiftly types. She guesses that someone might have done something stupid on the 12th floor.