Chapter 143 - Some Scars Never Fade

Xiulan took a long time trying to gather her thoughts after reading her sister's email.

"Zhao Lingyu? No wonder she's so familiar." Xiulan mutters as she taps her fingers. "I thought she's living overseas?"

She looks at the photos one last time before closing her laptop. "Why did she need to see me?" that's the only thing that is making her curious. 

"That woman should meet my husband and settle their affair. That woman shouldn't include me in her plans." Xiulan gravely thought.

Xiulan took a shower to clear her thoughts and speculations. For now, she should wait for her husband. As much as possible she must stay away from that woman. Women from the past of her husband are not good news.

The next day, Xiulan arrived in her office with most of the employees giggling over the boy group SHADOW.

"Ah, it's their debut today."

"Good morning, madame!" her employees happily greeted her and she curtsy nodded at them as a greeting.