Chapter 145 - A party and an accident

It has been two days since that bizarre incident. Although nothing happened to her, she felt that she needs to dwell on this matter. An ex-lover of her husband declared that she will steal her husband from her. Shouldn't she be worried about it?

Xiulan doesn't have any update regarding Zhao Lingyu. All she knows that Hongqi is nonchalant about the woman's arrest.

"Don't think about her."

"Don't worry, she will leave the country soon."

"I already warned her father."

That's what her husband keeps telling her. How can she not think about that woman? Not get worried? Warned the father? That crazy bitch obviously won't leave this country without fulfilling her mission.

Since she's a professional hacker, she tried looking for some info regarding that woman's whereabouts. To her dismay, she didn't get any useful information. She can only speculate that she's in a house-arrest inside the Zhao mansion.