Old Man Lu

Next day, after kissing goodbye to Tang mother and daughter. Lin Yun drops Li Bing at her home and goes to Union Street.

The Union Street is in chaos recently. A thief stole money from many big shops. Wanted Posters are pasted everywhere. 10,000 gold coin on correct clue and 100,000 gold coins on capture - rewards are rich indeed.

The culprit is walking in the street looking for a builder for his restaurant. Another news topic is about the recent women missing cases. Lin Yun does think much about it.

He finds a small builders' shop called ' Lu & Sons' and enters. An old man meets him.

"Young master, what do you like us to build for you?" The old man asks.

Lin Yun finds the old man interesting. The old man is called Lu Chuizi. People call him 'old man Lu'; He tells him that he is planning to build a restaurant in south district. He also explains some of his plans for construction.

" I want the construction quick. You can hire many helpers to finish it soon." Lin Yun expresses his wish.

"Don't worry Young Master, we will try to finish it soon" Old Man Lu promises.

"By the way, I want to use concrete for main pillars and burned bricks for the wall." Lin Yun continues.

"Burned brick? The idea is good. It will strengthen and make more sturdier." Old Man Lu nods and asks " What's concrete?"

"You have to crush the limestone and animal bones separately and filter them. Filter the sands too. Mix them together with water. Use metal rods to erect the structure. ......" Lin Yun explains the process laying concrete foundation.

Old Man Lu listens keenly . He does know whether it will work or not. But the idea is innovative and he is willing to try.

"Here is 10,000 gold coins. Use it to start construction." Lin Yun gives him some advance.

"Don't worry young master. We will do according to your wishes." Old Man promises.

"Do you any trustworthy carpenter?" Lin Yun enquires him.

"My neighbour Mu family does carpentry jobs, Young master. You can ask them if they can meet your needs." Old Man Lu replies.

"Ok, bring them to construction place tomorrow." Lin Yun bids goodbye to Old Man Lu and goes back to his rented courtyard at Red Street.

When he goes into the courtyard, he finds a visitor waiting for him.

"Hello! Young master, are you the want looking for these things?" The boy shows him his wanted poster at food street.

"Yes, do you have any news?" Lin Yun asks him while he probes the boy's mind. The boy is none other than the one who swindled Lin Yun's horse at food street. The boy does not recognizes him since he is in disguise.

"Yes, Young Master. The one you called sweet potato is grown in the nearby village outside the city. For the grass, it's grown at every garden." The boy replies.

"Good" Lin Yun throws him a storage bag containing 100 gold coins. " This is the award for the information. What's your name and do you want to work for me collecting these plants?"

"Young master, I am called Zhang Feng. I'm willing to work." The boy replies.

He is 15 year old and living with his sister in a rent. He tries to earn money from here and there. He is quick witted. So, Lin Yun plans to use the boy.

"Good, I will make you the supplier of my newly opening restaurant." Lin Yun tells him.

"Where is your restaurant young master?" The boy wants to know.

"It's newly constructing at plot No. 231 at south district." Lin Yun informs him.

"Keep the storage but don't let other see it. Otherwise, you may attract troubles. Here, 400 more gold coins. Starts collecting the sweet potato and the lemon grass. Find out if it is grown at other village too. And if you hear any interesting or peculiar news, inform me. okay?" Lin Yun gives him more gold coins.

The boy is overjoyed. It's 500,000 silver coins.

"Thanks young master" The boy thanks.

"Work hard. I will arrange a good courtyard for you are your sister." Lin Yun encourage the boy.

The boy is excited and he does not think too much about Lin Yun mentioning his sister. He has not told about his sister to Lin Yun. Lin Yun picks up from his mind.

"Yes Young Master" The boy happily skips away.

After resting for a while, he goes out to have lunch. Then, he comes back to the academy.


A beautiful girl kneeling before a handsome man sitting on a fur chair made of Sabre Tooth Fire Tiger. Girl is using her mouth to to pleasure him.

The man is reading some reports.


The man slaps on the table. It startles the girl and her teeth bite on the man's cock in her mouth.

"Aah! You bitch" The man slaps the girl. The girl stumbles on the floor coughing blood from her mouth.

She gets up hurriedly and kneel down and begs mercy.

"Lord , have mercy, have mercy. Please forgive me"

"Who's out there?" The man shouts outside.

A black cloth man walks in. "Yes, Young Master"

"Drag this bitch out and let the brothers take turns" The man orders.

The girls keeps crying and begging but the black clothed man drags her outside.

"Lin Yun did not die. And some one robs our shop? I think it's time for me to go home." The man speak to himself.

"Xiao Liang?" The man calls.

Another black cloth man enters. " Yes, Young Master"

"Inform brothers that we are going home tomorrow. Tell them that I will let them fuck capital city women" The man orders.

"Yes, young master." Xiao Liang obeys and retreats outside to relay the news.

The man is none other than Lin Yun's love rival, Huo Long. He is a dragon. He takes whatever he want. He is inborn king. He does not submit to anyone.