Merlin Arsln

Lucas wearing a white shirt and blue jeans, casually walked through the inner area. His eyes were bright and his gait confident.

While walking some of the residents will politely greet him and some would outright ignore him.

While curiously observing he came to the conclusion that not many people knew him or should say they didn't knew that he is Lucas Arsln. And those who knew all politely greeted and some even started to flatter him. If it was any other, all those suck-up and flattering will probably cause their pride and arrogance to soar through the roof.

But Lucas was cautious and sensible, he dealt everything smoothly without causing any discontent forming in others.

System had a epic memory, any information Lucas have heard or seen after he was born was recorded in the System Library.

System Library have a lot of information on a variety of subjects, but it was in bits and pieces and mostly related to magical studies.

Without any other choice Lucas decided to venture out. To know more about something, it will be best to interact with it. So after thinking for a long while, Lucas decided to hit the streets and observe, interact and act if needed to.

If one focused his or her attention on Lucas, they will quickly discern that Lucas had a dazed look on his face. But his steps were calm and steady.

Lucas was communicating with System.

'System can't you just feed me information little by little?'

System responded right away.

[Ding! Host's soul hasn't stabilized yet. Excessive information flow may risk damage to the soul.]

Lucas lived mostly in the inner area, he only needed to go out for accompanying his uncle or his cousins or for his secret deals.

He didn't owned any vehicles it was not because he was poor or didn't know to drive but he never felt the need to. Whenever he wanted to go out, there were bodyguards and servants his grandfather arranged for him, they will take care of his needs. Any items he needed he could just order them to buy for him and they will buy as long as he had money in his account.

Lucas was provided with a luxurious Ether-speed car with the symbol of Arsln Family. Where ever his magical Ether-speed car arrives everyone around will know by the mere sight that Lucas is an important member of Arsln Family. In the case for going to Underhood Market, he didn't want any kind of attention, even from pedestrians. So he commonly used cabs, as for when leaving with his uncle or his cousin, they will always come to pick up.

Finally he found his cousin's garage. Lucas swept his SmartWatch on the detector. Slowly the mechanisms unlocked and entry was allowed.

Every single one of the automobile here was not any ordinary one, some are modified by MagiTech and some are limited edition Ether-speed Automobiles with various MagiTech facilities. Lucas couldn't identify any brands, he didn't know to spot the differences, from system he came to know that MagiTech represents a mega level company and technological fusion of electrical technology and magical technology.

He sighed at his own ignorance.


In the middle of the prosperous City of Datura, the B.Street situated in the middle of the city is where most of the top business corporations have their branches and some even have headquarters located.

On one of the skyscrapers was where a huge symbol of 'ER' was placed on the top. The name of the building was 'Evenrise Building' the headquarters of Evenrise Corporation. On one of the top floors a middle-aged man was sitting in a luxurious leather chair, he had an aura and dignity of a capable leader in him. He had a burly build, his dignified look only gave him a charm that is hard to look over.

He was Merlin Arsln, Lucas's uncle.

The oppressive aura let out by him will never cause someone to associate with the gentle, warm uncle Lucas met yesterday.

"So did you found out where he is now?"

The bodyguard in front of him wearing black suit and black sunglasses immediately responded respectfully.

"Yes, 20min ago he was seen on Walker Street No. 21, the observers believes that he is simply wandering around without any specific directions. He didn't avoid the tracking this time. And.."

The bodyguard briefly hesitated, he didn't know if it is appropriate to say more.

Merlin was surprised to see the hesitation on his bodyguard's face. Merlin was curious.

"What is it? Cale, you can say what's on your mind, it is not like we don't know each other."

Cale lightly smiled. "Some of the people tailing Young Master Lucas reported to me that …that they think they all have been founded by Young Master Lucas."

Merlin's eyes lit up hearing Cale's report. He mumbled something under his breath and looked at Cale.

"Ask him to come here. Today I am eating lunch with my dear nephew."

Cale received his order and exited the room.

Merlin slowly curled his lip. "Oh Dear Nephew, did your blood boiled after witnessing the fight or did you get a sudden epiphany."


Lucas continued to stroll and look over many vendors, if he found something unknown or interesting he will immediately seek system and if system wasn't helpful he directly use his SmartWatch and check in internet. The world of internet in this world [Sea-Mist Plane] is mainly business oriented, entertainment and information related were in small quantities. Even so there were plenty of interesting news, games and similar entertainments in the web.

"Now next stop, Sky Imperium Palace."

Lucas walked over to his black car, it let out a overwhelming aura. It was obvious that the car was extraordinary and the materials used to build was enough to bankrupt many families.

Lucas comfortably sat on the driver's seat and turned on Ether Navigation System. A system similar to GPS.

[Welcome to the Zenlon ENS. A Guide to All]

"Set Position: Sky Imperi.."

Knock.. Knock

Interrupting him a knock resounded in the car, someone was knocking on the glasses. Lowering the glasses Lucas glanced at the stranger, he quickly recognized him, it was one of the people tailing him for sometime.

Three people were trailing him from the moment he walked out of the inner area. As he didn't felt the need to hide his activities and didn't sense any ill intentions from the group he let them be.

Even though the tracers were excellent. As long as they didn't use any magical means or some mysterious abilities he could easily detect them. In his previous life, he had risen from the underworld and ruled it. He wouldn't have survived if he didn't have adequate abilities and tricks up his sleeve.

He didn't feel the need to hide his abilities, sooner or latter it will be revealed, it was just a matter of time. So he had already decided that the best option is to reveal his capabilities slowly.

Lucas tilted his head and asked in a lazy tone.

"What is it?"

The man respectfully answered. "Young Master Lucas, Sir Merlin passed a message to you."

Lucas quickly cast away his lazy look and looked once more at the messenger.

"So you guys were the ones tailing me. Okay, Tell me the message."

"He asks you to join him on lunch, Sir Merlin will be waiting for you at the office."

Lucas looked at the sky, it was high noon. 'So he want me to go directly to meet him.'

Lucas gave the man a reluctant nod and said. "Tell him I am on the way."

Lucas started his car and took off without waiting for any response from his uncle's subordinate.

A meeting with Merlin Arsln put a huge pressure on Lucas, since his grandfather, uncle and his cousins where the only people the past Lucas interacted with, there were also the people who were most familiar with past Lucas.

Last time when he met with Merlin Arsln he just acted tired and only responded occasionally, So no doubt surfaced.

But thinking more he felt there is no need to worry much. Lucas was now 15, a time were mood swings are common, impulsive behavior is common and a time where curiosity and energy is at the peak, some changes are inevitable. As long as I haven't deviated too much from the past Lucas's behavioral pattern, everything will be fine.

'This time i would need System in a lot of ways.'

Driving through the bustling streets Lucas enjoyed his driving, after regaining his calm state of mind he increased the speed.


Standing in the elevator Lucas tried his best to calm his beating heart.


The elevator slowly opened with a melodious sound. Going through his memories one more time Lucas went straight to his office. After asking permission Lucas entered without hesitation.

Smiling warmly Merlin welcomed Lucas.

"Come sit down, How is it going on lately? Is everything fine? Do you need any help? Just tell me if you need any thing."

Hearing the concern filled voice, the heart of Lucas which was always vigilant upon the unknown unfamiliar world, slowly started to open up.

Lucas warmly smiled and curiously asked.

"Uncle why do you think I need any help?"

Merlin showed a helpless expression.

"I heard you didn't do any experiment yesterday and today too you've stayed away from the your laboratory, you've not even visited the library. This happens only when you're upset or have encountered any problem."

Even though Merlin asked Lucas many times to get some fresh air, not even once Lucas listened to him. Merlin was worried something happened at the unexpected change.

Lucas was surprised and thought 'Did the me from before was like this?'

"You've misunderstood me, I was just thinking that from now on I should be more active and get out more."

"I am still in my youth, so I should not just be cooped up in home all the time."

Merlin was surprised and delighted at his answer.

"Good, good. Let's eat lunch, a famous chef have arrived from Rainlight region, and I have asked for him to prepare the lunch. Be sure to eat as much as you want."

Lucas nodded with a light smile.

"Oh, Uncle Merlin I need a good body tempering technique, I feel my body is too weak and want to train it some."

After pondering for some moments he replied.

"Alright, I will tell Cale to send you some names of top body tempering techniques including their brief description along with some known facts of the techniques. Just select an appropriate one and send him your choice."

Merlin quickly asked for Cale and gave him some orders.

After that Merlin brought Lucas to a dining hall near the Evenrise building. While walking they chatted.

"Hmm, I heard you're interested in the incident happened at the free market yesterday."

Lucas was at first surprised but after thinking about the influence Evenrise Corporation have, he quickly sorted his thoughts.

"Yes, I was there when the fight took place. I felt there were too many questionable points in it."

Merlin gave him a deep look and bluntly said "Don't you try to put your nose into this. Many large organization are looking into it, it's not good to meddle in these affairs, you're too weak right now. Take care of yourself first. After you get sufficient strength you can poke your nose."