

??? Unknown time


Karma Toketsuki's Pov


As I woke up,I was surprised as i still retained consciousness."Am I not dead?Am I in a coma?"I asked myself.I was befuddled as all i could see was darkness.As i was wondering if this was how people in a coma felt,a voice came out of nowhere, startling me.

"Yo!" I turned around,hearing a girlish voice behind me,not knowing what to expect."Who are you?Is this the afterlife?" I knew i was dead as if I was in a coma,there would definitely be no one around;unless I've gone insane.Thankfully,I knew for sure that i had not gone insane due to me finding a teenage girl seating on a chair behind me.

"Yep!This is the 'afterlife' as you call it.Its real name is Nirvana though.I'm the goddess of Life and Death,Mira!" The girl introduces herself and as soon as she did,the area I was in changed into a beautiful room that resembles an office.The decorations were stunning and were quite literally and figuratively out of the world.

"So what am i doing here?"Karma inquired,hoping to get some answers to clear his confusion.

"I'm giving you a chance at living again.Albeit in a different world."Mira replies with a mischievous tone."Where will I be living in?What would happen to me?What do i have to do?"Karma was quite shocked at this revelation.If those reincarnation novels he read often had taught him anything,it would be : there is a reason for you reincarnating.Be it due to God's mistake,your 'karma' or something.

Karma was quite anxious as he did not know what he had done to deserve this.

"Hehehe,you get to live in any world you wish,be it fantasy,magical,cultivation.Basically anything.You would become a newborn baby to a family of your choosing if you wish so too.Well,you got this chance because i was very bored and due to you being here.Do you know how rare it is for a soul to be in here without any intervention?"Mira replied,seeming satisfied with my questions.

"Oh and you get a system or whatever those novels call it and 6 wishes!Be sure to thank me for my generosity! <3"She playfully adds.

"T...Thank you,Mira-sama?"I replied,stuttering a bit due to the shock at the weight of her words.If this was true,which it obviously is,I would get to live in my favorite anime worlds!

"You can drop the -Sama.You can't wish for infinite anything with your wishes too.No infinite wishes or stats ok! This is to keep things fun :P" Mira teasingly replies,seeming happy with me.

"Thank you Mira!Do I have to state my wishes now?"I ask,hoping I could get used to everything first so that i can use my wishes in emergency situations.

"Well,for now yes.But,as soon as you are in the womb of your mother,you will have to use them."Mira explains to me."Alright.Mira,I want to be born in the Boku No Hero Academia universe in the Todoroki family.May I be the twin brother of Shoto Todoroki?"I ask,with hope.

"Yes.I hope you have fun and do entertain me a little.Cya!"Mira informs me."Goodbye and thank you, Mira."

As soon as i said that,I blacked out.*Ding!User registered.Soul Bonding...Done!Welcome,user.

As soon as i woke up,I saw a game interface.(This must be the System Mira talked about)(System!I can use you via my thoughts right?) Karma wanted to confirm the uses of the system.[Yes.The user have received a 'Beginner package for Karma the Noob' from Mira-Sama]

(....)Speechless.That one word could describe his current feelings.(System, can I call you Izza?Also,can you tell me your functions?)Karma asked.[Of course you can call me Izza!Thanks <3 and sure,give me a second.](Izza you are sentient?)[Yes!]Izza's voice changed from a mechanical tone to a more girlish tone.