Robots getting Rekt and First Day

Well,time to go into the venue.As usual,everything goes according to the anime script. Midoriya gets called out for murmuring to himself and such.Apart from getting stared at due to how handsome i am,nothing else really changed.

The exam rules are currently being explained.I know this exam is way too easy as i can easily destroy the whole venue by teleporting it into lava or something like that but nah.I'm planning to go above average so that I'll make it into class 1-A.

As the round begins,I spread out my Observation Haki.These past 10 or so years have been spent improving my abilities and practicing my skills.My Haki basically is at the pinnacle being lvl10.Let me equate that for you[I'm the one who did it.Don't steal credit]Izza interrupts me. Alright,I'm sorry.Its due to Izza's hard work and painstaking efforts that I can equate this for you.Back to the topic at hand.My observation Haki is better then Katakuri's aka i can see into the future more than him.My armament Haki is slightly better then Garp's. Slightly only though.As for my conqueror's Haki, it should be on par with Shanks.

While explaining the fruits of my labor to you guys,the explaination ends and the examination is about to start.I decided to destroy 3 blocks worth of robots.Above average?Screw that,I changed my mind.Imma go above and beyond and become the top scorer to impress Momo.

With that,I used UBW(Unlimited Blade Works) to create a gun.Yep;A gun,Original,aren't I?Well,I used the gun to fire penetration rounds (Lenny face) at the robots' heads.Oh and,they are explosive.Did i forget to mention I'm shooting these bullets out via a machine gun?

Within moments the 2 blocks adjacent to this block including itself,were devastated. Littered with holes everywhere,mock buildings destroyed and crumbling down,this and the 2 adjacent blocks will in the future be forbidden areas known to examines as The Forgotten Warzone.

The teachers in the command center were flabbergasted at the results of Karma's mayhem.(I wonder if all the teachers will let out a 'Dragon's Roar' if they found out I went easy.Hmmm...)

Well,after waiting 10 or so minutes,the exam finally ended.With that said,a week later the result were released and as expected,I was accepted into class 1-A.Henceforth I shall now influence the plot even if it is a little.

Onto the first day of school!As me,Shoto and Momo walked in the class together,we got all the attention.2 handsome dudes with a beautiful lady was enough to attract plenty of attraction.Who wouldn't appreciate such fine works of art?[Stop being a narcissist Karma.Though i agree with you.]Izza poured water over his head but Karma didn't mind it.

Momo then introduced herself,Me and Shoto to our classmates.We then take our seats.I seat next to Shoto effectively replacing Tokoyami. Tokoyami replaces Mineta's original seat while Mineta seat at the rear end of the classroom,slightly separated from the others;appearing slightly lonely and desolated. Sero's original seat was taken up by Momo.

Our classmates called us the "3 Musketeers".We didn't care much because the 3 of us practically hang out together.Except Shoto. He obviously doesn't follow me and Momo out when we go on dates.Yes,we actually confessed to each other at the same time.I said something cheesy like "I can't live without you" or something along those lines even though i despise cheesy lines.I wonder why though.(Because I'm slightly lazy and for quicker plot progression?>-<)

Momo was blushing heavily;like as in you can see a slight tone of red on her ears.Her eyes were teary(Tears of happiness.Not sadness)and with tears crawling down her cheeks,gave me a killer smile whilst giving me a hug.Her mountains nearly suffocated me during the hug but she seemed to realize this halfway through and immediately released me.We kissed each other;not deeply yet satisfying to the both of us.