Onto another planet.

As I walked out of school,I asked Izza how many times can the Gacha be used In a hour.[About 50,why?](Its because of my Amulet charms.Since it increases my luck by 50 for an hour,I plan to use it on the Gacha.)I explained.[It would work,but the luck only boosts your chances of getting higher rarity items and maybe if you are lucky enough,you can get the item you are ether thinking of while spinning the Gacha or,get an item which will help your current situation.]

(Wait,do the 2 Amulets stack?!)I asked Izza.[Yes.I assume you are going to use them for the Gacha?](Yep)I confirmed with Izza.

With that,I used my quirk to visit another world.Usually when I start getting bored I would go to other worlds to enjoy their food or entertainment to get rid of my boredom.

I then step through the portal. As I do,I blinked.I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.(Tsk)I felt the pain.I was in disbelief due to the world I am in right now.I was back in Home sweet home,Earth.I checked the date and sure enough,the amount of time spent in both worlds had been the same,about 15 years have passed since I died.

I then used my Observation Haki to see if i can find my friends.I found them in a house,meeting and chatting with one another.I knew the house belonged to me,at least it used to.I then went into the room while using my Space Control quirk to bend space around me so that they would not see me.

"Congrats!Your plan worked out dude!"They were celebrating about their success.I felt happy that they succeeded in whatever they were doing so I stayed to listen to their achievements."So how much are you going to invest?"I recognize him to be Rikado."I'll give you 10% shares each at about a Million per 1%."He started being serious.They were talking about Rikado's new company which were about new technology and computer stuff.I saw what he was doing was good as he was giving out some of the profits to charity.

"Deal!"The rest of my friends said.It seems to me that they have enjoyed life and stayed in contact with one another even after my death."If only there was Karma...Then it would have been perfect."Kagami said out loud without thinking.He covers his mouth before apologizing,"Sorry guys,I guess i really can't put his incident behind me."

"Don't worry,Kagami.We also can't do it.He sacrificed his life for us.We can only pay him back by enjoying life to the fullest so that his sacrifice would not be in vain.Lets give him some offerings later in the temple."Andrew consoled,hoping to put a stop to the topic.

I felt touched that they didn't forget about my sacrifice and how they have not forgotten about me even after all these years.Although I came here randomly to have fun,after hearing this I started to get teary.This was an example of true bros.

When the meeting ended,there was a sad atmosphere around them.I followed Rikado to his house and while following him,I bought designs for computers from the system to give him.I also decided to add a note to it hoping that it would allow them to live on and forget about me as i wanted them to enjoy life to the fullest and not be held back by me.

After putting the designs and the note into an envelope,I placed it on the table next to his bed.As I walked out of his house,I cried and thanked each and everyone of my friends for remembering me.

With that,I put this memory at the back of my head, teleporting to another country.A small country but a fun and nice one,nonetheless.I had always wanted to visit this country before my death.Its name?Singapore.